CLASSIC 304 | The Graeco-Roman World: - Roman Religion
Section 001: - Muse, Kevin, Monday/Wednesday 11:30am-12:45pm, MIT 191
FRENCH 429 | Royalty, Reason, and Revolution: The Golden Age of French Culture - Section 001:
- Russell, Nicolas, Tuesday/Thursday 2:30pm-3:45pm, HON 195
FRENCH 429G | Royalty, Reason, and Revolution: The Golden Age of French Culture - Section 001:
- Russell, Nicolas, Tuesday/Thursday 2:30pm-3:45pm, HON 195
FRENCH 510 | Seminar on Masterpieces of Literature Written in French: - African and Caribbean Classics
Section 001: - Cordova, Sarah, Tuesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 124
FRENCH 510G | Seminar on Masterpieces of Literature Written in French: - African and Caribbean Classics
Section 001: - Cordova, Sarah, Tuesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 124
FRENCH 799 | Independent Study: - Section 001:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
GERMAN 425 | Introduction to German Translation - Section 001:
- Wipplinger, Jonathan, Tuesday/Thursday 11:30am-12:45pm, MER 348
GREEK 501 | Readings in Classical Greek Prose: - The Greek Novel
Section 001: - Muse, Kevin, Monday/Wednesday 2:30pm-3:45pm, CRT 203
LATIN 501 | Readings in Latin Prose: - Roman Historians
Section 001: - Muse, Kevin, Monday/Wednesday 1pm-2:15pm, CRT 203
LINGUIS 420 | Introduction to Second Language Acquisition - Section 001:
- Starr, Glenn, Tuesday/Thursday 4pm-5:15pm, HLT 180
LINGUIS 450 | Introduction to Phonetics - Section 001:
- Eccarius Brylow, Petra, Tuesday/Thursday 11:30am-12:45pm, MER 314
LINGUIS 464 | Introduction to Syntax - Section 001:
- Ouali, Hamid, Monday/Wednesday 1pm-2:15pm, MER 314
LINGUIS 468 | Language in its Various Forms: - Linguistics Zones of Contact
Section 001: - Davis, Garry, Tuesday/Thursday 1pm-2:15pm, HLT 180, ONLINE WEB
LINGUIS 720 | Introduction to Second Language Acquisition - Section 001:
- Starr, Glenn, Tuesday/Thursday 4pm-5:15pm, HLT 180
LINGUIS 799 | Independent Reading and Research for Master's Students - Section 001:
- Park, Hanyong, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 002:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
LINGUIS 861 | Advanced Phonology - Section 001:
- Pycha, Anne, Tuesday/Thursday 10am-11:15am, HLT 180
SPANISH 507 | Seminar in Spanish-American Literature: - Latin American Poetry and Short Fiction
Section 001: - Ferreira, Cesar, Thursday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT B19
SPANISH 545 | Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics: - Spanish in the U.S.
Section 001: - Rei-Doval, Gabriel, Tuesday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT 319
SPANISH 700 | Practicum in Spanish Language Teaching Methods - Section 001:
- Libbey, Allison, No Meeting Pattern
SPANISH 781 | Seminar in Hispanic Literature: - Latin American Poetry and Short Fiction
Section 001: - Ferreira, Cesar, Thursday 4:30pm-7:10pm, CRT B19
SPANISH 799 | Independent Study - Section 001:
- Staff, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 002:
- Vater, Katie, No Meeting Pattern
TRNSLTN 706 | Introduction to Translation: French to English - Section 001:
- Olen, Amy, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 202:
- Olen, Amy, No Meeting Pattern, ONLINE WEB
TRNSLTN 728 | Editing for Translation - Section 001:
- Scholz, Kathryn, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 202:
- Scholz, Kathryn, No Meeting Pattern, ONLINE WEB
TRNSLTN 820 | Translation Theory - Section 001:
- Terando, Lorena, No Meeting Pattern
- Section 203:
- Terando, Lorena, No Meeting Pattern, ONLINE WEB