- julia@uwm.edu
- Cunningham Hall 689
Julia Snethen, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Professor
Dr. Snethen has research, teaching, and clinical experience in caring for children with chronic conditions, including end-stage renal disease, transplantation, childhood obesity, and maternal-infant care. Emerging from those experiences, Dr. Snethen’s research addresses caring for children with a chronic condition, their parents, and siblings, with a focus on childhood obesity research. The research conducted by Dr. Snethen has evolved into incorporating the promotion of health and wellness across populations of children and their families, from birth to emerging adulthood. Further research conducted by Dr. Snethen has explored the familial unit, children’s and parent’s view of the familial environment, and decision-making to identify effective prevention and management of excess weight in children. Much of Dr. Snethen’s research continues to be conducted within the Latino community. Currently, in partnership with a team of community and research colleagues, Dr. Snethen’s research is on the stigma attached to the chronic condition of obesity. Additionally, Dr. Snethen has been working with members of the American Academy of Nursing Child, Adolescent and Family expert panel members to research the effects of the pandemic and racism on childhood obesity.
Threaded throughout Dr. Snethen’s professional career as a nurse scientist Dr. Snethen has actively engaged in evidence based practice and quality improvement projects within the maternal-infant population contributing to clinical, policy, and research endeavors. Dr. Snethen has worked Sigma Theta Tau International with funding by Johnson & Johnson, in their Maternal-Child Health Nursing Leadership Academy initiatives. Working with nurses around the U.S. and Canada, Dr. Snethen has facilitated research, evidence based practice, and quality improvement projects that promoted maternal-child health. Dr. Snethen’s pivotal work enabled maternal-child health initiatives with nurses included projects to keep mothers and infants together following cesarean birth; Increased skin-to-skin rates to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates at discharge; Neonatal Nursing Handbook development and implementation to improve patient safety; engagement in NICU graduates received follow-up developmental evaluations; ensuring MCH staff received bereavement training; and the promotion of early prenatal care for Somali refugee women to prevent poor birth outcomes.
Post-Doctorate University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI
PhD University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI
MSN Maternal-Child Nursing, University of Texas Medical-Branch-Galveston, Galveston, TX
BS Nursing, Graceland College, Lamoni, IA
Arts & Science, University of Missouri-Columbia
Selected awards and honors
Selected for MNRS Celebrate Excellence - Honor a Researcher, 2019
Selected, WNA Rita Kisting Sparks Excellence in Nursing Education Award, December 15, 2018
Selected, Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, 2017; induction October 7, 2017
Awarded the Faculty Excellence in Education award 2017 for the UWM College of Nursing, from the Daisy Foundation.
Nominated, Advisor of the Year Award for the 2017 Student Excellence Awards ceremony on April 25, 2017, in the Union Ballroom, UWM.
Received, Eta Nu Chapter, STTI, Certificate of Excellence in Leadership Award, February 10, 2017
Nominated, 2016 Daisy Award for Excellence in Education from the UWM College of Nursing
Nominated, 2014 Daisy Award for Excellence in Education at the UWM College of Nursing
Selected, Greater Wisconsin Chapter, Society of Pediatric Nurses Excellence in Nursing Research Award, Oct. 2012
Nominated, 2011 Daisy Award for Excellence in Education at the UWM College of Nursing
Selected, Society of Pediatric Nurses National Excellence in Education Award for 2010
Selected, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Alumni Associations 2009-2010 Award for Teaching Excellence awarded December 3, 2009.
Midwest Nursing Research Society, Pediatric Section, Junior Researcher Award 2007
Teaching Excellence Award, UWM CON 2007 (Student nominated)
New Investigator Award, UWM CON 2006
Teaching Excellence Award, UWM CON 2006 (Student nominated)
Experienced Researcher Award, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Eta Nu Chapter Spring 2005
Harriet Werley Faculty Research Award 2005
Contracts & Grants
Health and Wellness CBPR Program for Latino Youth in a Faith-based Community
Snethen, J. A. (Co-PI), Mikell, Martin (Co-PI), Gonzalez, Cynthia., & Treisman, Pam.
Promotional environment and perception of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) among emerging adults
Sponsored Research
Seok Hyun Gwon, Julia Snethen, Han Joo Lee
Parental Views of Promoting Family Health through Worksite WellnessNorthwestern Mutual Insurance Company
Sponsored Research
Julia Snethen, Jane Kotchen, Marilyn Frenn, Astrida Kaugers, Janet McMahon
Healthy Latino Families: A Nutrition/Exercise Program to Reduce Obesity
Healthy Wisconsin Practice & Partnership
Julia Snethen, C. Cronk, A. C. Snyder, Jeanne Hewitt
Influence of Familial Environment and Decision-Making Patterns on Childhood Obesity
Julia Snethen, M.E. Broome
Healthy Latino Families and Schools: A culturally Appropriate Intervention for Overweight Latino Elementary School Students
Healthy Wisconsin Practice & Partnership
Julia Snethen, C. Cronk, A. C. Snyder, Jeanne Hewitt
National Institutes of Health “Parents’ Health Promoting Behaviors Influence on Overweight Children” #1R21HD055967-01
Julia Snethen, P. Stevens
Adapted Family Eating and Activity Habits Questionnaire-Revised (FEAQ): Pilot Study
Julia Snethen, M. E
Adapted Healthy Lifestyles Behavior Scale: Pilot Study
Julia Snethen, M. E. Broome, N. E. Quinn
Fathers’ perspectives of family eating and activity patterns
Julia Snethen, M. E. Broome.
