Avdeev, Ilya

Director - UWM Lubar Entrepreneurship Center
Professor - Mechanical Engineering
Director (PI) - Milwaukee I-Corps™ Program
Kellner Entrepreneurship Fellow

(414) 510-3631
Lubar Enterpreneurship Center 206 | Eng & Math Sciences 1181

Dr. Ilya Avdeev is the Director of Innovation and Kellner Entrepreneurship Fellow at the Lubar Entrepreneurship Center at UWM. He leads campus-wide efforts of expanding learning opportunities for students around innovation and entrepreneurship. Dr. Avdeev co-directs and serves as the PI for NSF I-Corps Site of Southeastern Wisconsin and NSF Research Experience for Teachers Site. He is the Co-founder of the Student Startup Challenge, founding director of the Advanced Manufacturing Design Laboratory, and is a faculty advisor of the UWM Prototyping Club and University Innovation Fellows program. He is also an affiliated faculty with MCW’s Kern Institute for Transformation of Medical Education. Dr. Avdeev teaches engineering- and human-centered design at UWM and MCW and he is a regular adjunct instructor at the Stanford University's d.school Teaching & Learning Studio. Dr. Avdeev received his Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh.

Fun Fact:
Dr. Avdeev has found a deep connection to Lake Michigan where he enjoys sailing, paddle boarding or swimming with his wife and three kids.

I can offer...

For faculty:

  • coaching or co-designing curriculum
  • making connection to others
  • facilitating pop-up sessions on Design Thinking or Lean Launch
  • coaching on grant writing or fundraising

For students:

  • mentoring (innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship)
  • research opportunities (digital manufacturing)
  • opportunities to work on NSF projects (I-Corps and Research Experience for Teachers)


MECHENG 405 - Product Realization

MECHENG 490 - Design Thinking