NOTE: Atmospheric Science courses completed through Summer 2022 will apply to the L&S Breadth natural science requirement. Atm Sci courses taken in Fall 2022 and onwards will no longer apply towards L&S natural science breadth.
Coding Key
- A
Also applies towards Arts (A) General Education Requirement.
- CD
Also applies towards Cultural Diversity (CD) General Education Requirement.
- HU
Also applies towards Humanities (HU) General Education Requirement.
- NS
Also applies towards the Natural Sciences (NS) General Education Requirement.
- NS+
Also applies towards the Natural Sciences Lab (NS+) General Education Requirement.
Also applies towards the Oral and Written Communication Part B (OWCB) General Education Requirement.
Also applies towards the Quantitative Literacy Part B (QLB) General Education Requirement.
- SS
Also applies towards Social Sciences (SS) General Education Requirement.
Actuarial Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Sciences | ||
ACTSCI 290 | Introduction to Actuarial Science | 3 |
ACTSCI 391 | Investment Mathematics I | 4 |
ACTSCI 490 | Introduction to Actuarial Practice | 1 |
ACTSCI 491 | Actuarial Workshop FM | 1 |
ACTSCI 492 | Actuarial Workshop P | 1 |
ACTSCI 594 | Actuarial Models II | 3 |
ACTSCI 596 | Actuarial Statistics I | 3 |
ACTSCI 597 | Actuarial Statistics II | 3 |
African and African Diaspora Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
AFRIC 100 | Black Reality: Survey of African-American Society HU | 3 |
AFRIC 102 | Survey of African-American Literature HU | 3 |
AFRIC 111 | Introduction to African-American History to 1865 HU | 3 |
AFRIC 112 | Introduction to African-American History, 1865 to the Present HU | 3 |
AFRIC 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
AFRIC 205 | The Poetry of African, African-American, and Caribbean Writers HU | 3 |
AFRIC 210 | The African-American Novel HU | 3 |
AFRIC 235 | African Americans and South Africa HU | 3 |
AFRIC 261 | Survey of African-American Political Philosophy HU | 3 |
AFRIC 311 | African Religious Thought and Social Organizations | 3 |
AFRIC 312 | The Church in African-American Life | 3 |
AFRIC 314 | The School in African-American Life HU | 3 |
AFRIC 370 | Forms of Black Expression | 3 |
AFRIC 372 | African-American Literary Movements: The Harlem Renaissance | 3 |
Social Science | ||
AFRIC 125 | Economics of the Black Community SS | 3 |
AFRIC 163 | Black Racial and Cultural Identity | 3 |
AFRIC 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
AFRIC 215 | Introduction to Black Social and Cultural Traditions SS | 3 |
AFRIC 228 | Introduction to Black Political Economy SS | 3 |
AFRIC 232 | Survey of African Societies and Cultures SS | 3 |
AFRIC 250 | Black Women and White Women in the Contemporary United States SS | 3 |
AFRIC 265 | Psychological Effects of Racism SS | 3 |
AFRIC 300 | Urban Violence | 3 |
AFRIC 319 | African American Urban History | 3 |
AFRIC 320 | Black Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean | 3 |
AFRIC 321 | Black Workers in the 21st Century | 3 |
AFRIC 322 | Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social Justice | 3 |
AFRIC 323 | Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism and Fascism | 3 |
AFRIC 325 | Africa/China Relations | 3 |
AFRIC 326 | Economic Problems of Black Business | 3 |
AFRIC 329 | Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa | 3 |
AFRIC 334 | Survey of Black American and Black Brazilian Societies | 3 |
AFRIC 341 | Black Politics and City Government | 3 |
AFRIC 344 | Global Black Social Movements | 3 |
AFRIC 350 | The Black Family | 3 |
AFRIC 351 | Sexuality, Gender, and Health in Africa and the Diaspora | 3 |
AFRIC 352 | Extended Families in Black Societies | 3 |
AFRIC 362 | Philosophy and Thought in Africa and the Diaspora II | 3 |
AFRIC 369 | Black Popular Culture and Digital Media | 3 |
AFRIC 381 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
AFRIC 411 | Change in African-American Communities | 3 |
AFRIC 412 | Blacks and the United States Constitution | 3 |
AFRIC 414 | The Black Woman in America, Africa, and the Caribbean | 3 |
AFRIC 416 | Race and Social Justice in the United States | 3 |
AFRIC 417 | Race, Class and Gender in Southern Africa | 3 |
AFRIC 418 | Race, Class, and Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean | 3 |
AFRIC 420 | The Political Economy of Slavery | 3 |
AFRIC 450 | Cultural Transmissions: Black Africa and Black America | 3 |
AFRIC 451 | Rites of Passage in Black Societies | 3 |
AFRIC 545 | Raising Children, 'Race-ing' Children | 3 |
American Indian Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
AIS 106 | Anishinaabe Ethnobotany: Plants in Anishinaabe Philosophy | 3 |
AIS 192 | First-Year Seminar: CD, HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
AIS 101 | Introduction to American Indian Studies SS | 3 |
AIS 105 | Anishinaabe Ethnobotany: Plants in Anishinaabe Culture | 3 |
AIS 193 | First-Year Seminar: CD, SS | 3 |
AIS 203 | Western Great Lakes American Indian Community Life of the Past SS | 3 |
AIS 225 | The Aztec Empire | 3 |
AIS 308 | Archaeology of North America | 3 |
AIS 310 | Archaeology of Middle America | 3 |
AIS 311 | The World of the Ancient Maya | 3 |
AIS 314 | American Indian Societies and Cultures | 3 |
AIS 321 | SS | 3 |
AIS 362 | System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction | 3 |
AIS 475 | American Indian History, Law, and Government | 3 |
Ancient and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
AMLLC 192 | First Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
AMLLC 216 | Survey of Civilization: HU | 3 |
AMLLC 240 | Vampires: From Slavic Village to Hollywood HU | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
ANTHRO 301 | Human Evolution and Variation NS | 3 |
ANTHRO 401 | Primate Populations | 3 |
ANTHRO 402 | Primate Evolution NS | 3 |
ANTHRO 403 | The Human Skeleton NS | 3 |
ANTHRO 404 | Human Biological Variation | 3 |
ANTHRO 405 | Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 406 | Evolutionary Biology & Human Diseases | 3 |
ANTHRO 407 | Neuroanthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 408 | Hormones and Behavior | 3 |
Natural Science Lab | ||
ANTHRO 530 | Paleoethnobotany: Introduction & Lab Methods | 3 |
Social Science | ||
ANTHRO 101 | Introduction to Anthropology: Human Origins SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 102 | Introduction to Anthropology: Culture and Society SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 103 | Digging Up the Past: Approaches to Archaeology SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 104 | Lifeways in Different Cultures: A Survey of World Societies SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 105 | Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 140 | Games and Society | 3 |
ANTHRO 150 | Multicultural America SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 156 | Food and Culture SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 203 | Indigenous Religions SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 213 | American Indian Peoples of Wisconsin SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 214 | Ancient Civilizations of Latin America | 3 |
ANTHRO 225 | The Aztec Empire | 3 |
ANTHRO 250 | Women's Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 304 | Violence and Warfare in Prehistory | 3 |
ANTHRO 306 | European Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 307 | World Archaeology: Foundations of Civilization | 3 |
ANTHRO 308 | Archaeology of North America | 3 |
ANTHRO 309 | Archaeology of Central and South America | 3 |
ANTHRO 310 | Archaeology of Middle America | 3 |
ANTHRO 311 | The World of the Ancient Maya | 3 |
ANTHRO 312 | The Past on Tap: The Archaeology of Fermented Beverages | 3 |
ANTHRO 313 | Archaeology of the American Southwest | 3 |
ANTHRO 314 | American Indian Societies and Cultures | 3 |
ANTHRO 320 | Peoples and Cultures of Africa | 3 |
ANTHRO 322 | Europe in Anthropological Perspective | 3 |
ANTHRO 326 | Peoples and Cultures of South Asia | 3 |
ANTHRO 340 | Cultures of Online Games and Virtual Worlds | 3 |
ANTHRO 349 | Seminar in Ethnography and Cultural Processes | 3 |
ANTHRO 351 | Anthropological Theories of Religion | 3 |
ANTHRO 354 | Anthropology, Aesthetics, and Art | 3 |
ANTHRO 355 | Globalization, Culture, and Environment SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 361 | Applications in Linguistic Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 362 | System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction | 3 |
ANTHRO 381 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 409 | Evolution, Religion, and Human Biology | 3 |
ANTHRO 420 | Power and Ideology in Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 424 | Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 425 | Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways: Past and Present | 3 |
ANTHRO 426 | Who Owns the Past? | 3 |
ANTHRO 431 | Cities and Culture | 3 |
ANTHRO 432 | Law and Society | 3 |
ANTHRO 433 | Contemporary Issues in Global Justice | 3 |
ANTHRO 439 | Culture and Global Health | 3 |
ANTHRO 440 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 442 | Humanitarianism in Global Perspective | 3 |
ANTHRO 445 | Psychological Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 446 | The Child in Different Cultures SS | 3 |
ANTHRO 447 | The Global Politics of Human Rights | 3 |
ANTHRO 448 | Cultural and Human Ecology | 3 |
ANTHRO 449 | The Human Economy | 3 |
ANTHRO 450 | Political Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 460 | Anthropological Theory | 3 |
ANTHRO 465 | Historic Preservation in Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 466 | Historical Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 501 | Archaeology of Death | 3 |
ANTHRO 502 | Lithic Analysis: Stone Tools and Human Behavior | 3 |
ANTHRO 525 | Zooarchaeology: Analysis of Faunal Remains | 3 |
ANTHRO 540 | Applications of Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 543 | Cross-Cultural Study of Religion | 3 |
ANTHRO 544 | Religious Giving in Anthropological Perspective | 3 |
ANTHRO 560 | Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology | 3 |
ANTHRO 561 | Techniques and Problems in Ethnography | 3 |
ANTHRO 562 | Techniques and Problems in Archaeology | 3 |
ANTHRO 565 | Seminar in Regional Archaeology: | 3 |
ANTHRO 566 | Archaeological Analysis and Report Preparation: | 3-6 |
ANTHRO 567 | Archaeological Field School | 3-6 |
ANTHRO 568 | Introduction to Anthropological Statistics | 3 |
ANTHRO 570 | Issues in Bilingualism | 3 |