Parents' Health Promoting Behaviors Influence on Overweight Children
NIH:NICHD (R21) PA-06-298
Julia Snethen
Intellectual Contributions
Bowen, F. R., Lewandowski, L. A., Snethen, J. A., Childs, G., Outlaw, F. H., Greenberg, C. S., Burke, P. J., Sloand, E., Gary, F., & DeSocio, J. (2022). A schema of toxic stress informed by racism, transgenerational stress, and disadvantage. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 36(2), 79-89. doi:10.1016/j.pedhc.2021.08.005
Browne, N. T., Hodges, E. A., Small, L., Snethen, J. A., Frenn, M., Irving, S. Y., Gance-Cleveland, B., & Greenberg, C. S. (2022). Childhood obesity within the lens of racism. Pediatric Obesity, 17, e12878. doi:10.1111/ijpo.12878
Graf, M. D. C. (CON Ph.D. student), Ruiz, A. (CON Ph.D. student), Luebke, J. (former CON Ph.D. student), Olukotun, O. (former CON Ph.D. student), Kendrick, A., Shaw, L. (CON Ph.D. student), Lopez, A. A., Snethen, J., Silvestre, E., & Mkandawire-Valhmu, L. (2022). Application of postcolonial feminist theory, Chicana feminist thought, and black feminist thought in analyzing the mental health needs of Latina migrant farmworkers: a shared legacy. ANS: Advances in Nursing Science, 45(1), 38-52. doi:10.1097/ans.0000000000000399
Bradley, P. K., Cacchione, P. Z., Chan, G., Crisp, N., Dahlin, C., Daoust, P., Davidson, P. M., Davis, S., Doumit, M. A. A., Fink, R. M., Herr, K. A., Hinds, P. S., Hughes, T. L., Karanja, V., Kenny, D. J., King, C. R., Klopper, H. C., Knebel, A. R., Kurth, A. E., Madigan, E. A., Malloy, P., Matzo, M., Mazanec, P., Meghani, S. H., Monroe, T. B., Moreland, P. J., Paice, J. A., Phillips, J. C., Rushton, C. H., Shamian, J., Shattell, M., Snethen, J., Ulrich, C. M., Wholihan, D., Wocial, L. D., & Ferrell, B. R. (2022 (epub 2021)). International consensus-based policy recommendations to advance universal palliative care access from the American Academy of Nursing Expert Panels. Nursing Outlook, 70(1), 36-46. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2021.06.018
Hafez, S., Snethen, J., Ellis, J., Taani, M. H., Ngui, E., & Baothman, A. A. (2021). Mothers caring for a child at end of life: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Practice, 5(1), 36-54. doi:https://doi.org/10.30994.jnp.v5i1.143
Rosa, W. E., Buck, H. G., Squires, A. P., Kozachik, S. L., abu-Saad Huijer, H., Bakitas, M., McGowan Boit, J., Bradley, P. K., Cacchione, P. Z., Chan, G., Crisp, N., Dahlin, C., Daoust, P., Davidson, P. M., Davis, S., Doumit, M. A. A., Fink, R. M., Herr, K. A., Hinds, P. S., Hughes, T. L. . . . Snethen, J. . . . Ferrell, B. R. (2021). American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel consensus statement on nursing's roles in ensuring universal palliative care access. Nursing Outlook, 69(6), 961-968. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2021,06.011
Snethen, J. A. (2021). Eliminating inequities to strengthen nursing capacity and expertise. Nursing Outlook, 69(4), 495-497. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2021.06.016
Yerges, A. L., Snethen, J. A., & Carrel, A. L. (2021). Adolescent girls with overweight and obesity feel physically healthy and highlight the importance of mental health. SAGE Open Nurs, 7, 23779608211018523. doi:10.1177/23779608211018523
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. A., Ngui, E., Ellis, J., & Taani, M. (2021). Pediatric End of Life Care: Impact of Islamic Faith. Western Journal of Nursing Research. 01939459211016503. https://doi.org/10.1177/01939459211016503
Totka, J., Snethen, J. A., & Cox, E. (2021). Youth and Parent Health-Related Quality of Life and Association with Glycemic Outcomes in Preadolescents and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare, 35(1), 64-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2020.07.015
Yerges, A., Snethen, J. A., & Carrel, A. (2021). Adolescent girls with overweight and obesity feel physically healthy and highlight the importance of mental health. SAGE Open Nursing.
