- talsma@uwm.edu
- Cunningham Hall 627
AkkeNeel Talsma, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Associate Professor
Awards & Honors
Intellectual Contributions
Bourgault, A. M., Voss, J. G., Stanfill, A. G., McCarthy, A. M., Matthews, E. E., Talsma, A., Loerzel, V., Henderson, W. A., Kinser, P. A., & Hershberger, P. E. (2022 (epub 2021)). Strategies to enhance the success of mid-career nurse scientists. Nursing Outlook, 70(1), 127-136. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2021.06.015
Holt, J. M., Cusatis, R., Winn, A., Asan, O., Spanbauer, C., Williams, J. S., Flynn, K. E., Somai, M., Talsma, A., Laud, P., Makoul, G., & Crotty, B. H. (2021). Impact of pre-visit contextual data collection on patient-physician communication and patient activation: A randomized trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36(11), 3321-3329. doi:10.1007/s11606-020-06583-7
Albert, N. M., Chipps, E., Klein, C. J., Briskin, I., Falkenberg Olson, A. C., Liu Hand, L., Harmon, M. M., Heitschmidt, M., & Talsma, A. (2022). A cross-sectional study of United States Academic-clinical research collaborations: Characteristics, resources, benefits and outcomes. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(3/4), 435-444. doi:10.1111/jocn.15597
Kalisch, B., McLaughlin, M., Marsh, V., Nguyen, L., & Talsma, A. (2021). The development and testing of the MISSCARE Survey OR. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 29(3), 541-555. doi:10.1891/jnm-d-19-00039
Holt, J. M., Winn, A., Cusatis, R., Talsma, A., & Crotty, B. H. (2021). Racial disparities in patient activation: The role of economic diversity. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 43(6), 517-529. doi:10.1177/0193945920963130
Hershberger, P. E., Minton, M., Voss, J. G., McCarthy, A. M., Murrock, C. J., Topp, R., and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Midcareer faculty needs identified by the Midwest Nursing Research Society Midcareer Scholars Task Force.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 41.5 (2019): 762-783.
Kaoutzanis, C, Kavanagh, C M., Leichtle, S W., Welch, K B., Talsma, AkkeNeel, Vandewarker, J F., Lampman, R M., and Cleary, R K. “Chlorhexidine with isopropyl alcohol versus iodine povacrylex with isopropyl alcohol and alcohol- versus nonalcohol-based skin preparations: The incidence of and readmissions for surgical site infections after colorectal operations.” Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 58.6 (2015): 588-96.
Bathish, M, McLaughlin, M, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Relationship between operating room nursing staff expertise and patient outcomes.” Journal of Nursing Care Quality 30.2 (2015): 167-74.
Collins, S J., Newhouse, R, Porter, J, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Effectiveness of the Surgical Safety Checklist in correcting errors: A literature review applying Reason's Swiss cheese model.” AORN Journal 100.1 (2014): 65-79.e5.
O'Brien, D D., Shanks, A M., Talsma, AkkeNeel, Brenner, P S., and Ramachandran, S K. “Intraoperative risk factors associated with postoperative pressure ulcers in critically ill patients: A retrospective observational study.” Critical Care Medicine 42.1 (2014): 40-47.
Fore, A M., Karvonen-Gutierrez, C A., Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Duffy, S A. “Nurses' delivery of the Tobacco Tactics intervention at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center.” Journal of Clinical Nursing 23.15-16 (2014): 2162-2169.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Jones, K, Guo, Y, Wilson, D, and Campbell, D A. “Relationship between operating room nursing staff expertise and patient outcomes.” Journal of Patient Safety 10.3 (2014): 133-9.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, McLaughlin, M, Bathish, M, Sirihorachai, R, and Kuttner, R. “The Quality, Implementation, and Evaluation Model: A clinical practice model for sustainable interventions.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 36.7 (2014): 929-946.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Galecki, A, Chenoweth, C E., Geun, H, and Campbell, D A. “Baseline measure of alcohol-based skin preparation agents before 2011 National Quality Forum recommendation in a general surgery population.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 34.11 (2013): 1211-1214.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Anderson, C, Geun, H, Guo, Y, and Campbell, D A. “Evaluation of or staffing and postoperative patient outcomes.” AORN Journal 97.2 (2013): 230-242.
Voepel-Lewis, T, Pechlavanidis, E, Burke, C, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Nursing surveillance moderates the relationship between staffing levels and pediatric postoperative serious adverse events: A nested case-control study.” International Journal of Nursing Studies 50.7 (2013): 905-913.
Voepel-Lewis, T, Wagner, D, Burke, C, Tait, A R., Hemberg, J, Pechlivanidis, E, Malviya, S, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Early adjuvant use of nonopioids associated with reduced odds of serious postoperative opioid adverse events and need for rescue in children.” Paediatric Anaesthesia 23.2 (2013): 162-169.
Wilson, D, Redman, R W., Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Aebersold, M. “Differences in perceptions of patient safety culture between charge and noncharge nurses: Implications for effectiveness outcomes research.” Nursing Research and Practice 2012. (2012): 847626.
