
Look through these links for resources available in our local community, along with resources across various topics.

  • Explore Off-Campus resources in and around Milwaukee
  • Learn about some other UW System LGBT resources
  • Browse our Glossary of Terms to learn more about identity labels
  • Allies can learn more about ally ship basics and resources
  • Need help navigating Coming Out? Learn about local support groups and check out our frequently asked questions
  • Visit Gender Pronouns for more information about pronoun usage and the singular they!
  • Health and Wellness tips, including physical health, sexual health, and mental health resources
  • Want to learn about organizations out there at the intersections of your identity? Visit our Intersectional Identities page
  • If you or a friend is Questioning, we have collected resources to help you navigate those feelings, concerns, and hopes
  • Learn more about healthy relationships and safer sex with our Relationships and Sex resources