Browne NT, Snethen JA, Greenberg CS, Frenn M, Kilanowski JF, Gance-Cleveland B, Burke PJ, Lewandowski L (2021). When pandemics collide: The impact of COVID-19 on childhood obesity. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. S0882-5963(20)30653-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.11.004.
Yerges AL, Snethen JA, Carrel AL. (2021). Female adolescents with overweight and obesity share their perspectives on the clinical setting and weight management. Clinical Obesity, e12415. doi: 10.1111/cob.12415.
Snethen, J. (2020). “Being a Nurse” in the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife Nursing Outlook, 68(3), 255-257.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J.A., & Kelber, S. (2020). Exploring Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Latino Immigrants. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(9), 680-689. doi: 10.1177/0193945919897547.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. & Kelber, S. (2020). Perceptions of Health Promotion and Maintenance among Latinos living in a Faith-Based Community: A Pilot Study. Journal of Christian Nursing, 37(2):100-107. doi: 0.1097/CNJ.0000000000000709.PMID:32149909
Brassil, M. L., Nash, A., Magri, E., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Risk Assessment Screening Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) Postpartum. Virginia Henderson e-repository.
Kendrick, A., Gonzalez, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Development of Postpartum Preeclampsia Video to Promote Patient Education. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/18825
Whitmore, K. E., & Snethen, J. (2018). Respite care services for children with special healthcare needs: Parental perceptions. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 23(3):e12217. doi: 10.1111/jspn.12217.
Snethen, J. A., (2018). Emerging leaders in practice: Identifying and developing them. Nursing Outlook, 66, 1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2017.12.001.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A., Al Gannass, A., Kelber, S. (2017). Relationship between Person’s Beliefs and Diabetes Self-Care Activities. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 35,187-192. doi: 10.1016/j.jvn.2017.07.002.
Sherburne, E., Snethen, J. A., & Kelber, S. (2017). Safety Profile of Children in an Enclosure Bed. Clinical Nurse Specialist Journal, 31, 36-44. DOI: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000261
Muckian, J., Snethen, J. A. & Buseh, A. (2017). School Nurses' Experiences and Perceptions of Farm to School Programs and Healthy Eating School Environments. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 35C, 10-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2017.02.001
Spencer, L., Cupit, T., & Snethen, J. A. (2017). Increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates following delivery. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/623322
Sandino, Y., Clayton, A., & Snethen, J. (2017). Increasing Consumption of Mother's Breastmilk in the NICU. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/62332
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A., Al Gannass, A., & Kelber, S. (2016). Perception of persons with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3, 39-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnss.2016.02.007
Alomepe, J., Buseh, A. G., Awasom, C., & Snethen, J. A. (2016). Life With HIV: Insights from HIV-infected Women in Cameroon, Central Africa. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 27, 654-666. doi: 10.1016/j.jana.2016.04.010.
Snethen, J. A., Broome, M. E., Treisman, P., Castro, E., & Kelber, S. T. (2016). Effective Weight Loss for Children: A Meta-analysis of Intervention Studies 2002-2015. Worldviews in Evidence Based Nursing, 13, 294–302. doi: 10.1111/wvn.12156.
Squires, T., Green, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2016). Implementation of early skin-to-skin in the operating room. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/602498
Spatz, D. L, Snethen, J. A., & Clinton, P. (2016). The Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy: Taking Clinical Leadership to the Next Level. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/603383
Knaust, S., Green, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2016). Bereavement Program for the Perinatal Loss Patient and Family. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/602498
Kaul, M., Snethen, J., Kelber, S. T., Zimmanck, K., Maletta, K., & Meyer, M. (2014). Implementation of the Bedside Paediatric Early Warning System (BedsidePEWS) for nurse identification of deteriorating patients. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 19, 339-349. doi: 10.1111/jspn.12092.
Snethen, J. A., Treisman, R. A., Buseh, A. G., & Kelber, S. T. (2014). Exploring future nurses’ attitudes and beliefs related to childhood overweight. Journal of Nursing Education, 53, (9, Suppl.):S101-S105.
Thompson, J., Harris, S., & Snethen, J. A. (2014). Factors Influencing Failure to Comply with Follow-up Care for High-Risk Newborns. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/308356
Li, C., Stevens, R., & Snethen, J. A. (2014). Development of a Neonatal Nursing Handbook. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/308370
Buxton, B. K. & Snethen, J. (2013). Obese women’s perceptions and experiences of healthcare and primary care providers: a phenomenological study. Nursing Research, 62, 252-259. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e318299a6ba.
Adams, S., Copland, B., & Snethen, J. A. (2012) Somali Refugees Women of Childbearing Age. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/201793
Clegg, L., Madsen, J., & Snethen, J. (2009). All In The Family: Establishing A Family-Centered Recovery Room in a Community Hospital. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/148604
Snethen, J. A., Broome, M. E., Kelber, S., Leicht, S., Joachim, J., & Goretzke, M. (2008). Dietary and physical activity patterns: examining fathers' perspectives. Journal of Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(3), 201-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6155.2008.00154.x.
