CLASSIC 304 | The Graeco-Roman World: - Ancient Greek Theater
Section 001: - Calkins, Renee, Tuesday/Thursday 1pm-2:15pm, CRT 124
COMPLIT 461 | Film-Fiction Interaction: - Possible Worlds in Literature and Film
Section 001: - Xu, Jian, Thursday 4:30pm-5:45pm, ROOM TBA
COMPLIT 461G | Film-Fiction Interaction: - Possible Worlds in Literature and Film
Section 001: - Xu, Jian, Thursday 4:30pm-5:45pm, ROOM TBA
FRENCH 731 | Seminar in Literature of the Francophone World: - Telling Francophone Women
Section 001: - Cordova, Sarah, Wednesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 108
FRENCH 732 | Topics in French and Francophone Culture: - French Intellectuals
Section 001: - Russell, Nicolas, Tuesday/Thursday 4pm-5:15pm, CRT 203
FRENCH 799 | Independent Study: - Section 001:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
GERMAN 415 | Topics in German Studies: - History and Memory in Germany Today
Section 001: - May-Chu, Karolina, Tuesday/Thursday 1pm-2:15pm, CRT 108
LINGUIS 430 | Language and Society - Section 001:
- Starr, Glenn, Tuesday/Thursday 4pm-5:15pm, HLT 190
LINGUIS 430G | Language and Society - Section 001:
- Starr, Glenn, Tuesday/Thursday 4pm-5:15pm, HLT 190
LINGUIS 440 | Psycholinguistics - Section 001:
- Pycha, Anne, Tuesday/Thursday 11:30am-12:45pm, HLT G90
LINGUIS 440G | Psycholinguistics - Section 001:
- Pycha, Anne, Tuesday/Thursday 11:30am-12:45pm, HLT G90
LINGUIS 470 | Historical/Comparative Linguistics - Section 001:
- Davis, Garry, Monday/Wednesday 11:30am-12:45pm, MER 311, ONLINE WEB
LINGUIS 564 | Advanced Syntax - Section 001:
- Ouali, Hamid, Monday/Wednesday 4pm-5:15pm, HLT G90
LINGUIS 799 | Independent Reading and Research for Master's Students - Section 001:
- Park, Hanyong, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 002:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 003:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
SPANISH 578 | Seminar in Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization: - Literature and Cinema from Franco Era, 1939-1975
Section 001: - Vater, Katie, Tuesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 124
SPANISH 701 | Historical Linguistics - Section 001:
- Wheatley, Kathleen, Wednesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT B74
SPANISH 769 | Seminar in 20th Cent Lit of Spain and/or Spanish America & Related Topics - Literature and Cinema from Franco Era, 1939-1975
Section 001: - Vater, Katie, Tuesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 124
SPANISH 799 | Independent Study - Section 001:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 002:
- Antunes, Susana, No Meeting Pattern
TRNSLTN 718 | Seminar in Advanced German Translation - Section 101:
- Bilic, Viktorija, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 202:
- Bilic, Viktorija, No Meeting Pattern, ONLINE WEB