One degree, three options

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Many people cringe when they think about going back to school. They are already working a full-time job, are possibly parents, and already feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and commitments.

RN’s are no different. In fact, RN’s likely feel a little crazier than the rest of the world right now. Going back to school is probably not a high priority… but it is possible. With a BS in Nursing, many more doors can open, including a promotion or a salary bump.

Most people will agree that the money, time, and energy invested in this education will pay off.

Many people do not know that UW- Milwaukee offers one forward-thinking curriculum in three flexible modes of learning which include BSN@Home, BSN@Work/School, and UW Flex Option.

  • The BSN@Home program is entirely at the student’s own pace. The program is cooperatively administered by six UW System campuses. Your home campus will work with you to determine an academic plan that fits you, but there is still the ability to change that plan if you want to complete your degree faster or if need to take it down a notch.

RN to BS in Nursing Alumna Eden Gray, a full-time labor and delivery nurse who works the night shift, says the BSN @Home program was truly instrumental in allowing her to achieve her goal of earning her bachelor’s degree. “The ability to work on classwork when it is easiest for you and still be present within a group of classmates is really the perfect way to learn in my opinion. The advisors are all phenomenal and are so encouraging. They truly invest in your education and provide all the resources needed to succeed.

  • The BSN@Work and School offer face-to-face courses taught at local hospitals and technical colleges. For example, Froedtert and Milwaukee Area Technical College.
  • The UW-FLEX option is a competency-based, self-paced structure. There is no live class time, you complete your assignments when it is convenient to you. There is flat rate tuition, and you can get started at any time. To top it off, students get personalized advising by academic success coaches and supportive faculty who have once probably been in your shoes.

Mark Herro has been working at St. Luke’s Medical Center for the last five years. He shares, “The RN to BS program allows me to take my classes at my own pace, work full time, still be an effective father, and stay on track to graduate in a timely manner. The courses are organized, communication with faculty is seamless, the syllabus assigned to each course is thorough, and if there are any questions faculty responds in a timely manner.” He also goes on to praise his advisor, saying she is “integral to the retention of the students within this program.”

We encourage you to learn more about the UW-Milwaukee RN to BS in Nursing program options.