Welcome, Youssef!

The Lubar Entrepreneurship Center is proud to announce the growth of our team with the addition of a new Innovation Intern, Youssef Saleh! Read on below to learn more about the new LEC team member.

Meet Youssef

Youssef is a young designer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who strives to become an industrial/product designer in the future. He loves to workout, wrestle, and explore new physical challenges such as boxing and juijitsu. He’s artistic but practical in his designs – focusing more on the problem-solving side of design rather than subjective pieces.

Fun Fact:

Youssef studies a variety of subjects in his free time outside design, one of his primary interests being deep dives into Islamic History and Geography.


Welcome to the LEC team, Youssef! We are excited to see what new ideas you bring to the team.