- klingbei@uwm.edu
- Cunningham Hall 641
Carol Klingbeil, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC
- Clinical Associate Professor
Awards & Honors
Intellectual Contributions
Bumby, J. C., Lang, A. (clinical instructor, DNP grad), Feierstein, C. (clinical instructor), & Klingbeil, C. (2021). The Circle Way: An innovative clinical postconference strategy. Nurse Educator, 46(2), 69-70. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000858
Kako, P. M., and Klingbeil, C. G. “Facilitating cultural humility and attunement for nursing and health professions students through a study abroad program in Kenya.” Nursing Education Perspectives 40.5 (2019): 278-282.
Polfuss, Michele, Dobson, C., Sawin, Kathleen J., and Klingbeil, C. G. “The influence of a developmental disability on the child's weight-related behaviors: A parent's perspective.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 47. (2019): 121-130.
Klingbeil, Carol, and Gibson, Cori. “The Teach Back Project: A system-wide evidence-based practice implementation.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 42. (2018): 81-85.
Sawin, Kathleen J., Weiss, Marianne E., Johnson, Norah, Gralton, Karen, Malin, Shelly, Klingbeil, Carol, Lerret, Stacee M., Thompson, Jamie J., Zimmanck, Kim, Kaul, Molly, and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Development of a self-management theory-guided discharge intervention for parents of hospitalized children.” Journal of Nursing Scholarship 49.2 (2017): 202-213.
Weiss, M. E., Sawin, Kathleen J., Gralton, K., Johnson, N., Klingbeil, Carol, Lerret, S., Malin, S., Yakusheva, O., and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Discharge teaching, readiness for discharge, and post-discharge outcomes in parents of hospitalized children.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 34. (2017): 58-64.
Ziebert, C., Klingbeil, Carol, Schmitt, C. A., Stonek, A. V., Totka, J. P., Stelter, A., and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Lessons learned: Newly hired nurses' perspectives on transition into practice.” Journal for Nurses in Professional Development 32.5 (2016): E1-E8.
Klingbeil, Carol, Schiffman, Rachel F., Ziebert, C., Totka, J. P., Schmitt, C. A., Doyle, L., Stetler, A., Stonek, A. V., Ke, W., and Johnson, N. “Transition of experienced and new graduate nurses to a pediatric hospital.” Journal for Nurses in Professional Development 32.4 (2016): 198-204.
Kornberger, C., Gibson, C., Sadowski, S., Maletta, K., and Klingbeil, Carol. “Using 'Teach-Back' to promote a safe transition from hospital to home: An evidence-based approach to improving the discharge process.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 28. (2013): 282-291.