S-Group: David Pesetsky

Johnston G35

S-Group meeting: David Pesetsky, MIT *Note special time: 1pm-2pm* David Pesetsky will join us for discussion of his paper with Jonah Katz, The Identity Thesis for Language and Music.

Colloquium: David Pesetsky

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: David Pesetsky, MIT Islands in the modern world The existence of islands, syntactic domains that block long-distance A-bar movement, remains one of the outstanding unsolved puzzles of syntactic theory.  It is by now well-established that apparent long-distance movement […]

Colloquium: Garry Davis

Holton 190

Beating the Odds: The shift of the post-vocalic voiceless singletons and geminates in pre-Old High German The marked outputs of the suite of changes known as the High German Consonant Shift are often attributed to the strong aspiration of the […]

Colloquium: Claire Halpert

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: Claire Halpert, University of Minnesota "Raising Hell" In this talk, I investigate cross-linguistic patterns that arise in raising-to-subject constructions.  Current theories of raising-to-subject are built around the English pattern shown below, where (1) and (2) are grammatical but (3) is not: […]

Colloquium: Shira Hahn

Holton 190

Our last colloquium talk of the semester will be a "Careers" talk by Shira Hahn, Ph.D., a linguist and scientist at GN Resound in Glenview, Illinois, one of the world's largest manufacturers of hearing aids. Please join us as Dr. […]

S-Group: Tue Trinh

Johnston G35

The s-group will meet this coming Friday 2/26, in Johnston G35, at 12 noon. Tue Trinh will address some criticisms against the formal approach to alternatives.

P-Group: Jae Yung Song

Johnston G33

The first P-Group meeting of the semester will take place this Friday. Jae Yung will give a demonstration of how ultrasound imaging technique can be used to study tongue motions during speech production. It will offer an unique experience to […]

Colloquium: John Heilmann

Holton 190

Our first colloquium of the spring semester takes place this coming Friday, Feb. 26, at 3pm in Holton 190: John Heilmann (UWM Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Center for Biomedical Data and Language Processing) "Analysis of Expository and Persuasive […]