LGBTQ+ Veterans


UWM has more veterans than any other four-year school in the six state region. The LGBTQ+ Resource Center proudly promotes and educates others about the strengths and experiences individuals with military experiences or veteran status bring to the UWM campus.

UWM Resources
The Military and Veterans Resource Center at UWM is located across the hall from the LGBTQ+RC in Union EG-40. The MAVRC provides a safe, supportive environment for military and veteran students; ensuring a successful transition from the military to college, academic success, and the achievement of career goals.

VA LGBT Program


The VA has committed to its LGBTQ+ veterans in recent years, including expanded diversity policies and trans-inclusive healthcare.

Read more about the VA’s LGBT Program.

Each VA has a LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator (LGBTQ+ VCC), and you can find yours here.

Don’t know where to start? The organization, Disabled American Veterans, has an easy-to-understand page on how the VA supports LGBTQ+ veterans.

Make the Connection
Make the Connection is a portal containing mental health resources, information, and stories from fellow veterans, including those veterans who are LGBTQ+. Here is a resource about how to come out as LGBTQIA+ to your provider.

Inclusive Veteran Communities

Transgender American Veterans Association (TAVA) provides information and resources for transgender veterans, including a guide to getting your DD-214 updated after a legal name change.

Modern Military Association of America (MMAA) is a leader in advocating and educating around supporting LGBTQ+ Active Military and Veterans.