ANTHRO 641 | Seminar in Anthropology: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
ARABIC 111 | Cultures and Civilizations of the Muslim Middle East HU | 3 |
ARABIC 164 | Arabs and Islam in America HU | 3 |
ARABIC 390 | Islam: Religion and Culture OWCB | 3 |
Art History
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
ARTHIST 101 | Ancient and Medieval Art and Architecture HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 102 | Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 103 | History of Architecture HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 104 | African, New World and Oceanic Art and Architecture HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 105 | Asian Art and Architecture HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 111 | Entertainment Arts: Film, Television, and the Internet HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 205 | History of Film I: Development of an Art HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 206 | History of Film II: Development of an Art HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 210 | The Art and Architecture of the First Cities: A Global Perspective | 3 |
ARTHIST 237 | Northern Renaissance Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 240 | Introduction to Prints and Printmaking: History and Techniques HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 241 | Introduction to Baroque Art HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 250 | Introduction to American Art HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 251 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of Latin America | 3 |
ARTHIST 255 | Survey of Italian Renaissance Painting and Sculpture | 3 |
ARTHIST 260 | Spanish Visual Art and Culture: 1450-1830 | 3 |
ARTHIST 261 | Modern Art HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 307 | Film Directors: | 3 |
ARTHIST 308 | Film Styles: | 3 |
ARTHIST 312 | Minoan and Mycenaean Art and Archaeology | 3 |
ARTHIST 313 | Greek Art and Archaeology | 3 |
ARTHIST 314 | Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East | 3 |
ARTHIST 315 | Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt | 3 |
ARTHIST 316 | Roman Art and Archaeology | 3 |
ARTHIST 323 | Age of Apocalypse: Western European Art after the First Millennium | 3 |
ARTHIST 324 | Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 325 | Early Medieval Art in the West | 3 |
ARTHIST 326 | Chivalry and Spirituality: French Gothic Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 327 | Caliphs, Emirs, & Kings: Art & Architecture of Medieval Spain | 3 |
ARTHIST 328 | Frankish Art of the Crusader Period in the Levant | 3 |
ARTHIST 329 | Late Medieval Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 333 | High Renaissance Art in Italy | 3 |
ARTHIST 341 | Art of the Dutch Golden Age | 3 |
ARTHIST 342 | Art and Society in Renaissance Florence | 3 |
ARTHIST 343 | Art and Culture of Spain and Latin America, 1500-1750 | 3 |
ARTHIST 353 | American Art: Colonial Period - 1870 | 3 |
ARTHIST 354 | American Art: 1870 - Present | 3 |
ARTHIST 355 | American Folk Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 356 | American Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 357 | Rococo to Revolution: European Art, 1750-1850 | 3 |
ARTHIST 358 | Realism to Post-Impressionism: European Art, 1850-1900 | 3 |
ARTHIST 364 | Modernism and the Avant-Garde, 1900-1960 | 3 |
ARTHIST 365 | History of Photography | 3 |
ARTHIST 366 | German Painting, 1800-1933 | 3 |
ARTHIST 367 | Latin American Modernisms | 3 |
ARTHIST 368 | History of Modern Design | 3 |
ARTHIST 369 | Introduction to Contemporary Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 370 | Trends in Contemporary Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 371 | African Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 372 | Art of the Inca and their Ancestors | 3 |
ARTHIST 373 | Art of Ancient Mexico and Central America | 3 |
ARTHIST 375 | Art of the Aztec Empire | 3 |
ARTHIST 376 | History and Theory of New Media Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 377 | Art and Performance | 3 |
ARTHIST 380 | Chinese Painting | 3 |
ARTHIST 381 | Honors Seminar: HU | 3 |
ARTHIST 382 | Chinese Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 383 | Japanese Art and Architecture | 3 |
ARTHIST 384 | Art and Immortality in Ancient China | 3 |
ARTHIST 386 | Art, Ritual, and Ethnicity of China | 3 |
ARTHIST 412 | Cities and Sanctuaries of Ancient Greece | 3 |
ARTHIST 413 | Greek Sculpture | 3 |
ARTHIST 431 | Renaissance Architecture in Italy | 3 |
ARTHIST 447 | Topics in Early Modern Art: | 3 |
ARTHIST 458 | A Comparative History of Architecture and Urbanism: | 3 |
ARTHIST 462 | Frank Lloyd Wright | 3 |
ARTHIST 463 | Cubism and its Inheritance | 3 |
ARTHIST 465 | Dada and Surrealist Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 469 | American Artists Revealed: | 3 |
ARTHIST 470 | Topics in American Art: | 3 |
ARTHIST 471 | Topics in Contemporary Art: | 3 |
ARTHIST 474 | Maya Art | 3 |
ARTHIST 481 | Topics in Chinese Art: | 1-3 |
ARTHIST 482 | Topics in Non-Western Art: | 3 |
ARTHIST 501 | Colloquium in Method and Theory | 3 |
ARTHIST 603 | The Art Museum: History, Theory, Practice | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
ASTRON 103 | Survey of Astronomy NS | 3 |
ASTRON 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
ASTRON 400 | Astrophysics I | 3 |
ASTRON 401 | Astrophysics II | 3 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
ASTRON 104 | Astronomy Laboratory NS+ | 1 |
ASTRON 185 | Astronomy for Pre-Education Majors NS+ | 3 |
Atmospheric Science
If you took an Atmospheric Science course before Fall 2022, it counts as an L&S course. However, starting Fall 2022, Atmospheric Science courses only count as L&S courses for students who (1) declared the major in Atmospheric Science before Fall 2022, or (2) took ATM SCI 240 before Fall 2022 and later declared the major in Atmospheric Science. To determine which of your Atmospheric Science courses is eligible, check with your college advisor.
Biological Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
BIO SCI 103 | Topics in Modern Biology: NS | 3 |
BIO SCI 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
BIO SCI 206 | Biology of Women NS | 3 |
BIO SCI 315 | Cell Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 325 | Genetics | 4 |
BIO SCI 335 | Mammalian Reproductive Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 356 | Developmental Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 370 | Mammalian Physiology | 3 |
BIO SCI 380 | Honors Seminar: NS | 3 |
BIO SCI 401 | Immunology | 3 |
BIO SCI 405 | General Virology | 3 |
BIO SCI 406 | Marine Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 451 | Field Methods in Conservation | 3 |
BIO SCI 455 | Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology | 3 |
BIO SCI 458 | Community Ecology | 3 |
BIO SCI 465 | Biostatistics | 3 |
BIO SCI 480 | Ecological Genetics | 3 |
BIO SCI 498 | Genetics of Development and Cancer | 3 |
BIO SCI 500 | Plant Physiology | 3 |
BIO SCI 505 | Conservation Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 512 | Limnology I | 3 |
BIO SCI 523 | Evolution and Ecology of Birds | 3 |
BIO SCI 529 | Molecular Biology of Microorganisms | 3 |
BIO SCI 532 | Behavioral Ecology | 3 |
BIO SCI 535 | Bacterial Pathogenesis | 3 |
BIO SCI 540 | Microbial Diversity and Physiology | 3 |
BIO SCI 542 | Biological Electron Microscopy | 3 |
BIO SCI 564 | Endocrinology | 3 |
BIO SCI 565 | Gene Regulation in Stem Cells and Regeneration | 3 |
BIO SCI 572 | Functional Genomics | 3 |
BIO SCI 575 | Evolutionary Biology | 3 |
BIO SCI 599 | Special Topics in Biological Sciences: | 1-3 |
BIO SCI 611 | Seminar on Recent Advances in Limnology and Oceanography | 2 |
BIO SCI 670 | Senior Seminar in Biological Sciences | 1 |
BIO SCI 671 | Undergraduate Seminar in Microbiology | 1 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
BIO SCI 100 | Survey of Zoology NS+ | 3 |
BIO SCI 101 | General Survey of Microbiology NS+ | 4 |
BIO SCI 102 | Elements of Biology NS+ | 3 |
BIO SCI 104 | Plants in Today's World NS+ | 3 |
BIO SCI 150 | Foundations of Biological Sciences I NS+ | 4 |
BIO SCI 152 | Foundations of Biological Sciences II NS+ | 4 |
BIO SCI 201 | Human Structure and Function NS+ | 3 |
BIO SCI 202 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
BIO SCI 203 | Anatomy and Physiology II NS+ | 4 |
BIO SCI 310 | General Ecology | 4 |
BIO SCI 316 | Laboratory in Genetics and Cell Biology | 2 |
BIO SCI 358 | Birds of Wisconsin | 2 |
BIO SCI 383 | General Microbiology | 4 |
BIO SCI 469 | Genomic Data Analysis | 2 |
BIO SCI 501 | Plant and Aquatic Ecophysiology Laboratory | 3 |
BIO SCI 539 | Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Biology | 4 |
BIO SCI 543 | Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory | 2 |
BIO SCI 544 | Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory | 3 |
BIO SCI 562 | Topics in Field Biology: | 1-2 |
BIO SCI 580 | Experimental Microbiology | 4 |
Celtic Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
CELTIC 133 | Celtic Crossings: Overview of the History and Cultures of the Celtic World HU | 3 |
CELTIC 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
CELTIC 285 | Modern Irish Language and Literature in Translation | 3 |
CELTIC 350 | Advanced Topics in Celtic Studies: | 3 |
Social Sciences | ||
CELTIC 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
CHEM 100 | Chemical Science NS | 4 |
CHEM 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
CHEM 210 | Introduction to Fermentation Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 311 | Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 321 | Introduction to Environmental Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 341 | Introductory Survey of Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 343 | Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 345 | Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 381 | Honors Seminar: NS | 3 |
CHEM 399 | Special Chemical Problems: | 1-4 |
CHEM 501 | Introduction to Biochemistry | 3 |
CHEM 502 | Development of Modern Chemistry | 2 |
CHEM 511 | Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 524 | Instrumental Analysis | 3 |
CHEM 560 | Biophysical Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 599 | Special Projects in Chemistry | 3-5 |
CHEM 601 | Biochemistry: Protein Structure and Function | 3 |
CHEM 604 | Biochemistry: Metabolism | 3 |
CHEM 561 | Physical Chemistry I | 3 |