Snethen, J. A., Goretzke, M., & Hewitt, J. B. (2007). Childhood overweight: The infancy connection. Journal of Obstetrical, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing (JOGGN), 36, 501-10.
Snethen, J. A., Hewitt, J. B., & Petering, D. (2007). One Latino community's perceptions about childhood overweight. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 18, 366-72.
Snethen, J. A. & Broome, M. E. (2007). Weight, exercise, and health: Children’s perceptions. Clinical Nursing Research, 16, 138-152.
Snethen, J. A., Broome, M. E., Knafl, K., Deatrick, J., & Angst, D. (2006). Family Patterns of Decision-making in Pediatric Clinical Trials. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(3), 223-232. (peer-reviewed)
Snethen, J. A., Broome, M. E., & Cashin, S. (2006). Effective Weight Loss for Overweight Children: A Meta-analysis of Intervention Studies. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 21(1), 45-56. (peer-reviewed)
Snethen, J. A., & Schiffman, R. (2005). Partnership with a Neighborhood Community Center for Obesity Prevention in Preschool Children. Virginia Henderson e-repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10755/149869
Snethen, J. A., & Mkandawire-Valhmu, L. (August 2021). Strengthening PhD Student Scholarly Writing to Promote Publications. Refereed paper presentation at the virtual 2021 International Academy of Nurse Editors Conference.
Snethen, J., Gonzalez, C., Peters, C., Parizek, R., McMahon Bullis, M., Kent, D., Treisman, P., Hafez, S., & Graf, M. (2021). Innovative Process for PhD Student Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Speaker presentation]. Doctoral Education Conference: Re-Imagining the Furture of Doctoral Education in Nursing, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Virtual. https:// www. aacnnursing.org/ Doctoral-Conference
Peters, C. C., Snethen, J., Parizek, R. A., McMahon Bullis, M., Gonzalez, C., Kent, D., Treisman, P., Hafez, S., & Graf, M. (2021). I Hope You Zoom: PhD Students Adapt, Persist, and Connect Virtually. [Speaker presentation]. 2021 UWM Teaching and Learning Virtual Symposium: Adapt, Persist, Connect, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing. https://uwm.edu/teaching-learning-symposium/attend-2021/#
Hafez, S. & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Primary Caregivers Caring for a Child at End of Life in Saudia Arabia. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS 2021 Virtual conference.
Kent, D. & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Student Service Member and Veteran Mental Health: Evidence from National College Surveys. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS 2021 Virtual conference.
Roach, A., Sherburne, E. & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Profile of International Adoption in a Pediatric SB Clinic. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS 2021 Virtual conference.
Roach, A., Sherburne, E. & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Profile of International Adoption in a Pediatric SB Clinic. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS 2021 Virtual conference.
Kent, D. & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Student Service Member and Veteran Mental Health: Evidence from National College Surveys. Nursology Conference 2021.
Treisman, P. E., Kent, D. C., Parizek, R. A., McMahon Bullis, M. M., Gonzalez, C., Graf, M. D., Peters, C. C., Hafez, S. A., & Snethen, J. A. (2021). Virtual socialization and scholarly discourse for PhD student professional development using reification. Poster presentation for DNSO 2021 Virtual Symposium, Milwaukee.
Snethen, J. A., Peters, C., & Johnson, T. S. (2020). Creating Student-Based Enrichment Seminars. Peer reviewed Poster Presentation. AACN Doctoral Conference, Tampa, FL.
Peters, C., Kreuziger, S., & Snethen, J. A. (2020). Innovative active learning sessions for nursing PhD student enrichment. Poster Presentation, MNRS 2020, Virtual Conference.
Gonzalez, C., Treisman, P., Health Promotion Interventions for Latino Youth in a Faith Based Community. Eta Nu Student Spring Poster Symposium 2020, Milwaukee.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. A., & Hafez, D. (2020). Primary Caregivers Experiences Caring for a Child at Receiving End of Life in Saudia Arabia. Eta Nu Student Spring Poster Symposium 2020, Milwaukee.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., Health Promotion Activities for Latino Youth in a Faith-based Community: A Feasibility Study. Eta Nu Student Spring Poster Symposium 2020, Milwaukee.
Peters, C., Kreuziger, S., & Snethen, J. A. (2020). Innovative active learning sessions for nursing PhD student enrichment. Eta Nu Student Spring Poster Symposium 2020, Milwaukee.
McMahon Bullis, M. M. & Snethen, J. A. (2020, November 19). Identifying Factors Influencing Living with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator from a Trauma Informed Lens: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation. Sigma, Eta Nu Chapter 2020 Virtual Symposium, Milwaukee.
