A lunchtime discussion by four experts Feb. 9 will focus on the acute shortage of health care workers and possible solutions. The event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room 590 at the UW-Milwaukee School of Public Health, 1240 N. 10th St., Milwaukee.
With local and national unemployment rates near historic lows, many industries are struggling to attract and retain workers. But the problem in the health care industry has been particularly difficult, exacerbated by increased demand and burnout related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The discussion will be moderated by Kim Litwack, professor and dean of the UWM College of Nursing. Panelists will be:
- Leonard Egede, professor of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Nicole Pretre, gerontologist and president and CEO of Cedar Community.
- Wendy E. Huddleston, associate professor and director of the physical therapy program in the UWM College of Health Sciences.
- Patrick Testin, a member of the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee and the Senate Committee on Health (chair 2019-22).
Tickets are available at WisPolitics.com. The event is sponsored by WisPolitics.com, WisBusiness.com and UW-Milwaukee.