Carol Klingbeil

Carol Klingbeil, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC

  • Clinical Associate Professor


DNP University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, College of Nursing Milwaukee, WI
MSN University of Michigan School of Nursing Ann Arbor, MI
BSN University of Michigan, School of Nursing Ann Arbor, MI

Awards & Honors

Evidence Based Practice Excellence Award (2016) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Award (2015) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Eta Nu, Sigma Theta Tau Mentor Chapter Award (2014)
Sigma Theta Tau, Maternal Child Leadership Academy Faculty (2014)
Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Award (2013) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Evidence Based Practice Excellence Award (2011) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Award (2008) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
March of Dimes Fellowship Award (1982)
U. S. Steel Grant for Rural Health Practicum (1982)

Intellectual Contributions

Bumby, J. C., Lang, A. (clinical instructor, DNP grad), Feierstein, C. (clinical instructor), & Klingbeil, C. (2021). The Circle Way: An innovative clinical postconference strategy. Nurse Educator, 46(2), 69-70. doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000000858

Kako, P. M., and Klingbeil, C. G. “Facilitating cultural humility and attunement for nursing and health professions students through a study abroad program in Kenya.” Nursing Education Perspectives 40.5 (2019): 278-282.

Polfuss, Michele, Dobson, C., Sawin, Kathleen J., and Klingbeil, C. G. “The influence of a developmental disability on the child's weight-related behaviors: A parent's perspective.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 47. (2019): 121-130.

Klingbeil, Carol, and Gibson, Cori. “The Teach Back Project: A system-wide evidence-based practice implementation.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 42. (2018): 81-85.

Sawin, Kathleen J., Weiss, Marianne E., Johnson, Norah, Gralton, Karen, Malin, Shelly, Klingbeil, Carol, Lerret, Stacee M., Thompson, Jamie J., Zimmanck, Kim, Kaul, Molly, and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Development of a self-management theory-guided discharge intervention for parents of hospitalized children.” Journal of Nursing Scholarship 49.2 (2017): 202-213.

Weiss, M. E., Sawin, Kathleen J., Gralton, K., Johnson, N., Klingbeil, Carol, Lerret, S., Malin, S., Yakusheva, O., and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Discharge teaching, readiness for discharge, and post-discharge outcomes in parents of hospitalized children.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 34. (2017): 58-64.

Ziebert, C., Klingbeil, Carol, Schmitt, C. A., Stonek, A. V., Totka, J. P., Stelter, A., and Schiffman, Rachel F. “Lessons learned: Newly hired nurses' perspectives on transition into practice.” Journal for Nurses in Professional Development 32.5 (2016): E1-E8.

Klingbeil, Carol, Schiffman, Rachel F., Ziebert, C., Totka, J. P., Schmitt, C. A., Doyle, L., Stetler, A., Stonek, A. V., Ke, W., and Johnson, N. “Transition of experienced and new graduate nurses to a pediatric hospital.” Journal for Nurses in Professional Development 32.4 (2016): 198-204.

Kornberger, C., Gibson, C., Sadowski, S., Maletta, K., and Klingbeil, Carol. “Using 'Teach-Back' to promote a safe transition from hospital to home: An evidence-based approach to improving the discharge process.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 28. (2013): 282-291.