Treisman, P. E., Kent, D. C., Sima, C., McMahon Bullis, M. M., Parizek, R. A., & Snethen, J. A. (2020, November 19). Writing camp: Promoting dissertator writing productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation. Sigma, Eta Nu Chapter 2020 Virtual Symposium, Milwaukee. Sigma Eta Nu Chapter PhD Student Poster Award, 2nd place
McMahon Bullis, M. M., Peters, C. C., Gonzalez, C. M., Treisman, P. E., Kent, D. C., Parizek, R.A., Graf, M. D., Hafez, S. A., & Snethen, J. A. (2020, November 19). Innovative Use of Humor and Creativity During PhD Nursing Student Virtual Social Sessions Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster presentation at Sigma, Eta Nu Chapter 2020 Virtual Symposium, Milwaukee.
Mikell, M. J., Snethen, J., Suero, R., Gonzalez, C. M., Treisman, P., McMahon Bullis, M., & Meurer, L. (2020). Health promotion activities for Latino youth in a faith-based community: A feasibility study. Speaker presentation. Track IV: Building Health Equity in Wisconsin, Toward One Wisconsin Inclusivity Virtual Conference, Green Bay, WI. https://inclusivity-wi.org/
Kent, D. C., Treisman, P. E., Parizek, R. A., McMahon Bullis, M. M., Gonzalez, C., Graf, M. D., Peters, C. C., Hafez, S. A., & Snethen, J. A. (2020, November 7). Virtual socialization and scholarly discourse for PhD student professional development using reification. Poster presentation for Wisconsin League for Nursing Fall Virtual Conference. https://www.wlnconferences.org/2020conference
Peters, C., Kreuziger, S., & Snethen, J. A. (2020, April). Innovative active learning sessions for nursing PhD student enrichment. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS 2020 virtual conference.
Hafez, S. & Snethen, J. A. (April, 2020). Mothers Caring for a Child Receiving End of Life Care (EOLC) in Saudi Arabia. Refereed poster symposium presentation at MNRS virtual.
Mikell, M., Gonzalez, C., Treisman, P., Bullis, M., & Snethen, J. A. (April, 2020) “What Would Jesus do? Promoting Health in a Latino Parish community.” Refereed poster symposium presentation at MNRS Virtual.
Snethen, J. A., Peters, C., & Johnson, T. (2020, January). Refereed poster presentation at the AACN Doctoral Education Conference in Naples, FL.
Brassil, M. L., Nash, A., Magri, E., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Risk Assessment Screening Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMAD) Postpartum. Selected poster presentation at the 2019 Sigma Biennium Conference in Washington, D. C.
Kendrick, A., Gonzalez, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Development of Postpartum Preeclampsia Video to Promote Patient Education. Selected poster presentation at the 2019 Sigma Biennium Conference in Washington, D. C.
Kendrick, A., Gonzalez, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Postpartum Preeclampsia: Improving the outcomes of women. Selected poster presentation at the 2019 Local and Global Projects Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., Gonzalez, C., Treisman, P., & Suero, R. (2019, November). Health promotion activities for Latino youth in a faith-based community: A feasibility study. Refereed poster presentation at the 2019 Eta Nu Poster Symposium in Milwaukee, WI. First Prize Community Poster
Kendrick, A., Gonzalez, M., & Snethen, J. A. (2019, November). Postpartum Preeclampsia: Improving the outcomes of women. Selected poster presentation at the 2019 Eta Nu Poster Symposium in Milwaukee, WI. First Prize PhD Poster.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., Gonzalez, C., Treisman, P., & Suero, R. (2019, May). Health promotion activities for Latino youth in a faith-based community: A feasibility study. Refereed poster presentation at the 2019 MCW Research Forum in Milwaukee, WI.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Krause, D., Kelber, S. T. & Gwon, J. (2019, April). Thai mothers’ beliefs about childhood obesity. Refereed poster presentation at Society of Pediatric Nurses annual conference in Washington, DC.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Krause, D., Kelber, S. T. & Gwon, J. (2019, March). Thai mothers’ beliefs about childhood obesity. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Kansas City, MO.
Kane, E. & Snethen, J. (2019, April). Substance Use: Affected Family Members Social Support. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Kansas City, MO.
Snethen, J., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Hafez, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S.T., & Krause, D. (2019, April). Parents Perspectives of Excess Weight in Children. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Kansas City, MO.
Yerges, A., Snethen, J., Carrel, A. & Rehm, J. (2019). Health, Wellness, and the Health Care Experiences of Female Adolescents Living with Increased Weight. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Kansas City, MO.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J., & Kelber, S. (2019). Exploring factors influencing health promoting behaviors among Latino immigrants. Refereed poster presentation at Active Living Conference in Charlestown, SC.
Kent, D., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kreuziger, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, April). Transitions in Perceived Health Needs of Student Nurses. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society in Cleveland, OH.
Kreuziger, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, April). Faculty perceptions of health needs for student nurses. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society in Cleveland, OH.
Sadeghi, E., Snethen, J., Kelber, S. & Morin, K. (2018, April). Acculturation and dietary pattern among Iranian American immigrants. Refereed paper presented by J. Snethen at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cleveland, OH.
