Intersectional Identities

This page houses a collection of resources that can be used as educational tools for people who may want to learn more about a range of LGBTQ+ identities, how LGBTQ+ identities can interact with other social identities (such as race, socio-economic status, and ability status), and who are interested in obtaining resources and support surrounding LGBTQ+ identities.

These lists are not all-encompassing of the social identities affecting people’s lives and experiences, and each resource list does is not all-inclusive.

Below are some frequently asked questions from queer and trans students of color at UWM.

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center hosts Queer & Trans People of Color (QTPOC) social events and programming throughout each semester. To stay up to date on what events are coming up, follow us on Instagram at @uwmlgbtqrc or follow our @uwm.qtpoc account for more specific updates.

To find the most up to date list of Cultural Student Organizations and other identity-based student organizations, please check out Panther Presence. Although these organizations are not specially tailored to LGBTQ students, all students of color and allies are welcome.

Queer people of color (QPOC) may have particular needs around coming out and building community. Visit our Intersectional Identities page for more resources as well.


UW Madison’s Crossroads Initiative Resource
Addressing the intersectional realities of students’ lives. This initiative bridges the work of both the Multicultural Student Center and the LGBT Campus Center to address the needs of students living in the intersections of race, sexuality, gender, and other layers of identity

Immigration Equity Resources
A national resource that has worked to secure safe haven, freedom, and equality for the LGBTQ and HIV-positive communities. Through direct legal services, policy advocacy, and impact litigation, they support immigrants who face discrimination based on who they are and whom they love.

The UWM Office for Equity and Diversity’s (EDS) mission is to integrate equal opportunity and diversity into UWM’s institutional climate. UWM’s policies provide equal opportunity in its admissions, employment, educational programs, and activities without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, sex, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status.

EDS is dedicated to preventing discrimination and guiding institutional compliance with applicable federal and state laws. Through educational programs, the investigation and resolution of complaints, and oversight activities, EDS fosters an environment and culture that appreciate all members of the UWM community.

For further information, please visit the Office for Equity and Diversity website.

Race & Ethnicity

Arab and Middle-Eastern Descent

Advocacy Organizations

Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality

Gay and Lesbian Arabic Society
An international organization that serves as a networking organization for Gays and Lesbians of Arab descent or those living in Arab countries.


Ahwaa [bilingual] A discussion platform that protects the identities of its users through pseudonyms and avatars. It boasts a “community-powered defense system” by keeping some features like private messaging locked until users make contributions judged positive by their peers. The goal of the platform is to give LGBT individuals in the Arab world a safe, private community.

Education and Information

Arab LGBT Movement Speaks Out

A monthly magazine that concerns the LGBTQ community from all around the world and dedicated for people who live in the: Middle East, for foreigners who live in the Arab world, for those new-gay-to-be, for those who’re away fom home and for those who’re intereseted in entering the world of My.Kali.

No Longer Alone – LGBT Voices from the Middle East and Africa
Human Rights Watch and the Arab Foundation for Freedoms and Equality (AFE) teamed up to produce videos featuring Arabic-speaking LGBT activists describing their journeys of self-acceptance. Through the campaign “No Longer Alone,” they offer messages of support and encouragement to LGBT people living in Arabic-speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

Asian and Pacific Islander

Advocacy Organizations

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance
The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance is a network of Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander LGBTQ organizations.

Coming Out Resources

Asian Pride Project
Provides a space for LGBTQ Asian Americans and their family members to connect through stories and experiences with each other, as well as culturally-relevant, language-specific resources.

Q&A Space
Our goal is to provide API LGBT youth who do wish to come out and are struggling with the process with linguistically appropriate and culturally confident tools and resources to come out to whomever they’d like at whatever time they’re comfortable. When we see the diversity and depth of experiences of Asian Pacific Islander LGBT people, we can grow closer as a community.

Education and Information

The Visibility Project
The Visibility Project uplifts stories and images of the national queer Asian Pacific American women and transgender community. They seek to change the narrative of the present and past by sharing their histories through accessible visual arts and unfiltered documentary interviews.

Coming Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander Americans
A collaboration between the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance and the Human Rights Campaign to provide Asian and Pacific Islander specific information on coming out, family support, religion & faith, contemporary leaders, and more.

