Data Governance

The Data Governance and Custodial Committee (DGCC) was created in 2020 and charged by the Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC) to provide a data governance structure for UWM, allowing the campus, via the committee’s work, to prioritize and ensure consistency of data reporting, to provide guidance and oversight in developing campus-wide definitions of important data terms and ensuring their transparency in reports, and to develop actionable plans and priorities for the future of business intelligence at UWM—including the capital, personnel, technical, and political resources needed to realize these goals. Through consultation with campus leadership in the form of ITAC, DGCC will pursue these goals, with a membership drawn from subject matter experts within business units with an understanding of current data needs and aspirational goals, central IT staff with a pragmatic understanding of the technical environment, and appropriate members from administrative units to provide a perspective of the mission and long-term institutional vision. 

Questions about this group can be directed to



Members of the committee are drawn from units on campus who by the nature of their duties must produce reports, are involved in the support of the data warehouse or other sources of data on campus on the system level. In line with the goals outlined above, the committee will review, in conjunction with ITAC, the committee membership every two years. The following units are established as units with representation on the committee:

Undergraduate Admissions

Graduate Admissions

Business and Financial Services

Financial Aid

Human Resources

Office of Assessment and Institutional Research

Registrar’s Office

School/College Representation in the form of members, no more than 3 total, each from different units

Office of Research IT

UITS Information Security Office

UITS Information Systems Office

UITS Enterprise Data Management (ex officio)