Sherburne, E. & Snethen, J. (2018, April). Sensitive Touch in Hospitalized Children with Constipation. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cleveland, OH.
Snethen, J., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Brown-Johnson, S., Jaide, C., & Kelber, S. T. (2018, April). Cross–cultural exploration of emerging adults risk for obesity. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cleveland, OH.
Yerges, A., Snethen, J., Carrel, A. & Rehm, J. (2018). Health Care Experiences of Female Adolescents Living With Increased Weight. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Cleveland, OH.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Krause, D., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S. T. & Gwon, J. (2018, May). Thai parents’ beliefs about childhood obesity. Refereed paper presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of Health Sciences in Milwaukee, WI.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Krause, D., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S. T. & Gwon, J. (2018, May). Thai parents’ beliefs about childhood obesity. Refereed paper presented at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee College of Health Sciences in Milwaukee, WI.
Kreuziger, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Faculty perceptions of health needs for student nurses. Refereed poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee College of Health Science Research Symposium, WI.
Kent, D., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kreuziger, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Transitions in Perceived Health Needs of Student Nurses. Refereed poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee College of Health Science Research Symposium, WI.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J. (PI), Kent, D., Kreuziger, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Perceptions of Health Needs for Student Nurses. Refereed poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee College of Health Science Research Symposium, WI.
Hafez, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Krause, D., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S. T. & Gwon, J. (2018, May). Thai parents’ beliefs about childhood obesity. Refereed paper presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice in Milwaukee, WI.
Kent, D., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kreuziger, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Transitions in Perceived Health Needs of Student Nurses. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges Research Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Kreuziger, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Treisman, R., & Kelber, S. T. (2018, May). Junior and Senior Student Nurses’ Perceptions of their Health and Wellness. Building Bridges to Research-Based Practice, Milwaukee, WI.
Kreuziger, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Faculty perceptions of health needs for student nurses. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges Research Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J. (PI), Kent, D., Kreuziger, S., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Perceptions of Health Needs for Student Nurses. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges Research Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Treisman, R., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Kreuziger, S., Kelber, S. (2018, May). Pre-nursing college students’ perceptions of their health and wellness. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges Research Conference in Milwaukee, WI.
Kent, D., Snethen, J., (PI), Treisman, P., Kreuziger, S. B., Treisman, R., & Kelber, S. (2018, November). Transitions in Perceived Health Needs of Student Nurses. Poster presented at Eta Nu Chapter, Sigma Theta Nu International Poster Symposium, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee College of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI..
Kreuziger, S., Snethen, J.A., (PI), Treisman, P., Kent, D., Treisman, R., Kelber, S. T. (November, 2018). Junior and Senior Student Nurses’ Perceptions of their Health and Wellness. Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 4th Annual Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Snethen, J. A., (P. I.), Treisman, P., Sakunsuntiporn, W., & Kelber, S. T. (October, 2017). Parental Cross-Cultural Perceptions of the Health and Wellness Needs of the Family. Refereed paper presented at the 2017 Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J.A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Albargawi, M., Andargeery, S., Kelber, S., (October, 2017). Family Health and Wellness: Thai Mothers Perceptions. Refereed paper presented at the 2017 Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Nursing Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Kelber, S. T. (April, 2017). Exploring factors influencing health promoting behaviors among Latino immigrants. Refereed poster presentation at the 2017 WPHN Public Health Nursing Conference, held in Stevens Point, WI.
Snethen, J. A., Aschenbrenner, A., & Broome, M. E. (August, 2017). Creating Collaborative Teams for Promoting Scholarship and Publishing. Refereed paper presentation at the 2017 International Academy of Nurse Editors conference in Denver, Colorado.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A., Hains, A., Al Gannass, A., Kelber, S. (May, 2017). Influence of Belief System on Diabetes Management in Saudi Adults. Refereed paper presentaion at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference 5/12/17.
Andargeery, S., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Swoboda, L., Jaide, C., &Kelber, S. (April, 2017). College Major Influence on Thai Students Health and Wellness Needs. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Kelber, S. T. (April, 2017). Exploring factors influencing health promoting behaviors among Latino immigrants. Refereed paper presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference e, Milwaukee, WI.
Swoboda, L., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Andargeery, S., Jaide, C., & Kelber, S. (April, 2017). Thai Faculty and Staff Perceptions of the Health Needs of Undergraduate Students. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J.A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Albargawi, M., Andargeery, S., Kelber, S., (May, 2017). Family Health and Wellness: Thai Mothers Perceptions. Refereed paper presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference Nursing Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J.A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Albargawi, M., Andargeery, S., Kelber, S., (April, 2017). Family Health and Wellness: Thai Mothers Perceptions. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Minneapolis, MN.