CHEM 612 | Transition Metal and Organometallic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 614 | Bio-Inorganic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 630 | Computational Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 640 | Advanced Survey of Organic Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 661 | Intermediate Chemical Thermodynamics | 3 |
CHEM 692 | Senior Thesis | 2-6 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
CHEM 101 | Chemical Science NS+ | 5 |
CHEM 102 | General Chemistry NS+ | 5 |
CHEM 103 | Survey of Biochemistry NS+ | 5 |
CHEM 104 | General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis NS+ | 5 |
CHEM 105 | General Chemistry for Engineering NS+ | 5 |
CHEM 106 | Chemistry in the World Around Us--Chemistry for the Non-Science Major NS+ | 3 |
CHEM 185 | Chemistry for Teachers NS+ | 3 |
CHEM 221 | Elementary Quantitative Analysis | 4 |
CHEM 342 | Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 344 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 563 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory | 1-2 |
CHEM 582 | Advanced Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
CHEM 584 | Advanced Chemistry Laboratory II | 2 |
CHEM 603 | Introduction to Biochemistry Laboratory | 2 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
CHINESE 150 | Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture HU | 3 |
CHINESE 160 | A Taste of China: Learning Chinese Culture and Society through Cuisine HU | 3 |
CHINESE 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
CHINESE 200 | Chinese Calligraphy HU | 3 |
CHINESE 220 | Introduction to Chinese Poetry | 3 |
CHINESE 320 | Contemporary Chinese Societies through Film | 3 |
CHINESE 330 | Chinese Language and Culture | 3 |
CHINESE 343 | Chinese Martial Arts Fiction | 3 |
CHINESE 353 | Popular Culture, Entertainment, and China's Modernization OWCB | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
CLASSIC 101 | Words Matter: How Greek and Latin Shape Our Language HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 170 | Classical Mythology HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 171 | Classical Mythology: An Audio-Visual Supplement HU | 1 |
CLASSIC 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 201 | Introduction to Greek Life and Literature HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 202 | Introduction to Roman Life and Literature HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 211 | Alexander the Great to Augustus HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 274 | Ancient Egyptian Civilization HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 301 | The Life and Literature of Classical Athens: Herodotus and Dramatists HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 302 | War and Politics in Ancient Greece HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 303 | The Life and Literature of the Roman Empire HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 304 | The Graeco-Roman World: HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 312 | Ancient Epic Oral Traditions HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 351 | Ancient Greek Religion HU | 3 |
CLASSIC 390 | Egyptian Mythology HU | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
COMMUN 103 | Public Speaking HU | 3 |
COMMUN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
COMMUN 264 | Persuasive Speaking | 3 |
COMMUN 285 | Communicating with Older Adults | 3 |
COMMUN 335 | Critical Analysis of Communication OWCB | 3 |
COMMUN 362 | Argumentation and Debate HU | 3 |
COMMUN 413 | Rhetoric and the Internet | 3 |
COMMUN 423 | Decision-Making and Creativity | 3 |
COMMUN 435 | Rhetoric in Western Thought | 3 |
COMMUN 436 | Recent Rhetorical Theory | 3 |
COMMUN 440 | Contemporary Problems in Freedom of Speech | 3 |
COMMUN 462 | Communication in the Legal Process | 3 |
COMMUN 464 | Theory and Practice of Persuasion | 3 |
COMMUN 472 | Rhetoric of Radicalism in the United States | 3 |
COMMUN 473 | African American Public Discourse | 3 |
COMMUN 474 | Rhetoric of Women's Rights in the US | 3 |
COMMUN 667 | Great American Speakers and Issues | 3 |
Social Science | ||
COMMUN 101 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication SS | 3 |
COMMUN 105 | Business and Professional Communication SS | 3 |
COMMUN 199 | Independent Study | 1-3 |
COMMUN 300 | Interviewers and Interviewing | 3 |
COMMUN 301 | Interpersonal Communication Processes | 3 |
COMMUN 310 | Communication in Organizations | 3 |
COMMUN 311 | Communication and Leadership | 3 |
COMMUN 313 | Human Communication and Technology | 3 |
COMMUN 320 | Nonverbal Communication | 3 |
COMMUN 323 | Communication in Groups and Teams | 3 |
COMMUN 327 | Instructional Communication for Human Resource Trainers | 3 |
COMMUN 350 | Intercultural Communication SS | 3 |
COMMUN 363 | Communication in Human Conflict | 3 |
COMMUN 370 | Quantitative Research in Communication QLB | 3 |
COMMUN 401 | Communication in Marital and Family Relationships | 3 |
COMMUN 450 | Cross-Cultural Communication | 3 |
COMMUN 481 | Interpersonal Issues in Health Communication | 3 |
COMMUN 550 | International and Global Communication | 3 |
COMMUN 655 | Cultural Training and Adjustment | 3 |
Comparative Literature
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
COMPLIT 133 | Contemporary Imagination in Literature and the Arts HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 135 | Experiencing Literature in the 21st Century: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 207 | Global Literature from Antiquity to the 1600s: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 208 | Global Literature from the 17th Century to the Present: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 230 | Literature and Society: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 231 | Literature and Religion: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 232 | Literature and Politics: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 233 | Literature and Film: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 309 | Great Works of Modern Literature: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 316 | World Cinema: | 3 |
COMPLIT 340 | Studies in Literary Genres and Modes: | 3 |
COMPLIT 350 | Topics in Comparative Literature: | 3 |
COMPLIT 360 | Seminar in Literature and Cultural Experience: | 3 |
COMPLIT 365 | Literatures and Cultures of the Americas: | 3 |
COMPLIT 381 | Honors Seminar: HU | 3 |
COMPLIT 457 | Topics in French and Francophone Studies in Translation: | 3 |
COMPLIT 461 | Film-Fiction Interaction: | 3 |
COMPLIT 463 | Literary Criticism: Major Authors | 3 |
Conservation and Environmental Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
CES 210 | Introduction to Conservation and Environmental Science NS | 3 |
CES 451 | Field Methods in Conservation | 3 |
CES 471 | Practicum in Natural Resources Management | 4 |
CES 550 | Introduction to Science Interpretation | 3 |
CES 651 | Principles of Stream Management and Restoration | 3 |
Social Science | ||
CES 390 | Changing Climate: A Conservation and Sustainability Approach | 3 |
CES 461 | The Politics and Policy of Sustainability | 3 |
Digital Arts and Culture
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
DAC 113 | Internet Culture HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
DAC 140 | Games and Society | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
ECON 100 | Introductory Economics SS | 3 |
ECON 103 | Principles of Microeconomics SS | 3 |
ECON 104 | Principles of Macroeconomics SS | 3 |
ECON 110 | Economics of Personal Finance | 1 |
ECON 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
ECON 210 | Economic Statistics QLB | 3 |
ECON 231 | Analysis of American Industries | 3 |
ECON 248 | Economics of Discrimination SS | 3 |
ECON 258 | Selected Topics in Economics: | 1-3 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON 302 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 310 | Introduction to Econometrics and Data Science | 3 |
ECON 325 | Money and Banking | 3 |
ECON 328 | Environmental Economics | 3 |
ECON 335 | Economics of Antitrust Laws | 3 |
ECON 351 | Introduction to International Economic Relations | 3 |
ECON 353 | Economic Development | 3 |
ECON 381 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
ECON 404 | Economic Applications of Game Theory | 3 |
ECON 413 | Statistics for Economists | 3 |
ECON 415 | Economics of Employment and Labor Relations | 3 |
ECON 426 | Public Economics | 3 |
ECON 432 | Industrial Organization | 3 |
ECON 447 | Labor Economics | 3 |
ECON 448 | Economics of Human Resources | 3 |
ECON 450 | Health Economics | 3 |
ECON 454 | International Trade | 3 |
ECON 455 | International Finance | 3 |
ECON 458 | Selected Topics in Economics: | 3 |
ECON 506 | Mathematical Economics I | 3 |
ECON 513 | Introduction to Econometrics | 3 |
ECON 606 | Mathematical Economics II | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
ENGLISH 111 | Entertainment Arts: Film, Television, and the Internet HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 150 | Multicultural America HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 209 | Language in the United States HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 210 | Global Englishes HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 211 | Aspects of the English Language: | 3 |
ENGLISH 215 | Introduction to English Studies HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 222 | English Writers, 1800 to the Present HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 240 | Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 243 | Introduction to Literature by Women: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 245 | The Life, Times, and Work of a Literary Artist: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 247 | Literature and Human Experience: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 248 | Literature and Contemporary Life: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 251 | Fantasy in Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 253 | Science Fiction: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 260 | Introduction to Poetry: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 261 | Introduction to Short Stories: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 262 | Introduction to Drama: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 263 | Introduction to the Novel: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 268 | Introduction to Cultural Studies: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 269 | Literary Forms and Genres: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 274 | Literature and the Other Arts: | 3 |
