Shapiro Beigh, Joan

Teaching Professor, Organizations & Strategic Management


DBA, Organizational Behavior, DePaul University – Chicago
MBA, Entrepreneurship, Northeastern Illinois University – Chicago
MS, Organizational Communication, Northwestern Medill School of Journalism – Evanston
BA, English Literature, Northwestern University - Evanston

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Shapiro Beigh is an academic and a practitioner/consultant. Her consulting spans organizational communication, change, and stakeholder feedback. Her academic interests include work styles, procrastination, creativity, and teams. Her current research examines reactions to deadlines as antecedent reactions to work style behaviors. She is also active in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) community, examining opportunities to improve student team projects testing early interventions.

Professional Activities

Mostly recently, Dr. Shapiro Beigh was president of the Operations Management and Entrepreneurship Association, planning OMEA’s annual conference for the past two years. She comes to UWM from Loyola University Chicago and before that, DePaul University; at both schools, she received awards for teaching innovations in offering students choice-based assignments, projects requiring creative problem-solving, and having a teaching style that is inclusive, respectful, and sensitive to students’ needs for psychological safety. At Loyola, she was allocated funding as a SoTL scholar, a “Rising Star,” and a runner-up to the prestigious St. Ignatius of Loyola Teaching Excellence Award. At DePaul University, she received a teaching innovation award from the Art Institute of Chicago and DePaul University, as well as funding for SoTL research that was later delivered at the Academy of Management’s Teaching and Learning Conference. She also has been named a 2023-2024 fellow to the Coleman Entrepreneurship Center.

Dr. Shapiro Beigh has published papers in Personality and Individual Differences and the Journal of Business Management & Change. She has presented her research and delivered professional development workshops (PDWs) at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, the Academy of Management Teaching and Learning Conference, the Midwest Academy of Management, the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, the Western Business & Management Association International Research conference, and two MBAA International divisions. Joan’s qualitative dissertation examined heterogeneity within work styles, and she has incorporated this research into her teaching.

Prior to her teaching and academic research, Joan had a successful consulting practice in organizational communication and stakeholder feedback research, catering to clients that ranged from mid-sized divisions of Fortune 50 corporations and mid-sized private companies to national non-profit organizations and boutique professional service firms. She is a 2024-2025 Wisconsin UW System Teaching Fellow.

Curriculum Vitae