Totka, J.P., Snethen, J.A., Cox, E.D. (April, 2017). Type 1 Diabetes: Factors that affect youth/parent dyads’ HRQOL and youth A1c. Refereed paper presentation Midwest at Nursing Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Swoboda, L., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Andargeery, S., Jaide, C., & Kelber, S. (April, 2017). Thai Faculty and Staff Perceptions of the Health Needs of Undergraduate Students. Refereed poster presentation at Midwest Nursing Research Society, Minneapolis, MN
Snethen, J. A., (P. I.), Treisman, P., Sakunsuntiporn, W., & Kelber, S. T. (April, 2017). Parental Cross-Cultural Perceptions of the Health and Wellness Needs of the Family. Refereed poster presentation that will be presented at the 2017 Midwest Nursing Research Society in Minneapolis, MN
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Kelber, S. T. (April, 2017). Exploring factors influencing health promoting behaviors among Latino immigrants. Refereed poster presentation at the 2017 Midwest Nursing Research Society in Minneapolis, MN.
Andargeery, S., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Swoboda, L., Jaide, C., &Kelber, S. (April, 2017). College Major Influence on Thai Students Health and Wellness Needs. Refereed poster presentation at the 2017 Midwest Nursing Research Society in Minneapolis, MN.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, P., Andargeery, S., & Kelber, S. (April, 2017). Thai Fathers Perception of their Family Health and Wellness Needs. Refereed poster presentation at the 2017 Midwest Nursing Research Society in Minneapolis, MN.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J.A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Albargawi, M., Andargeery, S., Kelber, S., (November, 2016). Family Health and Wellness: Thai Mothers Perceptions. Refereed poster presentation at Second Annual Eta Nu Poster Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI.
Totka, J.P. & Snethen, J.A. (November, 2016). Type 1 Diabetes: Factors that affect youth/parent dyads’ HRQOL and youth A1c. Poster presentation at Pediatric Nurse Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Swoboda, L., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Andargeery, S., Jaide, C., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016) Thai Faculty and Staff Perceptions of the Health Needs of Undergraduate Students. Refereed poster presentation at Second Annual Eta Nu Poster Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing, Milwaukee, WI. (Second Place DNP Poster Award)
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Castro, E. (November, 2016). Perception of factors that contribute to health promotion access and effective health maintenance among Latino immigrants with low English literacy. Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 2nd Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Henckel, D., Andargeery, S., Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Thai Student Nurses in the Clinical Major: Perceptions of Children who are Overweight. Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 2nd Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (First Prize Undergraduate Poster Award)
Andargeery, S., Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, R., Buseh, A., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Pre-Nursing Students Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Overweight Children. Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 2nd Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, P., Andargeery, S., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Thai Fathers Perception of their Family Health and Wellness Needs.Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 2nd Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI. (First Prize PhD Poster Award)
Albargawi, M. (PI), Snethen, J. A., Al Gannass, A., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Influence of Belief System on Adherence to Diabetes Self-Care Management: Pilot study. Refereed poster presentation at Eta Nu Chapter 2nd Poster Symposium at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Treisman, P., Snethen, J. A. (P. I.), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Albargawi, M., Andargeery, S., Kelber, S., (November, 2016). Family Health and Wellness: Thai Mothers Perceptions. Refereed poster presentation at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Pediatric Nursing Conference, Brookfield, WI.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. A. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, P., Andargeery, S., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Thai Fathers Perception of their Family Health and Wellness Needs. Refereed poster presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Nursing Conference in Brookfield, WI.
Brown-Johnson, S., & Snethen, J. A. (October, 2016). Health and wellness priorities of university students. Refereed poster presentation at the North Central College Health Association conference, in Washington, D. C.
Thongpriwan, V., Buseh, A., Snethen, J. A., & Kelber, S. (October, 2016). Mental Health Knowledge, Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill, and Help Seeking Behaviors Relative to General Well-being among Undergraduate University Students American. Poster presentation at American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference in Hartford, CT.
McClelland, M. L., Snethen, J. A., & Swartz, M. K. (August, 2016) Creating and Editing a Themed or Special Issue: Ideas, Benefits, and Challenges. Poster presentation for the International Academy of Nurse Editors conference, held in London, England, U. K. (refereed).
Muckian, J. & Snethen, J. A. (August, 2016). School Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Role in Healthy Eating School Environments. Poster presentation accepted for WPHN 2016 Public Health Nursing Conference, held in Stevens Point, WI. (refereed)
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Castro, E. (August, 2016). Perception of factors that contribute to health promotion access and effective health maintenance among Latino immigrants with low English literacy. Poster presentation accepted for 2016 WPHN Public Health Nursing Conference, held in Stevens Point, WI. (refereed)
Treisman, P., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (March, 2016). Student Nurses Perceptions of Overweight Children by Academic Level. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Jaide, C., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (May, 2016). Student Nurses in the Nursing Major: Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Overweight Children. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Henckel, D., Andargeery, S., Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Thai Student Nurses in the Clinical Major: Perceptions of Children who are Overweight. Refereed poster presentation at Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J., Al Gannass, A., Kelber, S. (May, 2016). Influence of Belief System on Adherence to Diabetes Self-Care Management: Pilot study. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed). *First prize winner for poster submission.
