New article by Oh and Park

A new article by Sujin Oh (PhD 2024) and Hanyong Park has been published in Linguistic Research. It is titled, “The impact of native language on second language rhythm acquisition: Insights from a cross-linguistic and intra-language corpus study.&#8221… Continue Reading »

Oh takes positions in Korea

Sujin Oh (PhD 2024) has taken up multiple positions in Korea and is currently teaching as a part-time lecturer at Soongsil University, Sejong University, and Kookmin University. She is also working as a part-time postdoctoral researcher at Seoul National University. … Continue Reading »

Kim, Kim, and Park published in Glossa

A paper by doctoral student Dong Jin Kim, Okgi Kim (Ph.D 2022, Lecturer at Kyung Hee University and Chung-Ang University), and Associate Professor Hanyong Park entitled “Prosodic realization of identificational and contrastive focus in Korean multiple accusative constructions” has been … Continue Reading »