ENGLISH 276 | Introduction to American Indian Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 277 | Introduction to Ethnic Minority Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 278 | Introduction to World Literatures Written in English: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 279 | Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 280 | Introduction to Asian-American Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 281 | Introduction to African-American Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 285 | Modern Irish Language and Literature in Translation | 3 |
ENGLISH 290 | Introduction to Film Studies HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 292 | Classic Dramas in Film: | 1 |
ENGLISH 295 | Women and Film HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 301 | Survey of English Literature, Beginnings to 1500 | 3 |
ENGLISH 302 | Survey of English Literature, 1500-1660 | 3 |
ENGLISH 303 | Survey of English Literature, 1660-1798 | 3 |
ENGLISH 304 | Survey of English Literature, 1798-1900 | 3 |
ENGLISH 305 | Survey of English Literature: 1900 to the Present | 3 |
ENGLISH 306 | Survey of Irish Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 307 | Survey of American Literature to 1865 | 3 |
ENGLISH 308 | Survey of American Literature, 1865-1965 | 3 |
ENGLISH 309 | Survey of Contemporary American Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 310 | Writing, Speaking, and Technoscience in the 21st Century OWCB, HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 312 | Topics in Film, Television and Digital Studies: | 3 |
ENGLISH 316 | World Cinema: | 3 |
ENGLISH 320 | Studies in Film and Television Authorship: | 3 |
ENGLISH 325 | The Art of Fiction: | 3 |
ENGLISH 326 | The Development of the Novel: | 3 |
ENGLISH 327 | The Development of the Short Story | 3 |
ENGLISH 329 | Film and Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 332 | LGBTQ+ Literature: HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 341 | The Development of Drama: | 3 |
ENGLISH 342 | Comedy: | 3 |
ENGLISH 344 | Modern Drama: | 3 |
ENGLISH 360 | The Art of Poetry: | 3 |
ENGLISH 361 | The Development of Poetry: | 3 |
ENGLISH 372 | Survey of American Indian Literature HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 373 | Survey of Ethnic Minority Literature HU | 3 |
ENGLISH 374 | Survey of U.S. Latino/a Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 375 | Survey of Asian American Literature | 3 |
ENGLISH 376 | Survey of African-American Literature to 1930 | 3 |
ENGLISH 377 | Survey of African-American Literature, 1930 to the Present CD | 3 |
ENGLISH 378 | Survey of Current Literary and Cultural Theory | 3 |
ENGLISH 380 | Media and Society: | 3 |
ENGLISH 381 | World Literatures Written in English: | 3 |
ENGLISH 383 | Cinema, Television, and Genre: | 3 |
ENGLISH 390 | Classical Film Criticism and Theory | 3 |
ENGLISH 391 | Television Criticism and Theory | 3 |
ENGLISH 394 | Theories of Digital Culture: | 3 |
ENGLISH 400 | Introduction to English Linguistics | 3 |
ENGLISH 401 | History of the English Language | 3 |
ENGLISH 404 | Language, Power, and Identity | 3 |
ENGLISH 452 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENGLISH 454 | Milton | 3 |
ENGLISH 456 | Writers in English Literature, 1500-1660: | 3 |
ENGLISH 457 | Writers in English Literature, 1660-1798: | 3 |
ENGLISH 458 | Writers in English Literature, 1798-1900: | 3 |
ENGLISH 459 | Writers in English Literature, 1900 to the Present: | 3 |
ENGLISH 460 | Writers in American Literature, 1500-1900: | 3 |
ENGLISH 461 | Writers in American Literature, 1900 to the Present: | 3 |
ENGLISH 463 | Writers in African-American Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 465 | Women Writers: | 3 |
ENGLISH 504 | Studies in Literature, 1660-1800: | 3 |
ENGLISH 505 | Studies in Literature, 1800-1900: | 3 |
ENGLISH 514 | Literature in Context: | 3 |
ENGLISH 515 | Literature and the Other Arts: | 3 |
ENGLISH 517 | Studies in African-American Literature: CD | 3 |
ENGLISH 518 | Studies in Irish Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 520 | Studies in American Indian Literature: CD | 3 |
ENGLISH 522 | Studies in World Literature Written in English: | 3 |
ENGLISH 523 | Studies in U.S. Latino/a Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 524 | Studies in Asian-American Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 547 | Studies in Theory and Criticism: | 3 |
ENGLISH 622 | Seminar in Irish Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 623 | Seminar in American Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 624 | Seminar in Modern Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 625 | Seminar in Literary History: | 3 |
ENGLISH 626 | Seminar in Critical Theory: | 3 |
ENGLISH 627 | Seminar in Literature and Culture: | 3 |
ENGLISH 628 | Seminar in Literature by Women: | 3 |
ENGLISH 629 | Seminar in Literature and Sexuality: | 3 |
ENGLISH 630 | Seminar in Literature and the Other Arts: | 3 |
ENGLISH 631 | Seminar in African-American Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 632 | Seminar in American Indian Literature: | 3 |
ENGLISH 633 | Seminar in Rhetoric and Professional Writing: | 3 |
ENGLISH 685 | Honors Seminar: HU | 3 |
Ethnic Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
ETHNIC 101 | The Multi-Racial Origins of American Cultures HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 102 | Transnational Migrations: People on the Move HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 245 | Indians, Artists, and Conquistadores: The U.S. Southwest | 3 |
ETHNIC 255 | Migration and Gender: Starbucks, Sex Trafficking, and Nannies HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 275 | Queer Migrations HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 325 | Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Milwaukee: CD, HU | 3 |
ETHNIC 355 | Muslims and American Popular Culture | 3 |
ETHNIC 497 | Study Abroad: | 1-12 |
Social Science | ||
ETHNIC 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
ETHNIC 200 | Racial Minorities in the United States SS | 3 |
ETHNIC 265 | Hmong Americans: History, Culture, and Contemporary Life SS | 3 |
ETHNIC 285 | Cultures of Contemporary Russia | 3 |
ETHNIC 375 | Global Violence, Disease, and Death | 3 |
Film Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
FILMSTD 111 | Entertainment Arts: Film, Television, and the Internet HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 205 | History of Film I: Development of an Art HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 206 | History of Film II: Development of an Art HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 212 | Intermediate Topics in Film and Television Studies: HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 290 | Introduction to Film Studies HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 292 | Classic Dramas in Film: | 1 |
FILMSTD 295 | Women and Film HU | 3 |
FILMSTD 305 | Film Analysis I: Method and Theory | 3 |
FILMSTD 306 | Film Analysis II: Method and Theory | 3 |
FILMSTD 307 | Film Directors: | 3 |
FILMSTD 308 | Film Styles: | 3 |
FILMSTD 312 | Topics in Film, Television and Digital Studies: | 3 |
FILMSTD 316 | World Cinema: | 3 |
FILMSTD 320 | Studies in Film and Television Authorship: | 3 |
FILMSTD 329 | Film and Literature | 3 |
FILMSTD 330 | Film and Drama: | 3 |
FILMSTD 380 | Media and Society: | 3 |
FILMSTD 383 | Cinema, Television, and Genre: | 3 |
FILMSTD 390 | Classical Film Criticism and Theory | 3 |
FILMSTD 391 | Television Criticism and Theory | 3 |
FILMSTD 392 | Contemporary Film Criticism and Theory: | 3 |
FILMSTD 394 | Theories of Digital Culture: | 3 |
FILMSTD 395 | Feminist Media Criticism and Theory: | 3 |
FILMSTD 669 | Screening Sexuality: | 3 |
FILMSTD 690 | Seminar in Contemporary Cinema and Media: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
FRENCH 145 | Views of France: HU | 3 |
FRENCH 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
FRENCH 303 | Conversation and Composition: Intermediate Level HU | 3 |
FRENCH 324 | Contemporary French Language and Culture HU | 3 |
FRENCH 332 | Reading French Texts HU | 3 |
FRENCH 349 | Studies in French Culture: | 2-4 |
FRENCH 357 | Literature of the French-Speaking World in Translation: | 3 |
FRENCH 383 | Honors Seminar: HU | 3 |
FRENCH 426 | Growing Up French HU | 3 |
FRENCH 428 | Castles, Cathedrals, and Common People: The Foundations of French Culture | 3 |
FRENCH 429 | Royalty, Reason, and Revolution: The Golden Age of French Culture | 3 |
FRENCH 430 | Reaction and Innovation: French Culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries | 3 |
FRENCH 431 | Seminar in Literature of the Francophone World: | 3 |
FRENCH 432 | Seminar in French and Francophone Cultures: | 1-3 |
FRENCH 433 | Seminar in French Literature: | 3 |
FRENCH 450 | Institutions and Culture of Contemporary France | 3 |
FRENCH 451 | Cinema of the French-Speaking World: | 3 |
FRENCH 457 | Topics in French and Francophone Studies in Translation: | 3 |
FRENCH 510 | Seminar on Masterpieces of Literature Written in French: | 3 |
FRENCH 520 | Seminar in Contemporary French Literature: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
GEOG 125 | Introduction to Environmental Geography NS | 3 |
GEOG 306 | Natural Hazards NS | 3 |
GEOG 310 | General Climatology | 3 |
GEOG 340 | Biogeography | 3 |
GEOG 403 | Remote Sensing: Environmental and Land Use Analysis | 4 |
GEOG 415 | The Water Environment | 3 |
GEOG 450 | Climates of the Past and Climate Change | 3 |
GEOG 464 | Environmental Problems | 3 |
GEOG 515 | Watershed Analysis and Modeling | 3 |
GEOG 520 | Physical Geography of the City | 3 |
GEOG 547 | Spatial Analysis | 4 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
GEOG 120 | Our Physical Environment NS+ | 3 |
Social Science | ||
GEOG 105 | Introduction to Human Geography SS | 3 |
GEOG 110 | The World: Peoples and Regions SS | 3 |
GEOG 114 | Geography of Race in the United States SS | 3 |
GEOG 115 | Globalization and Economic Development SS | 3 |
GEOG 140 | Our Urban Environment: Introduction to Urban Geography SS | 3 |
GEOG 213 | Geography of Asia SS | 3 |
GEOG 304 | Human Impact on the Environment SS | 3 |
GEOG 309 | Nationalities and Nations of the World | 3 |
GEOG 330 | Europe: East and West | 3 |
GEOG 350 | Conservation of Natural Resources SS | 3 |
GEOG 381 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
GEOG 405 | Cartography | 4 |
GEOG 441 | Geography of Cities and Metropolitan Areas | 3 |
