Colloquium: Lewis Gebhardt

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Lewis Gebhardt (Northeastern Illinois University) "The Crow Determiner Phrase In a Mostly Configurational Language" Abstract: Crow, a polysynthetic incorporating language, exhibits high configurationality in its nominal phrases. The elements in the extended NP are not only linearly […]

Colloquium: Eleni Pinnow

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Eleni Pinnow (University of Wisconsin-Superior) "The role of probabilistic phonotactics in the recognition of reduced pseudowords" Abstract: This talk will examine lexical and sublexical influences on the recognition of spoken words in their canonical and reduced form. […]

Colloquium: James Hye Suk Yoon

Merrill 314

Linguistics Department Colloquium: James Hye Suk Yoon (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) (Note special time and place: Tuesday, April 4, 2:00pm, Merrill 314) "Lexical Integrity and the Architecture of Morphology-Syntax Interface" Abstract: Although morphology is taught as a system autonomous from […]

Colloquium: Klinton Bicknell

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Klinton Bicknell (Northwestern University) "Language comprehension as rational probabilistic inference on perceptual input" Abstract: Language comprehension is the process of identifying intended meaning from written or spoken language input. It is well established that comprehension proceeds incrementally: […]

Colloquium: Manfred Krifka

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Manfred Krifka, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin "Focus and Contrastive Topics in Assertions and Questions" (joint work with Beste Kamali, University of Bielefeld & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Abstract: We provide an account for focus and contrastive […]

Colloquium: Andreas Haida

Merrill 315

Linguistics Department Colloquium (please note special time and place: Tue. March 6, 5pm, Merrill 315): Andreas Haida, Hebrew University of Jerusalem "Logical Reasoning and Scalar Inference Computation" (joint work with Luka Crnič and Yosef Grodzinsky) Abstract: It seems that logical reasoning […]

Colloquium: Eleanor Chodroff

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Eleanor Chodroff (Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University) Uniformity in phonetic realization within natural classes The phonetic realization of a given speech sound varies substantially across languages and across talkers within a language. While many factors contribute to this […]

Colloquium: Christopher Weedall

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Christopher Weedall (visiting scholar, Australian National University) Serial verb constructions in Sajolang (Miji)ː Towards grammaticalization Adjacent verbs in Sajolang (Sino-Tibetan, NE India), which has SOV order, commonly occur where a deeper analysis of the surface structure indicates […]

Colloquium: Peter van Elswyk

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Peter van Elswyk (Department of Philosophy, UWM) The semantics and pragmatics of hedging We often don’t come right out and say it—we hedge. When we do, we use a qualified declarative like Bob retired, I think or […]