Edith Moravcsik
PhD, Indiana University, 1971
Interview by Livia Körtvélyessy, 2016
SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 2016, 13/1
Selected publications from 2000 to date
2020. The place of ad hoc categories within the typology of plural expressions. Language Sciences, 81.
2019. Accounting for variation in language. Open Linguistics, volume 5, 369-382.
2017. Syntax. In Hans Burkhardt & Johanna Seibt & Guido Imaguire & Stamatios Gerogiorgakis (eds.) The handbook of mereology, 544-547. Munich: Philosophia Verlag.
2017. Number. In A.Y. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology, 440-476. Cambridge University Press.
2016. On linguistic categories. Linguistic Typology 20/2,417-425.
2014. Competing motivations in grammar and usage. Co-edited with Brian MacWhinney and Andrej Malchukov. Oxford University Press.
2013. Introducing language typology. Cambridge University Press.
2011. Coming to grips with exceptions. In Horst J. Simon and Heike Wiese (eds.), Expecting the unexpected. Exceptions in grammar. 31-55. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
2011. Explaining language universals. In Jae Jung Song (ed.) The Oxford handbook of language typology, 69-89. Oxford University Press.
2010. Conflict resolution in syntactic theory. Studies in Language, 34/3, 636-669.
2009. The distribution of case. In Andrej Malchukov and Andrew Spencer (eds.) The Oxford handbook of case, 231-245. Oxford University Press.
2009. Partonomic structures in syntax. In Vyvyan Evans and Stéphanie Pourcel (eds.) New directions in cognitive linguistics, 269-285. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2007. What is universal about typology? Linguistic Typology 11/1, 27-41.
2006. An introduction to syntax. Fundamentals of syntactic analysis. London, New York: Continuum.
2006. An introduction to syntactic theory. London, New York: Continuum.
2006. Review of F.J. Newmeyer’s Possible and probable languages. Linguistic Typology, 10/2, 177-186.
2005. Associative plurals (with Michael Daniel). In Martin Haspelmath. Matthew Dryer, David Gil, and Bernard Comrie (eds.) World Atlas of Language Structures, 150-153, Oxford University Press.
2003. A semantic analysis of associative plurals. Studies in Language 27/3, 469-503.
2003. Inflectional morphology in the Hungarian noun phrase:a typological assessment. In Frans Plank (ed.) Noun phrase structure in the languages of Europe, 113-252. Berlin: Mouton.
2000. On the nouniness of Hungarian adjectives. In: Chris Schaner-Wolles et al., ed., Naturally! Linguistic studies in honour of Wolfgang Ulrich Dressler presented on the occasion of his 60th birthday. 337-346. Torino: Rosenberg and Sellier.
2000. Infixation. In: Geert Booij et al. (eds.) Morphology. An international handbook on inflection and word-formation. Volume 1. 545-552. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
2000. Nouns (with Christian Lehmann) In Geert Booij et al., (eds.) Morphology. An international handbook on inflection and word-formation. Volume 1. 732-757. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
2000. Review of Language form and language function, by Frederick Newmeyer, Language, 76/1, 168-170.