GEOG 443 | Cities of the World: Comparative Urban Geography | 3 |
GEOG 540 | Globalization and the City | 3 |
GEOG 564 | Urban Environmental Change and Social Justice | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
GEO SCI 105 | Earth, Air, Fire and Water NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 106 | The Earth Environment NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 109 | Dinosaurs NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 150 | Introduction to Ocean Sciences NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 381 | Honors Seminar: NS | 3 |
GEO SCI 420 | Methods in Paleomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism | 3 |
GEO SCI 421 | Conservation Paleontology | 3 |
GEO SCI 422 | Plant-Insect Interactions in Deep Time | 3 |
GEO SCI 545 | X-Ray Analytical Methods | 3 |
GEO SCI 562 | Environmental Surface Hydrology | 3 |
GEO SCI 614 | Advanced Structural Geology | 3 |
GEO SCI 635 | Volcanology | 3 |
GEO SCI 637 | Planetary Geology | 3 |
GEO SCI 694 | Undergraduate Seminar: | 1-3 |
GEO SCI 696 | Topics in the Geological Sciences: | 1-3 |
GEO SCI 697 | Seminar in the Geological Sciences: | 1-3 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
GEO SCI 100 | Introduction to the Earth NS+ | 3 |
GEO SCI 102 | Evolution of the Earth NS+ | 3 |
GEO SCI 108 | A History of Life NS+ | 3 |
GEO SCI 120 | Geology of the Planets NS+ | 3 |
GEO SCI 151 | Ocean Sciences Laboratory NS+ | 1 |
GEO SCI 301 | Principles of Mineralogy | 4 |
GEO SCI 302 | Elementary Petrology | 4 |
GEO SCI 316 | Introduction to Geophysics | 4 |
GEO SCI 400 | Water Quality | 4 |
GEO SCI 409 | Process Geomorphology | 4 |
GEO SCI 414 | Structural Geology | 4 |
GEO SCI 443 | Glacial and Pleistocene Geology | 4 |
GEO SCI 455 | Field Geology | 3-8 |
GEO SCI 463 | Physical Hydrogeology | 4 |
GEO SCI 464 | Chemical Hydrogeology | 4 |
GEO SCI 511 | Stratigraphy and Sedimentation | 4 |
GEO SCI 515 | Physical Sedimentology | 4 |
GEO SCI 520 | Introduction to Paleontology | 4 |
GEO SCI 558 | Conducted Field Trip: | 1-3 |
GEO SCI 563 | Field Methods in Hydrogeology | 4 |
GEO SCI 638 | Advanced Igneous Petrology | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
GERMAN 111 | German Life and Civilization: Part I HU | 3 |
GERMAN 112 | German Life and Civilization: Part II: HU | 3 |
GERMAN 145 | Views of Germany: HU | 3 |
GERMAN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
GERMAN 332 | Presentation and Composition HU | 3 |
GERMAN 333 | Texts and Contexts HU | 3 |
GERMAN 334 | Introduction to German Studies HU | 3 |
GERMAN 341 | Undergrad Seminar in German-Amer Studies: Germans in Wisconsin & Milwaukee | 3 |
GERMAN 415 | Topics in German Studies: | 3 |
GERMAN 456 | German Literature from the Turn of the Century to World War II | 3 |
GERMAN 460 | German Literature from 1945 to the Present | 3 |
GERMAN 483 | Seminar on German Studies: HU | 3 |
GERMAN 484 | Seminar on Themes and Motifs in German Literature: | 3 |
Global Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
GLOBAL 102 | Introduction to Global Languages and Cultures | 3 |
GLOBAL 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
Natural Science | ||
GLOBAL 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
Social Science | ||
GLOBAL 101 | Introduction to Global Studies I: People and Politics SS | 3 |
GLOBAL 201 | Introduction to Global Studies II: Economics and the Environment SS | 3 |
GLOBAL 202 | Introduction to Global Studies III: Globalization and Technology SS | 3 |
GLOBAL 203 | Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies SS | 3 |
GLOBAL 351 | Language, Media, and Social Practice in Global Communications | 3 |
GLOBAL 361 | Environment and Sustainability | 3 |
GLOBAL 362 | System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction | 3 |
GLOBAL 371 | Rethinking Global Security | 3 |
GLOBAL 381 | Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences: | 3 |
GLOBAL 383 | Environmental Political Theory | 3 |
GLOBAL 421 | Cities in the Global Economy | 3 |
GLOBAL 439 | Culture and Global Health | 3 |
GLOBAL 442 | Humanitarianism in Global Perspective | 3 |
GLOBAL 447 | The Global Politics of Human Rghts | 3 |
GLOBAL 451 | Access, Security, and Intercultural Contexts in Global Communications | 3 |
GLOBAL 461 | The Politics and Policy of Sustainability | 3 |
GLOBAL 471 | Strategies for Realizing Security in Global Contexts | 3 |
GLOBAL 550 | Advanced Seminar in Global Studies: OWCB | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
GREEK 306 | Readings in Ancient Greek Literature: | 3 |
GREEK 501 | Readings in Classical Greek Prose: | 3 |
GREEK 502 | Readings in Ancient Greek Poetry: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
HIST 101 | Western Civilization: Ancient World to 1500 HU | 3 |
HIST 102 | Western Civilization: 1500 to the Present HU | 3 |
HIST 131 | World History to 1500 HU | 3 |
HIST 132 | World History Since 1500 HU | 3 |
HIST 150 | Multicultural America HU | 3 |
HIST 175 | East Asian Civilization to 1600 HU | 3 |
HIST 176 | East Asian Civilization Since 1600 HU | 3 |
HIST 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
HIST 201 | The Ancient World: The Near East and Greece HU | 3 |
HIST 202 | The Ancient World: The Roman Republic and Empire HU | 3 |
HIST 203 | The History of Medieval Europe: The Early Middle Ages HU | 3 |
HIST 204 | The History of Medieval Europe: The High Middle Ages HU | 3 |
HIST 229 | History of Race, Science, and Medicine in the United States HU | 3 |
HIST 235 | English History to 1688 HU | 3 |
HIST 236 | Britain Since 1688: Rise and Decline of a Great Power HU | 3 |
HIST 239 | Poland and its Neighbors, 1795-1914 | 3 |
HIST 241 | Women and Gender in Europe: 1350 to 1750 HU | 3 |
HIST 242 | Women and Gender in Europe: 1750 to the Present HU | 3 |
HIST 243 | History of Women in American Society HU | 3 |
HIST 248 | The First World War HU | 3 |
HIST 249 | The Second World War in Europe HU | 3 |
HIST 266 | Race, Racial Thought, and Prejudice in the United States, 1607 - Present CD, HU | 3 |
HIST 267 | The History of Latinos in the United States HU | 3 |
HIST 268 | History of the American West HU | 3 |
HIST 269 | Asian Americans in Historical Perspective HU | 3 |
HIST 270 | Topics in American History: HU | 3 |
HIST 271 | The 1960s in the United States: A Cultural History HU | 3 |
HIST 274 | Ancient Egyptian Civilization HU | 3 |
HIST 280 | Islamic Civilization: The Formative Period, ca. 500-1258 HU | 3 |
HIST 282 | The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries HU | 3 |
HIST 284 | Buddhism Across Asia HU | 3 |
HIST 286 | The Korean War | 3 |
HIST 290 | Topics in Global History: | 3 |
HIST 295 | Historical Encounters: | 3 |
HIST 303 | A History of Greek Civilization: The Greek City-State | 3 |
HIST 304 | A History of Greek Civilization: The Age of Alexander the Great | 3 |
HIST 307 | A History of Rome: The Republic | 3 |
HIST 308 | A History of Rome: The Empire | 3 |
HIST 318 | Medieval Civilization: The High Middle Ages | 3 |
HIST 319 | The Era of the Crusades | 3 |
HIST 320 | History of Medieval Warfare | 3 |
HIST 329 | The Roman Catholic Church, 1500 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 330 | The Papacy in History | 3 |
HIST 346 | Poland and Its Neighbors, 1914-1945 | 3 |
HIST 348 | Poland and Its Neighbors, 1945 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 355 | Modern and Contemporary France | 3 |
HIST 358 | The Jews of Modern Europe: History and Culture | 3 |
HIST 364 | The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-45 | 3 |
HIST 370 | Topics in the History of Religious Thought: | 3 |
HIST 373 | Topics in Gender and History: | 3 |
HIST 375 | Contemporary European History, 1945 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 376 | Premodern China | 3 |
HIST 379 | Introduction to Jewish History HU | 3 |
HIST 380 | Buddhism: A Cultural History | 3 |
HIST 386 | Africans in World History: Communities, Cultures, and Ideas | 3 |
HIST 387 | Modern Africa | 3 |
HIST 394 | History of Japan to 1600 | 3 |
HIST 395 | History of Japan Since 1600 | 3 |
HIST 398 | Honors Seminar: | 3 |
HIST 409 | Causes of the Civil War, 1828-1861 | 3 |
HIST 434 | The United States as a World Power in the 20th Century | 3 |
HIST 436 | Immigrant America Since 1880 HU | 3 |
HIST 442 | Beer and Brewing in America | 3 |
HIST 448 | Baseball in American History | 3 |
HIST 449 | Popular Culture in America, 1800 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 450 | The History of Milwaukee | 3 |
HIST 452 | History of Religion in American Life to 1870 | 3 |
HIST 453 | History of Religion in American Life Since 1870 | 3 |
HIST 454 | God at the Movies: American Religion in Fiction and Film | 3 |
HIST 463 | History of the American City | 3 |
HIST 473 | History of Wisconsin Indians HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
HIST 141 | Global History of the Family, Gender, and Sexuality SS | 3 |
HIST 151 | American History: 1607 to 1877 SS | 3 |
HIST 152 | American History: 1877 to the Present SS | 3 |
HIST 180 | Latin American Society and Culture SS | 3 |
HIST 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
HIST 200 | Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues: SS | 3 |
HIST 206 | Europe and the Modern World: 1815 to the Present SS | 3 |
HIST 210 | The Twentieth Century: A Global History SS | 3 |
HIST 262 | North American Indian History to 1887 SS | 3 |
HIST 263 | North American Indian History Since 1887 SS | 3 |
HIST 287 | The Vietnam War SS | 3 |
HIST 341 | Imperial Russia | 3 |
HIST 343 | Russia Since 1917 | 3 |
HIST 363 | Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship | 3 |
HIST 377 | Modern China | 3 |
HIST 378 | Revolution in China | 3 |
HIST 392 | The History of Southern Africa | 3 |
HIST 393 | History of Mexico | 3 |
HIST 399 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
HIST 405 | The Age of the American Revolution, 1750-1789 | 3 |
HIST 410 | Civil War and Reconstruction: The United States, 1861-1877 | 3 |
HIST 418 | America in Prosperity, Depression and War, 1921-1945 | 3 |
HIST 419 | America Since 1945 | 3 |
HIST 435 | Ethnic America: To 1880 | 3 |
HIST 440 | History of the American Working Classes | 3 |
HIST 445 | African Americans from Slavery to Freedom | 3 |
HIST 446 | African Americans Since the Civil War | 3 |
HIST 451 | History of Wisconsin | 3 |
HIST 460 | The History of Poverty in America | 3 |
HIST 468 | The American Feminist Movement | 3 |
HIST 474 | Topics in North American Indian History: | 3 |
HIST 595 | The Quantitative Analysis of Historical Data QLB | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