Tschannen, D, Bates, O, Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Guo, Y. “Patient-specific and surgical characteristics in the development of pressure ulcers.” American Journal of Critical Care 21.2 (2012): 116-125.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Christov, C P., Terriente-Felix, A, Linneweber, G A., Perea, D, Wayland, M, Shafer, O T., and Miguel-Aliaga, I. “Remote control of renal physiology by the intestinal neuropeptide pigment-dispersing factor in Drosophila.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109.30 (2012): 12177-12182.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Chenoweth, C E. Review of evidence for alcohol-based skin preparation agents. 33.10 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2012: 1059-60.
Tschannen, D, Talsma, AkkeNeel, Reinemeyer, N, Belt, C, and Schoville, R. “Nursing medication administration and workflow using computerized physician order entry.” Computers, Informatics, Nursing : CIN 29.7 (2011): 401-410.
Tschannen, D, Talsma, AkkeNeel, Gombert, J, and Mowry, J L. “Using the TRIP model to disseminate an IT-based pressure ulcer intervention.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 33.3 (2011): 427-442.
Anderson, C, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Characterizing the structure of operating room staffing using social network analysis.” Nursing Research 60.6 (2011): 378-385.
Wilson, D S., Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Martyn, K. “Mindful staffing: A qualitative description of charge nurses' decision-making behaviors.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 33.6 (2011): 805-824.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Tschannen, D, Guo, Y, and Kazemi, J. “Evaluation of the Pressure Ulcer Prevention Clinical Decision Report for Bedside Nurses in Acute Care Hospitals.” Applied Clinical Informatics 2.4 (2011): 508-521.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Chard, R, Kleiner, C, Anderson, C, and Geun, H. “AORN and University of Michigan School of Nursing Research Alliance.” AORN Journal 93.6 (2011): 761-766.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Jones, K, Liu, G, and Campbell, D A. “Failure to Rescue Measure: Validation of community- and hospital-acquired complications.” The Journal of Nursing Administration 40.10 (2010): 417-423.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Bahl, V, and Campbell, D A. “Exploratory analyses of the 'Failure to Rescue' measure: Evaluation through medical record review.” Journal of Nursing Care Quality 23.3 (2008): 202-210.
Valade, D, Orlik, A B., Mohr, R, Debold, V, Talsma, AkkeNeel, McDonald, B, and Simmer, T. “From public testimony to vehicle for statewide action: Experience of the Michigan State Commission on Patient Safety.” Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 2: Culture and Redesign). Ed. Henrikson, K., Battles, J. B., Keyes, M. A., and Grady, M. L. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, (2008).
Talsma, AkkeNeel, Grady, P A., Feetham, S, Heinrich, J, and Steinwachs, D M. “The perfect storm: Patient safety and nursing shortages within the context of health policy and evidence-based practice.” Nursing Research 57.1 Suppl. (2008): S15-S21.
Manojlovich, M, and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Identifying nursing processes to reduce failure to rescue.” The Journal of Nursing Administration 37.11 (2007): 504-509.
O'Reilly, M, Talsma, AkkeNeel, VanRiper, S, Kheterpal, S, and Burney, R. “An anesthesia information system designed to provide physician-specific feedback improves timely administration of prophylactic antibiotics.” Anesthesia and Analgesia 103.4 (2006): 908-912.
Wahl, W L., Talsma, AkkeNeel, Dawson, C, Dickinson, S, Pennington, K, Wilson, D, Arbabi, S, and Taheri, P A. “Use of computerized ICU documentation to capture ICU core measures.” Surgery 140.4 (2006): 684-9; discussion 690.
Nolan, E, VanRiper, S, Talsma, AkkeNeel, Mageno, L, Richter, A, Kearly, G, Kendrick, C, Leggett, S, Crissey, J, Tsai, T, Blackford, G, Shlafer, J, Montoye, C, Mehta, R, Koelling, T, Cody, R, and Eagle, K. “Rapid-cycle improvement in quality of care for patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction or heart failure: Moving from a culture of missed opportunity to a system of accountability.” The Journal of Cardiovascular Management 16.1 (2005): 14-19.
Talsma, AkkeNeel, and Abraham, I L. “Nursing and health care for an aging society: The case of The Netherlands.” Journal of Gerontological Nursing 23.9 (1997): 37-44.
Macnee, C L., and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Development and testing of the Barriers to Cessation Scale.” Nursing Research 44.4 (1995): 214-219.
Monto, A S., Ohmit, S E., Margulies, J R., and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Medical practice-based influenza surveillance: Viral prevalence and assessment of morbidity.” American Journal of Epidemiology 141.6 (1995): 502-506.
Macnee, C L., and Talsma, AkkeNeel. “Predictors of progress in smoking cessation.” Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.) 12.4 (1995): 242-248.
Foster, D A., Talsma, AkkeNeel, Furumoto-Dawson, A, Ohmit, S E., Margulies, J R., Arden, N H., and Monto, A S. “Influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing hospitalization for pneumonia in the elderly.” American Journal of Epidemiology 136.3 (1992): 296-307.
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