Faith Resources

The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
The Asian and Pacific Islander Roundtable envisions the emergence of coalitions and networks of API-LGBTQ and API allies across the country that affirm the dignity and spiritual wholeness of API-LGBTQ people of faith.

Region Specific

South Asian

Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for South Asians (DeQH)
DeQH is the first and only national Desi lgbtQ+ Helpline in the United States. They offer free, confidential, culturally sensitive peer support, information and resources for LGBTQ+ South Asian individuals, families and friends around the globe.

Desi Rainbow Parents & Allies
Desi Rainbow Parents & Allies was conceived in 2017 for South Asian families and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning individuals to learn about LGBTQIA+ issues, find community with one another and learn how to better support their loved ones.

South East Asian

The Malaya Project
Photographer Deney Tuazon and filmmaker Gregory Pacificar, come together to create The Malaya (Free) Project. A photography project highlighting the lives of various proud gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer Filipino/as.

Black, African American, and Afrikan Diaspora

Advocacy Organizations

National Black Justice Coalition
NBJC is a civil rights organization dedicated to empowering Black lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The Center for Black Equality
Our mission is to promote a multinational LGBT network dedicated to improving health and wellness opportunities, economic empowerment, and equal rights while promoting individual and collective work, responsibility and self-determination.

Coming Out Resources

Coming Out: Living Authentically as Black LGBTQ+ People
HRC provides a guide to handling the challenges of coming out for Black LGBTQ+ people.


RedBone Press
RedBone Press publishes work celebrating the cultures of Black lesbians and gay men, and work that further promotes understanding between Black gays and lesbians and the Black mainstream.

Education and Information
Religious Resources


New Beginnings Life Center
To connect people with God and to provide opportunities to build relationships while becoming followers of Christ.


The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
The African American Roundtable at CLGS (AART) seeks the full inclusion of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in communities of faith and the mobilization of Black communities of faith in support of social justice for LGBT people.

Latine / Chicanx

Advocacy Organizations

Unid@s [Multilingual] The mission of Unid@s is to create a multi-issue approach for advocacy, education, and convening of and for our communities. Guided by economic justice, feminist, environmental, and pro-peace values, UNID@S joins a global effort to transform systems and policies to create a just and equitable world.

Immigration Equality [Bilingual] A national organization fighting for equality under U.S. immigration law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and HIV-positive individuals . Immigration Equality provides legal aid and advocacy for LGBT and HIV-positive immigrants and their families.


The Network/La Red [Bilingual] A survivor-led, social justice organization that works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, BDSM, polyamorous, and queer communities. Rooted in anti-oppression principles, their work aims to create a world where all people are free from oppression. They strengthen communities through organizing, education, and the provision of support services.

Education and Information

Coming Out: Living Authentically as Latinx Americans
A collaboration between the Human Rights Campaign and several Latinx organizations to provide Latinx specific information on coming out, family support, religion & faith, contemporary leaders, and more.

Faith-Related Resources

The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry
To promote understanding, acceptance and affirmation of Latino/a LGBTQ persons and their families by transforming Latino/a faith fatih communities and the wider Latino/a community.

Native American / American Indian / First Nations


GLAAD’s Blog on Native American LGBT Community
GLAAD is leading the conversation for LGBT equality, and changing the culture. As the LGBT movement’s communications epicenter, GLAAD is the principal organization that works directly with news media, entertainment media, cultural institutions and social media.

Education and Information

Indigenous Ways of Knowing (IWOK)
IWOK released the second edition of the groundbreaking Tribal Equity Toolkit: Tribal Resolutions and Codes to Support Two Spirit and LGBT Justice in Indian Country. Many Indian tribal governing documents are patterned after the U.S. constitution, which means Indigneous traditions and cultures are not always reflected in governing resolutions. The Tribal Equity Toolkit creates ways for Tribal government to adjust their codes and policies to include and reflect the experiences of Two Spirit and LGBT tribal members.

NativeOUT was originally founded in 2004 as a social group named the Phoenix Two Spirit Society, by Corey Taber, Ambrose Nelson, and Victor Bain in Phoenix, Arizona. Through our website, video productions, social networks and in-person presentations, we educate the world about the Indigenous LGBTQ/Two Spirit people of North America.