HMONG 192 | First-Year Seminar: CD,HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
HMONG 193 | First-Year Seminar: CD, SS | 3 |
Honors College
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
HONORS 200 | Honors Seminar: The Shaping of the Modern Mind: HU | 3 |
HONORS 350 | Honors Seminar in the Humanities: HU | 3 |
Natural Science | ||
HONORS 352 | Honors Seminar in the Natural Sciences: NS | 3 |
Social Science | ||
HONORS 351 | University Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences: SS | 3 |
International Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
INTLST 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
INTLST 550 | Senior Seminar in International Studies: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
ITALIAN 112 | Italian Language and Culture for Professional Communication | 4 |
ITALIAN 143 | Multi-Racial Italy Today HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 145 | Views of Italy: HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 146 | Italians and the Mafia HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 155 | Masterpieces of Italian Literature in Translation | 3 |
ITALIAN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 242 | Topics in Italian American Studies: HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 243 | Topics in Italian American Film: HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 245 | Italy and Its Global Fictions: HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 256 | Introduction to Italian Food Studies: A Cultural History HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 258 | Contemporary Italian Society and Culture HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 311 | Advanced Conversation and Composition: Contemporary Italian Usage | 3 |
ITALIAN 312 | Contemporary Italian Language and Culture HU | 3 |
ITALIAN 321 | Introduction to Italian Literature | 3 |
ITALIAN 322 | Introduction to Italian Literature and Film | 3 |
ITALIAN 329 | Italian Cinema | 3 |
ITALIAN 333 | Dante's Divine Comedy in Translation | 3 |
ITALIAN 335 | Political Theory, Historiography, and Scientific Thought in Italy | 3 |
ITALIAN 342 | Italian Immigration: A Sociocultural History | 3 |
ITALIAN 357 | Topics in Italian Culture in Translation: | 3 |
ITALIAN 383 | Honors Seminar: | 3 |
ITALIAN 456 | Topics in Italian Food Studies: | 3 |
ITALIAN 457 | Topics in Italian Literature and Culture in Translation: | 3 |
ITALIAN 460 | The Italian Novel from Manzoni to the Present | 3 |
ITALIAN 463 | Italian Poetry from Romanticism to Hermeticism | 3 |
ITALIAN 466 | Italian Theatre from the Commedia Dell'Arte to Pirandello | 3 |
ITALIAN 552 | The Renaissance: | 3 |
ITALIAN 659 | The Divine Comedy | 3 |
ITALIAN 660 | The Divine Comedy | 3 |
ITALIAN 670 | Studies in Italian Literature: | 3 |
ITALIAN 671 | Major Italian Authors: | 3 |
ITALIAN 675 | Literary Theory and Critical Perspectives | 3 |
ITALIAN 699 | Advanced Independent Reading | 1-3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
JAPAN 100 | Introduction to Japanese Literature HU | 3 |
JAPAN 110 | Japanese Popular Culture | 3 |
JAPAN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
JAPAN 200 | Japanese Culture and Its Effect on Language HU | 3 |
JAPAN 220 | Introduction to Japanese Food Studies HU | 3 |
JAPAN 221 | Japanese Film: Themes and Methods | 3 |
JAPAN 330 | Japanese Language and Culture | 3 |
JAPAN 332 | Extensive Reading in Japanese | 1 |
JAPAN 345 | Japanese News Media | 3 |
JAPAN 351 | Japanese Performance Traditions HU | 3 |
JAPAN 352 | Japanese Performance Traditions: Readings | 1 |
JAPAN 355 | Seminar in Japanese Literature and Culture: OWCB | 3 |
JAPAN 356 | Seminar in Japanese Literature: Readings | 1 |
Jewish Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
JEWISH 100 | Introduction to Judaism | 3 |
JEWISH 101 | Jewish Culture in America: History, Literature, Film HU | 3 |
JEWISH 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
JEWISH 230 | Bible Stories HU | 3 |
JEWISH 231 | Introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible HU | 3 |
JEWISH 235 | The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible | 3 |
JEWISH 247 | Topics in Jewish Literature, Art, and Culture: HU | 3 |
JEWISH 261 | Representing the Holocaust in Words and Images HU | 3 |
JEWISH 331 | Topics in Biblical Literature: | 3 |
JEWISH 332 | Women in the Bible | 3 |
JEWISH 358 | The Jews of Modern Europe: History and Culture | 3 |
JEWISH 368 | Jewish and Christian Responses to the Holocaust HU | 3 |
JEWISH 379 | Introduction to Jewish History HU | 3 |
JEWISH 411 | Old Testament Texts: | 3 |
JEWISH 421 | Introduction to Yiddish Literature: | 3 |
JEWISH 449 | Modern Jewish Thought | 3 |
Social Science | ||
JEWISH 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
JEWISH 328 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | 3 |
Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
JAMS 111 | Gender and the Media HU | 3 |
JAMS 113 | Internet Culture HU | 3 |
JAMS 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
JAMS 214 | Advertising in American Society HU | 3 |
JAMS 262 | Principles of Media Studies | 3 |
JAMS 304 | News Literacy | 3 |
JAMS 306 | Feature and Magazine Article Writing: | 3 |
JAMS 307 | Persuasive Media Writing and Production: | 3 |
JAMS 320 | News Reporting | 3 |
JAMS 325 | Audio Storytelling | 3 |
JAMS 332 | Introduction to Digital Documentary | 3 |
JAMS 336 | Media Graphics | 3 |
JAMS 342 | Television News Reporting | 3 |
JAMS 380 | Special Topics in Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies: | 3 |
JAMS 417 | Branding and Campaign Analysis | 3 |
JAMS 450 | Race and Ethnicity in the Media | 3 |
JAMS 461 | Media Ethics HU | 3 |
JAMS 500 | Advanced Integrated Reporting | 3 |
JAMS 502 | Specialized Reporting: | 3 |
JAMS 504 | Critical and Opinion Writing | 3 |
JAMS 524 | Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns | 3 |
JAMS 562 | Media Studies and Culture | 3 |
JAMS 620 | Seminar in Global Media | 3 |
Social Science | ||
JAMS 101 | Introduction to Mass Media SS | 3 |
JAMS 116 | Journalism, Documentary, and Democracy | 3 |
JAMS 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
JAMS 505 | Research for Advertising and Public Relations | 3 |
JAMS 559 | Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age | 3 |
JAMS 614 | Seminar in Media and Public Opinion | 3 |
JAMS 615 | Seminar in Media and Politics | 3 |
JAMS 660 | Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Media Studies: | 3 |
JAMS 661 | Seminar in Media Communication and Society: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
KOREAN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
KOREAN 221 | Korean Culture and Society HU | 3 |
KOREAN 302 | Sixth Semester Korean | 3 |
KOREAN 325 | Korean Contemporary Culture and the Korean Wave OWCB | 3 |
L&S Humanities
Code | Title | Credits |
L&S HUM 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
L&S HUM 293 | Sophomore Scholars Seminar: HU | 3 |
L&S Natural Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
L&S NS 295 | Seminar in the Natural Sciences: | 1-3 |
L&S Social Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
L&S SS 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LATIN 501 | Readings in Latin Prose: | 3 |
LATIN 502 | Readings in Latin Poetry: | 3 |
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LACS 101 | Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies HU | 3 |
LACS 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
LACS 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LACUSL 201 | Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Arts and Culture: HU | 3 |
LACUSL 324 | Theatre in the Americas: Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Theatre A, CD | 3 |
Latinx Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LATINX 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
LATINX 279 | Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Literature: HU | 3 |
LATINX 374 | Survey of U.S. Latino/a Literature | 3 |
LATINX 523 | Studies in U.S. Latino/a Literature: | 3 |
Social Science | ||
LATINX 101 | Introduction to Latino Studies SS | 3 |
LATINX 323 | Perspectives on Latino Communities SS | 3 |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LGBT 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
LGBT 200 | Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies HU | 3 |
LGBT 275 | Queer Migrations HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
LGBT 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
LINGUIS 100 | The Diversity of Human Language HU | 3 |
LINGUIS 210 | Power of Words HU | 3 |
LINGUIS 211 | Origins of Words HU | 3 |
LINGUIS 398 | Topics in Linguistics: | 1-6 |
LINGUIS 400 | Introduction to English Linguistics | 3 |
LINGUIS 450 | Introduction to Phonetics | 3 |
LINGUIS 470 | Historical/Comparative Linguistics | 3 |
LINGUIS 520 | Advanced Second Language Acquisition: | 3 |
LINGUIS 550 | Advanced Phonetics | 3 |
Social Science | ||
LINGUIS 212 | Language and Gender SS | 3 |
LINGUIS 350 | Introduction to Linguistics SS | 3 |
LINGUIS 415 | First Language Acquisition | 3 |
LINGUIS 420 | Introduction to Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
LINGUIS 430 | Language and Society SS | 3 |
LINGUIS 432 | Urban Dialects | 3 |
LINGUIS 440 | Psycholinguistics SS | 3 |
LINGUIS 455 | Semantics | 3 |
LINGUIS 461 | Introduction to Phonology | 3 |
LINGUIS 464 | Introduction to Syntax | 3 |
LINGUIS 468 | Language in its Various Forms: | 3 |
LINGUIS 474 | Language Typology and Language Universals | 3 |
LINGUIS 490 | Field Methods | 3 |
LINGUIS 555 | Advanced Semantics | 3 |
LINGUIS 561 | Advanced Phonology | 3 |
LINGUIS 564 | Advanced Syntax | 3 |
LINGUIS 567 | Materials and Curriculum for TESOL | 3 |
LINGUIS 570 | Issues in Bilingualism | 3 |
LINGUIS 590 | Morphology | 3 |
Mathematical Statistics
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
MTHSTAT 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
MTHSTAT 215 | Elementary Statistical Analysis NS, QLB | 3 |
MTHSTAT 216 | Introduction to Statistical Computing and Data Science | 3 |
MTHSTAT 361 | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I | 3 |
MTHSTAT 362 | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II | 3 |
MTHSTAT 562 | Design of Experiments | 3 |
MTHSTAT 563 | Regression Analysis | 3 |
MTHSTAT 564 | Time Series Analysis | 3 |
MTHSTAT 565 | Nonparametric Statistics | 3 |
MTHSTAT 568 | Multivariate Statistical Analysis | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
MATH 111 | Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning HU | 3 |
Natural Science | ||