Andargeery, S., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (May, 2016). Pre-Nursing Students Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Overweight Children. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Treisman, P., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (March, 2016). Student Nurses Perceptions of Overweight Children by Academic Level. Poster presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
Snethen, J. A., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S. (March, 2016). Cross-cultural Perceptions of Children who are Overweight. Paper presentation at MNRS in Milwaukee, WI (refereed)
Muckian, J. & Snethen, J. A. (March, 2016). School Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Role in Healthy Eating School Environments. Paper presentation at MNRS in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
Mikell, M., Snethen, J. A., & Castro, E. (March, 2016). Perception of factors that contribute to health promotion access and effective health maintenance among Latino immigrants with low English literacy. Poster symposium presentation at MNRS in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
Klingbeil, C., Sawin, K., Wenner, S., & Snethen, J. A. (March, 2016). Building Capacity for Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in a Clinical Setting. Poster presentation at MNRS in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Henckel, D., Andargeery, S., Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., & Kelber, S. (November, 2016). Thai Student Nurses in the Clinical Major: Perceptions of Children who are Overweight. Refereed poster presentation at MNRS in Milwaukee, WI.
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J., Al Gannass, A., Kelber, S. (March, 2016). Influence of Belief System on Adherence to Diabetes Self-Care Management: Pilot study. Poster symposium presentation at the 2016 Midwest Nursing Research Society in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Snethen, J. A., Treisman, P., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S., & Seal, N. (January, 2016). Examining Global Bias towards Children who are overweight: Perceptions of Thai Nurses and Thai Student Nurses. Paper presentation at Boromarajonanani College of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, (invited).
Sakunsuntiporn, W., Snethen, J. A., Kelber, S., & Seal, N. (January, 2016). Examining Thai Nurses and Student Nurses Knowledge and Attitudes of Childhood Obesity. Paper presentation at Boromarajonanani College of Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand, (invited).
Squires, T., Green, M., & Snethen, J. A. (November, 2015). Implementation of early skin-to-skin in the operating room. Poster presentation for the Sigma Theta TauInternational Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, IN (invited).
Spatz, D. L, Snethen, J. A. & Clinton, P. (November, 2015). Maternal-Child Health Nurse Leadership Academy: Improving the Health & Wellbeing of Mothers & Infants. Paper presentation for the Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, IN (invited).
Knaust, S., Green, M., & Snethen, J. A. (November, 2015). Bereavement Program for the Perinatal Loss Patient and Family. Poster presentation for the Sigma Theta Tau International Biennial Convention in Indianapolis, IN (invited).
Treisman, P., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (November, 2015). Student Nurses Perceptions of Overweight Children by Academic Level. Poster presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Nursing Conference in Brookfield, WI. (refereed)
Jaide, C., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (November, 2015). Student Nurses in the Nursing Major: Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Overweight Children. Poster presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Nursing Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Andargeery, S., Albargawi M., Snethen, J. (PI), Sakunsuntiporn, W., Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (November, 2015). Pre-Nursing Students Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Overweight Children. Poster presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Nursing Conference in Brookfield, WI. (refereed)
Albargawi M., Treisman, P., Snethen, J. (PI), Treisman, R., Buseh, A., Kelber, S. (November, 2015). Childhood Overweight Bias: Perceptions of Student Nurses within the Nursing Major. Poster presentation at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Pediatric Nursing Conference in Brookfield, WI. (refereed)
Yerges, A, Snethen, J. (PI), Albargawi, M., Alshutwi, S., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Seal, N., &, Kelber, S. (May, 2015). Exploring Thai Nurses' Perceptions of Overweight Children. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed).
Alshutwi, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Yerges, A., Albargawi, M., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Seal, N., & Kelber, S. (May, 2015). Global Cultural Perceptions of Children who are Overweight. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
Albargawi, M., Snethen, J. (PI), Alshutwi, S., Yerges, A., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Seal, N., &, Kelber, S. (May, 2015). Global Perspectives of Childhood Obesity: Thai Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes. Poster presentation at the Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice Conference in Milwaukee, WI. (refereed)
Yerges, A, Snethen, J. (PI), Albargawi, M., Alshutwi, S., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Seal, N., &, Kelber, S. (March, 2015). Exploring Thai Nurses' Perceptions of Overweight Children. Poster presentation at MNRS in Indianapolis, IN. (refereed).
Snethen, J. A., Sakunsuntiporn, W., Kelber, S., & Seal, N. (March, 2015). Examining Childhood Obesity Globally: Thai Nurses and Student Nurses Perceptions. Paper presentation at MNRS in Indianapolis, IN (refereed)
Alshutwi, S., Snethen, J. (PI), Albargawi, M., & Seal, N. (March, 2015). The Influence of Culture on Maternal-Child Healthcare Education. Poster presentation at MNRS in Indianapolis, IN. (refereed).