Faculty/students author top cited ANS article in 2020

Collage of faculty and student portraits

The “Advances in Nursing Science” Advisory Board recently reported that the article, “The Role of Nurses as Allies Against Racism and Discrimination: An Analysis of Key Resistance Movements of Our Time” is among the top ten ANS articles viewed on the journal website, as well as the top-cited item of 2020.

Authors include College of Nursing doctoral students and faculty: Jennifer Weitzel, MS, RN; Jeneile Luebke, MS, RN; Linda Wesp, PhD, RN, FNP-BC; Maria Del Carmen Graf, MSN, RN, CTN-A; Ashley Ruiz, BSN, RN; Anne Dressel, PhD, CFPH, MLIS, MA; and Lucy Mkandawire-Valhmu, PhD, RN.