MATH 115 | Precalculus | 4 |
MATH 116 | College Algebra QLA | 3 |
MATH 117 | Trigonometry | 2 |
MATH 176 | Mathematical Explorations for Elementary Teachers II QLB | 3 |
MATH 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
MATH 205 | Introductory Finite Mathematics NS, QLB | 3 |
MATH 208 | Quantitative Models for Business QLB | 4 |
MATH 211 | Survey in Calculus and Analytic Geometry I QLB, NS | 4 |
MATH 212 | Survey in Calculus and Analytic Geometry II | 4 |
MATH 213 | Calculus with Life Sciences Applications QLB, NS | 4 |
MATH 221 | Honors Calculus I QLB, NS | 5 |
MATH 222 | Honors Calculus II | 5 |
MATH 231 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry I QLB, NS | 4 |
MATH 232 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry II | 4 |
MATH 233 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry III | 4 |
MATH 234 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations | 4 |
MATH 240 | Matrices and Applications | 3 |
MATH 275 | Problem Solving/Critical Thinking for Elementary Education Majors | 3 |
MATH 276 | Algebraic Structures for Elementary Education Majors | 3 |
MATH 277 | Geometry for Elementary Education Majors | 3 |
MATH 305 | Introduction to Mathematical and Computational Modeling | 3 |
MATH 313 | Linear Programming and Optimization | 3 |
MATH 318 | Topics in Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 320 | Introduction to Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 322 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
MATH 325 | Vector Analysis | 3 |
MATH 341 | Seminar: Introduction to the Language and Practice of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 345 | Mathematics from a Historical Perspective: OWCB | 3 |
MATH 381 | Honors Seminar: | 3 |
MATH 405 | Mathematical Models and Applications | 3 |
MATH 413 | Introduction to Numerical Analysis | 3 |
MATH 431 | Modern Algebra with Applications | 3 |
MATH 451 | Axiomatic Geometry | 3 |
MATH 490 | Topics in Mathematics: | 3 |
MATH 511 | Symbolic Logic | 3 |
MATH 523 | Advanced Calculus I | 3 |
MATH 524 | Advanced Calculus II | 3 |
MATH 531 | Modern Algebra | 3 |
MATH 535 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 537 | Number Theory | 3 |
MATH 551 | Elementary Topology | 3 |
MATH 553 | Differential Geometry | 3 |
MATH 575 | High School Mathematics from an Advanced Viewpoint | 3 |
MATH 583 | Introduction to Probability Models | 3 |
MATH 591 | Undergraduate Seminar: | 1 |
MATH 603 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics I | 3 |
MATH 604 | Advanced Engineering Mathematics II | 3 |
MATH 623 | Introduction to Analysis I | 3 |
MATH 624 | Introduction to Analysis II | 3 |
MATH 635 | Modern Algebra I | 3 |
MATH 636 | Modern Algebra II | 3 |
MATH 690 | Topics in Mathematics: | 3 |
Peace Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
PEACEST 203 | Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies SS | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
PHILOS 101 | Introduction to Philosophy: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 111 | Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning HU | 3 |
PHILOS 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 204 | Introduction to Asian Religions HU | 3 |
PHILOS 207 | Religion and Science HU | 3 |
PHILOS 211 | Elementary Logic HU, QLB | 3 |
PHILOS 212 | Modern Deductive Logic HU | 3 |
PHILOS 213 | Introduction to the Philosophy of Science HU | 3 |
PHILOS 215 | Belief, Knowledge, and Truth: An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge HU | 3 |
PHILOS 217 | Introduction to Metaphysics HU | 3 |
PHILOS 232 | Topics in Philosophy: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 235 | Philosophical Aspects of Feminism HU | 3 |
PHILOS 237 | Technology, Values, and Society HU | 3 |
PHILOS 241 | Introductory Ethics HU | 3 |
PHILOS 242 | Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy HU | 3 |
PHILOS 243 | Moral Problems: HU | 1 |
PHILOS 244 | Ethical Issues in Health Care: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 245 | Critical Thinking and the Law: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 250 | God, Faith and Reason HU | 3 |
PHILOS 253 | Philosophy of the Arts HU | 3 |
PHILOS 271 | Philosophical Traditions: | 3 |
PHILOS 272 | Philosophical Classics: | 1 |
PHILOS 303 | Mind and Knowledge | 3 |
PHILOS 317 | Metaphysics | 3 |
PHILOS 337 | Environmental Ethics | 3 |
PHILOS 350 | Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religion | 3 |
PHILOS 351 | Philosophy of Mind | 3 |
PHILOS 381 | Honors Seminar: HU | 3 |
PHILOS 384 | The Philosophy of Law | 3 |
PHILOS 430 | Great Thinkers of the Ancient Period | 3 |
PHILOS 431 | History of Medieval Philosophy | 3 |
PHILOS 432 | Great Thinkers of the Modern Period | 3 |
PHILOS 433 | Nineteenth-Century Philosophers | 3 |
PHILOS 434 | Survey of Contemporary Philosophy | 3 |
PHILOS 435 | Existentialism | 3 |
PHILOS 437 | Phenomenology | 3 |
PHILOS 461 | Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism | 3 |
PHILOS 474 | Contemporary Religious Thought: | 3 |
PHILOS 475 | Special Topics in Indian Religious Thought: | 3 |
PHILOS 516 | Language and Meaning | 3 |
PHILOS 519 | Special Problems in Metaphysics and Epistemology: | 3 |
PHILOS 520 | Philosophy of the Natural Sciences | 3 |
PHILOS 542 | Punishment and Responsibility | 3 |
PHILOS 551 | Aristotle | 3 |
PHILOS 554 | Special Topics in the History of Modern Philosophy: | 3 |
PHILOS 681 | Seminar in Advanced Topics: | 3 |
Social Science | ||
PHILOS 341 | Modern Ethical Theories | 3 |
PHILOS 349 | Great Moral Philosophers | 3 |
PHILOS 355 | Political Philosophy | 3 |
PHILOS 518 | Philosophy of History | 3 |
PHILOS 521 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences | 3 |
PHILOS 555 | Recent Philosophy: | 3 |
PHILOS 562 | Special Topics in Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
PHYSICS 100 | Quantitative Preparation for Physics | 2 |
PHYSICS 107 | Physics in Everyday Life NS | 3 |
PHYSICS 110 | Physics for the Health Professions NS | 4 |
PHYSICS 120 | General Physics I (Non-Calculus Treatment) NS | 4 |
PHYSICS 122 | General Physics II (Non-Calculus Treatment) NS | 4 |
PHYSICS 194 | First-Year Seminar: NS | 3 |
PHYSICS 209 | Physics I (Calculus Treatment) NS | 4 |
PHYSICS 210 | Physics II (Calculus Treatment) NS | 4 |
PHYSICS 265 | Physics and the Energy Problem | 3 |
PHYSICS 270 | Introduction to Computational Physics | 3 |
PHYSICS 299 | Ad Hoc: (Search for Life in the Cosmos) | 3 |
PHYSICS 305 | Medical Physics | 3 |
PHYSICS 306 | Introduction to Biophysics | 3 |
PHYSICS 309 | Physics III: Modern Physics QLB | 3 |
PHYSICS 317 | Thermodynamics | 3 |
PHYSICS 351 | Basics of Condensed Matter Physics | 3 |
PHYSICS 370 | Analytical and Numerical Methods in Physics | 3 |
PHYSICS 381 | Honors Seminar: NS | 3 |
PHYSICS 411 | Mechanics | 4 |
PHYSICS 420 | Electricity and Magnetism I | 3 |
PHYSICS 422 | Electricity and Magnetism II | 3 |
PHYSICS 441 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I | 4 |
PHYSICS 442 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II | 3 |
PHYSICS 501 | Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems I | 3 |
PHYSICS 502 | Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems II | 3 |
PHYSICS 515 | Statistical Mechanics | 3 |
PHYSICS 517 | Special Relativity | 3 |
PHYSICS 531 | Principles of Quantum Mechanics I | 3 |
PHYSICS 532 | Principles of Quantum Mechanics II | 3 |
PHYSICS 551 | Introduction to Solid State Physics I | 3 |
PHYSICS 575 | Vacuum Science and Technology | 3 |
PHYSICS 606 | Molecular, Cellular, and System Biophysics | 3 |
PHYSICS 651 | Introduction to Solid State Physics II | 3 |
PHYSICS 670 | Electron Microscopy Laboratory | 3 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
PHYSICS 108 | Laboratory for Physics in Everyday Life NS+ | 1 |
PHYSICS 121 | General Physics Laboratory I (Non-Calculus Treatment) NS+ | 1 |
PHYSICS 123 | General Physics Laboratory II (Non-Calculus Treatment) NS+ | 1 |
PHYSICS 185 | Basic Physics for Teachers NS+ | 3 |
PHYSICS 214 | Lab Physics I (Calculus Treatment) NS+ | 1 |
PHYSICS 215 | Lab Physics II (Calculus Treatment) NS+ | 1 |
PHYSICS 219 | Physics I: Calculus-Based, Studio Format NS+ | 5 |
PHYSICS 220 | Physics II: Calculus-Based, Studio Format NS+ | 5 |
PHYSICS 325 | Optics | 4 |
PHYSICS 406 | Introduction to Infrared Microspectroscopy | 3 |
PHYSICS 408 | Experiments in Linear Electronics | 3 |
PHYSICS 409 | Modern Physics Laboratory | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
POLISH 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
POLISH 236 | Polish Culture in its Historical Setting HU | 3 |
POLISH 260 | Survey of Polish Literature-in-Translation: 1863 to the Present HU | 3 |
POLISH 290 | Summer Study in Poland: | 2-6 |
Political Science
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
POL SCI 384 | The Philosophy of Law | 3 |
Social Science | ||
POL SCI 101 | Introduction to Political Science SS | 3 |
POL SCI 102 | Introduction to International Relations SS | 3 |
POL SCI 104 | Introduction to American Government and Politics SS | 3 |
POL SCI 105 | State Politics SS | 3 |
POL SCI 106 | Politics of the World's Nations SS | 3 |
POL SCI 110 | Sex and Power SS | 3 |
POL SCI 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
POL SCI 201 | Introduction to Public Service | 3 |
POL SCI 203 | Introduction to Political Science Research | 3 |
POL SCI 210 | American Public Policy SS | 3 |
POL SCI 213 | Urban Government and Politics SS | 3 |
POL SCI 215 | Ethnicity, Religion and Race in American Politics SS | 3 |
POL SCI 243 | Public Administration SS | 3 |
POL SCI 250 | Law and Society | 3 |
POL SCI 255 | Great Issues of Politics SS | 3 |
POL SCI 281 | Classics of Political Theory | 3 |
POL SCI 310 | Russian and Post-Soviet Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 312 | The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes | 3 |
POL SCI 314 | Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy | 3 |
POL SCI 316 | International Law | 3 |
POL SCI 321 | Politics of Revolution in Developing Nations | 3 |
POL SCI 325 | Latin American Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 328 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | 3 |
POL SCI 329 | African Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 330 | The Politics of International Economic Relations | 3 |
POL SCI 333 | Seminar in Comparative Politics: | 3 |
POL SCI 335 | Comparative Political Systems | 3 |
POL SCI 337 | International Organization and the United Nations | 3 |
POL SCI 338 | Seminar in International Relations: | 3 |
POL SCI 340 | Politics of Nuclear Weapons | 3 |