LGBTQ and Two Spirit Health
The Indian Health Service (IHS) works to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Two Spirit (LGBTQ-2S) American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) individuals and their families receive equal access to health services in the communities where they live.



GLAAD’s Guide Discussing LGBTQ People with Disabilities

RespectAbility is a diverse, disability-led nonprofit that works to create systemic change in how society views and values people with disabilities, and that advances policies and practices that empower people with disabilities to have a better future.

Deaf Queer Resource Center
Focusing on the intersection of the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and LGBTQ+ communities, DQRC provides education, awareness, and advocacy. They are also active on Instagram.




The Asexuality and Visibility Network (AVEN)
This organization hosts the world’s largest online asexual community and has a large archive with resources on asexuality. They seek to create an open and honest discussion about asexuality between asexual and sexual people alike. Good site if new to asexuality and want to learn more.

Education Materials

Love from the Asexual Underground Blog
A blog dedicated to giving the asexual perspective on love, sex, and romance and other topics.

Asexualidad en Breve

Understanding Asexuality and Aromanticism

Ace Week
A website providing information and resources on Asexual Awareness Week.

Relationship Resources

How to Have Sex with an Asexual Person
An in-depth guide for how to safely approach sex with an asexual person, including both casual sex and sex in the context of a romantic relationship. As such it doesn’t focus on physical techniques, but more on setting up a good frame for such interactions to go as smoothly as possible.


Asexual Explorations Bibliography
This website provides sources for academic work and research on the subject of asexuality.

Other Resources

Aze Journal
A journal publishing asexual, aromantic, and agender writers and artists, created by Michael Paramo.

Resources in Other Languages

Bisexual / Pansexual / Fluid

Advocacy Organizations

The Bisexual Resource Center
The BRC is the oldest national bisexual organization in the U.S. that advocates for bisexual visibility and raises awareness about bisexuality throughout the LGBT and straight communities.

As America’s umbrella organization and voice for bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer-identified and all other of us “somewhere in between” people as well as their lesbian, gay, transgender, “straight but not narrow” and questioning friends and allies, BiNet USA facilitates the development of a cohesive network of independent bisexual and bi-friendly communities; promotes bisexual, pansexual and bi-inclusive visibility; and collects and distribute educational information regarding sexual orientation and gender identity with an emphasis on the bisexual and pansexual and allied communities.

Coming Out Resources
Education and Information

Advocates for Youth’s article
I Think I Might Be Bisexual, Now What Do I Do?



Intersex Initiative
Intersex Initiative (IPDX) is a Portland, Oregon based national activist and advocacy organization for people born with intersex conditions. It was founded by Emi Koyama, a multi-issue social justice activist and former intern at Intersex Society of North America (2001-02).

Intersex Society of North America
The Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.

Bodies Like Ours
Bodies Like Ours seeks to end the shame and secrecy that surrounds people born intersex and/or with atypical genitals through community forums and peer support.



Religion and Spirituality

Click to see specific denominations, sects, or branches


LGBTQ Buddhists
A collection of teachings from, profiles on, and conversations with LGBTQ folks in Buddhism.


The Gay Christian Network
GCN works to strengthen each individual’s relationship with God, first through helping people reconcile their faith and sexuality when necessary, but then moving beyond that to promote ongoing spiritual growth as they continue their walk with Christ. A person who is growing in Christ is better able to live out His light and love with others.

The Fellowship
The Fellowship is a coalition of Christian churches and ministries which recognize the need for networking, accountability, fellowship and resource faciilitation. The mission is to become a catalytic resources agent for the unity and support of churches and ministries who desire to celebrate and proclaim the radically inclusive love of Jesus Christ.

Metropolitan Community Churches
Since its founding in 1968, MCC has been at the vanguard of civil and human rights movements by addressing important issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, and other forms of oppression. MCC has been on the forefront in the struggle towards marriage equality in the US and other countries worldwide and continues to be a powerful voice in the LGBT equality movement.

UCC Coalition For LGBT Concerns
The UCC Coalition advocates for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the UCC, and equips UCC congregations to become effective witnesses to Christ’s extravagant welcome.

Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Ministries (LGBTQ Ministries) is guided by the vision that someday we will be able to put ourselves out of business and that oppression against people of all ages, abilities, colors, and economic classes who are marginalized on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity–whether the oppression be overt or subtle–will be a thing of the past.

Find an Affirming Chuch
Find an LGBTQ-affirming church in your area, or search by U.S. state or Canadian province. Sorted by denomination.


Seventh-day Adventist Kinship
SDA Kinship is a diverse worldwide community of individuals who have participated in the Adventist community and have felt ostracized by church leaders, administrators, or members because of their sexual orientation or gender variation, their support for family or friends, or their convictions about equality and justice.


Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
AWAB is made up of a growing number of member churches, affiliated organizations, and individuals willing to go on record as welcoming and affirming of all persons without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity. These organizations and individuals have joined together to adovcate for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons within Baptist communities of faith.

Rainbow Baptists
Rainbow Baptists is a website providing support, information and advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer-identitied Baptists, their family and friends. This is an outreach ministry of AWAB.

Brethren and Mennonites

Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests
The mission of BMC is to cultivate an inclusive church and society and to care for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community.


DignityUSA – Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Catholics
DignityUSA works for respect and justice for people of all sexual orientations, genders, and gender identities–especially gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons–in the Catholic Church and the world through education, advocacy, and support.

Intergrity is a nonprofit organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Episcopalians and oour straight friends. Since our founding by Dr. Louie Crew in rural Georgia in 1974, Integrity has been the leading grassroots voice for the full inclusion of LGBT persons in the Episcopal Church and our equal access to its rites. However, edvocacy is only one facet of our ministry.

Christian Scientist

Emergence International
Emergence is a worldwide community of Christian Scientists, their families and friends providing spiritual and educational support for lesbians, gay man, bisexuals and transgender individuals as they deal with homophobia and heterosexism.


Affirmation – United Methodists
Affirmation is an independent voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and queer people and our supporters. We are an activist, all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization that challenges The United Methodist Church to be inclusive, and radically speaks out against injustice for LGBTQ people around the world.


Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals from every background and situation, united in the shared experience of a spiritual and/or cultural heritage in the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International
The RPI is a network of Pentecostal ministers, churches, and ministries which seeks by means of the full gospel of Jesus Christ to reconcile all repentant people to God without regard to race, gender, political persuasion, economic or educational status, sexual orientation, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other thing that divides.


More Light Presbyterians
Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.

Unitarian Universalism

Unitarian Universalist Association


Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity
The Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ Muslims. They seek to increase the acceptance of gender and sexual diversity within Muslim communities, and to promote a progressive understanding of Islam that is centered in inclusion, justice, and equality.

Imaan supports LGBT Muslim people, their families and friends, to address issues of sexual orientation within Islam.

Muslims for Progressive Values
MPV envisions a future where Islam is understood as a source of dignity, justice, compassion and love for all humanity and the world. We do this by creating opportunities for religious discourse, volunteer and community activities, and cultural events bringing together the arts, spirituality and social activism. MPV is a progressive Muslim voice on contemporary issues.

Queer Jihad
Queer Jihad is a online resource for LGBT identified Muslims in their struggle for acceptance.


Keshet Ga’avah
Keshet is a national grassroots organization that works for the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Jews in Jewish life.
A Los Angeles-based organization whose mission including “creating community and advancing greater inclusion of LGBT Jews and Allies via identity building programs and services that embody Jewish values.”


Eshel’s mission is to create community and acceptance for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Jews and their families in Orthodox communities.


Sacred Bodies
An article from Harvard’s The Pluralism Project.

Queer Pagan Booklist
A list of queer pagan books from various traditions, mostly focused on spirituality and witchcraft.


Queer and Wicca: A Contradiction?
An article that advocates for queer Wiccan practice.

Norse Paganism

Forn Sidr of America
A universalist and humanist denomination of Norse Heathenry.

The LGBTQ+ Reclamation of “Ergi”
A blog post outlining the history and modern use of the term “ergi” for Norse Heathens.


Gay and Sikh
An article for the Salzburg Global LGBT Forum’s program on LGBT and Faith by Sukhdeep Singh, the founder and editor-in-chief of Gaylaxy Magazine.