- treisra@uwm.edu
- 414-229-3204
- Cunningham Hall 580
Ruth Treisman, MSN, RN, APNP-BC
- Clinical Assistant Professor
Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s College of Nursing in 1997, Mrs. Treisman was a Nurse Practitioner at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. She began her professional career in nursing as an Operating Room Nurse in Grand Rapids and Royal Oak, Michigan, Once completing her Master’s Degree at the University of Michigan, she worked in College Health at Bellevue Community College in Seattle and at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. When moving to Milwaukee, she joined UWM as a Clinical Assistant Professor. She also worked in the private sector focusing on Hematology and Oncology. Her nursing work is heavily focused on health education and promotion, primary care and clinical intervention in the hematology and oncology adult populations.