POL SCI 343 | Asian International Relations | 3 |
POL SCI 345 | Korean Politics and Foreign Policy | 3 |
POL SCI 359 | Problems of American Foreign Policy | 3 |
POL SCI 361 | History of International Political Thought | 3 |
POL SCI 365 | Theories and Methods in International Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 370 | International Conflict | 3 |
POL SCI 371 | Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict SS | 3 |
POL SCI 374 | Health, Wealth, and Democracy | 3 |
POL SCI 377 | Elections in the Modern World | 3 |
POL SCI 379 | Morality, Conflict and War | 3 |
POL SCI 380 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
POL SCI 381 | The Development of Western Political Thought | 3 |
POL SCI 382 | Modern Political Thought | 3 |
POL SCI 383 | Environmental Political Theory | 3 |
POL SCI 385 | American Political Thought | 3 |
POL SCI 386 | Contemporary Political Theory | 3 |
POL SCI 387 | Topics in American Politics: | 3 |
POL SCI 389 | Politics and Philosophy: | 3 |
POL SCI 391 | Current Crises and Events in International Relations | 3 |
POL SCI 392 | Survey Research | 3 |
POL SCI 398 | Cyberpolitics | 3 |
POL SCI 408 | The American Presidency | 3 |
POL SCI 410 | Law Through Popular Culture | 3 |
POL SCI 411 | Constitutional Law: Government Powers and Federalism | 3 |
POL SCI 412 | Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties | 3 |
POL SCI 416 | Judicial Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 417 | The Supreme Court | 3 |
POL SCI 419 | Constitutional Interpretation | 3 |
POL SCI 421 | Party Politics in America | 3 |
POL SCI 423 | Conduct of American Foreign Affairs | 3 |
POL SCI 425 | Women in Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 426 | Congressional Politics | 3 |
POL SCI 450 | Urban Political Problems | 3 |
POL SCI 452 | Administrative Law | 3 |
POL SCI 464 | Sex, Gender, and the Law | 3 |
POL SCI 467 | Elections and Voting Behavior | 3 |
POL SCI 471 | Problems in Law Studies: | 3 |
POL SCI 473 | Public Opinion | 3 |
POL SCI 475 | Political Psychology | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
PORTUGS 204 | Fourth-Semester Portuguese | 3 |
PORTUGS 225 | Understanding Brazil: HU | 3 |
PORTUGS 360 | Luso-Brazilian Culture: HU | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Natural Science | ||
PSYCH 254 | Introduction to Neuroscience NS | 3 |
PSYCH 433 | Neuropsychology | 3 |
PSYCH 454 | Psychopharmacology and Addiction | 3 |
PSYCH 503 | Perception | 3 |
PSYCH 510 | Advanced Psychological Statistics | 3 |
PSYCH 610 | Experimental Design | 3 |
PSYCH 611 | Current Topics: | 3 |
PSYCH 627 | Cognitive Neuroscience | 3 |
PSYCH 645 | Hormones and Behavior | 3 |
PSYCH 657 | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | 3 |
PSYCH 680 | Psychology of Aging | 3 |
PSYCH 682 | The Aging Brain | 3 |
Natural Science Labs | ||
PSYCH 325 | Research Methods in Psychology OWCB | 4 |
PSYCH 502 | Applied Behavior Analysis | 4 |
PSYCH 505 | Cognitive Processes | 4 |
PSYCH 623 | Perceptual Processes | 4 |
PSYCH 654 | Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience | 4 |
PSYCH 656 | Psychophysiology | 4 |
PSYCH 660 | Experimental Child Psychology | 4 |
PSYCH 677 | Experimental Social Psychology | 4 |
Social Science | ||
PSYCH 101 | Introduction to Psychology SS | 3 |
PSYCH 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
PSYCH 205 | Personality SS | 3 |
PSYCH 210 | Psychological Statistics QLB | 4 |
PSYCH 211 | Current Topics in Psychology: | 1-4 |
PSYCH 214 | Introduction to Conditioning and Learning SS | 3 |
PSYCH 220 | Introduction to Cognitive Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 230 | Social Psychology: Psychological Perspectives SS | 3 |
PSYCH 240 | Introduction to Clinical Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 260 | Child Psychology SS | 3 |
PSYCH 319 | LGBTIQ Psychology SS | 3 |
PSYCH 320 | Psychology of Gender SS | 3 |
PSYCH 407 | Personality Theory | 3 |
PSYCH 412 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 550 | History of Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 555 | Health Psychology | 3 |
PSYCH 578 | Psychology of Race, Ethnicity, and Health | 3 |
Public Administration
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
PUB ADM 243 | Public Administration SS | 3 |
PUB ADM 400 | Ethics and Responsibility in Public Administration | 3 |
Religious Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
RELIGST 101 | Introduction to World Religions HU | 3 |
RELIGST 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
Social Science | ||
RELIGST 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
RELIGST 395 | Seminar in the Study of Religion: Theories of Religion | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
RUSSIAN 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 235 | Survey of Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature in Translation HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 236 | Survey of Twentieth-Century Russian Literature in Translation HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 245 | Russian Life and Culture HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 260 | Topics in Slavic Culture: | 1 |
RUSSIAN 350 | Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy in Translation: Major Works HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 360 | Bulgakov, Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn in Translation HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 361 | Russian and Slavic Folklore HU | 3 |
RUSSIAN 363 | Women's Influence on Russian Culture Throughout History OWCB | 3 |
RUSSIAN 391 | Russian Literature and Culture in Translation: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
SOCIOL 101 | Introduction to Sociology SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 102 | Solving Social Problems SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 103 | World Society SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 104 | Introduction to Social Psychology SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 224 | Race and Ethnicity in the United States SS, CD | 3 |
SOCIOL 233 | Social Inequality in the United States SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 235 | Social Change in the Global Economy SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 241 | Criminology SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 246 | Juvenile Delinquency SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 248 | Sociology of Education SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 250 | Sex and Gender SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 255 | Sociology of Sexuality SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 260 | Blood, Sex, Money, Power: Families and Intimate Relationships SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 261 | Introduction to Statistical Thinking in Sociology QLB | 3 |
SOCIOL 282 | Sociology of Aging SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 304 | Political Sociology | 3 |
SOCIOL 321 | SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 323 | Perspectives on Latino Communities SS, CD | 3 |
SOCIOL 324 | Race and Ethnicity in Global Contexts | 3 |
SOCIOL 325 | Social Change | 3 |
SOCIOL 327 | Data, Technology, and Society | 3 |
SOCIOL 330 | Economy and Society | 3 |
SOCIOL 331 | Sociology of Health Care | 3 |
SOCIOL 338 | Small Groups | 3 |
SOCIOL 341 | Sociology of Deviant Behavior | 3 |
SOCIOL 342 | Sociology of Law | 3 |
SOCIOL 343 | Collective Behavior | 3 |
SOCIOL 350 | Environmental Sociology | 3 |
SOCIOL 352 | Social Networks | 3 |
SOCIOL 361 | Research Methods in Sociology | 3 |
SOCIOL 375 | Social Theory | 3 |
SOCIOL 376 | Modern Sociological Theory | 3 |
SOCIOL 380 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
SOCIOL 442 | The Work-Family Intersection | 3 |
SOCIOL 443 | 3 | |
SOCIOL 444 | Sociology of the Body | 3 |
SOCIOL 448 | 3 | |
SOCIOL 476 | 3 | |
SOCIOL 495 | Seminar in Sociology: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
SPANISH 204 | Fourth-Semester Spanish | 3 |
SPANISH 225 | Understanding the Hispanic World: HU | 3 |
SPANISH 341 | Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics | 3 |
SPANISH 350 | Introduction to Literary Analysis | 3 |
SPANISH 371 | Introduction to Latino Literature in English HU | 3 |
SPANISH 388 | Health Issues in the Hispanic World | 3 |
SPANISH 391 | Social and Historical Issues in the Hispanic World: HU | 3 |
SPANISH 470 | Survey of Hispanic Literature and Civilization | 3 |
SPANISH 472 | Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Civilization | 3 |
SPANISH 474 | Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization | 3 |
SPANISH 491 | Topics in Hispanic Culture: | 3 |
SPANISH 506 | Seminar in Spanish Literature: | 3 |
SPANISH 507 | Seminar in Spanish-American Literature: | 3 |
SPANISH 508 | Seminar in Hispanic Literature: | 3 |
SPANISH 541 | History of the Spanish Language | 3 |
SPANISH 545 | Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics: | 3 |
SPANISH 570 | Seminar in Spanish Golden Age Literature: | 3 |
SPANISH 572 | Seminar on Cervantes: | 3 |
SPANISH 578 | Seminar in Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization: | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
TRNSLTN 201 | Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies HU | 3 |
Urban Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Social Science | ||
URB STD 150 | Multicultural America SS | 3 |
URB STD 193 | First-Year Seminar: SS | 3 |
URB STD 250 | Exploring the Urban Environment SS | 3 |
URB STD 360 | Perspectives on the Urban Scene: SS | 3 |
URB STD 377 | Urbanism and Urbanization | 3 |
URB STD 381 | Honors Seminar: SS | 3 |
URB STD 450 | Urban Growth and Development: A Global View | 3 |
Women's and Gender Studies
Code | Title | Credits |
Humanities | ||
WGS 150 | Multicultural America HU | 3 |
WGS 192 | First-Year Seminar: HU | 3 |
WGS 201 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: A Humanities Perspective HU | 3 |
WGS 301 | Queer Theory | 3 |
WGS 302 | Gendered Bodies: | 3 |
WGS 381 | Honors Seminar in the Humanities: | 3 |
WGS 410 | Feminist Theory | 3 |
WGS 501 | Advanced Humanities Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies: | 3 |
Social Science | ||
WGS 200 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: A Social Science Perspective SS | 3 |
WGS 380 | Honors Seminar in the Social Sciences: SS | 3 |
WGS 401 | Global Feminisms | 3 |
WGS 411 | Feminist Research and Practice | 3 |
WGS 500 | Advanced Social Science Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies: | 3 |