Academic Integrity

Academic Misconduct

Students in MALLT are expected to comply fully with UWM’s policies regarding academic integrity. The following guidelines are taken from the UWM Student Handbook.

UWM expects each student to be honest in academic performance. Failure to do so may result in discipline under rules published by the Board of Regents (UWS 14).The most common forms of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism.

Cheating includes:

  • Submitting material that is not yours as part of your course performance, such as copying from another student’s exam, allowing a student to copy from your exam; or,
  • Using information or devices that are not allowed by the faculty; such as using formulas or data from a computer program, or using unauthorized materials for a take-home exam; or
  • Obtaining and using unauthorized material, such as a copy of an examination before it is given; or,
  • Fabricating information, such as data for a lab report; or,
  • Violating procedures prescribed to protect the integrity of an assignment, test, or other evaluation; or,
  • Collaborating with others on assignments without the faculty’s consent; or;
  • Cooperating with or helping another student to cheat; or,
  • Other forms of dishonest behavior, such as having another person take an examination in your place; or, altering exam answers and requesting the exam be re-graded; or, communicating with any person during an exam, other than the exam proctor or faculty.

Plagiarism includes:

  • Directly quoting the words of others without using quotation marks or indented format to identify them; or,
  • Using sources of information (published or unpublished) without identifying them; or,
  • Paraphrasing materials or ideas of others without identifying them.
  • Internet use [in plagiarism]: The above includes the use of internet materials. Students are responsible for abiding by the internet policies of UWM and the UW System.

For further information on academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism, please consult the following online resources.

MALLT Citation Policy

Students in MALLT are expected to comply fully with UWM’s policies regarding academic integrity. All material submitted by students should follow the current guidelines of the style manual most appropriate for their discipline — either The Chicago Manual of Style, the MLA Style Manual, the APA Publication Manual, or the Style Sheet for Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America. The recommended citation format will be listed in course syllabi.

Online style guides are available for each of these citation formats:

Writing Center

Students are encouraged to contact The Writing Center for assistance. The Center is located in Curtin Hall 127 with a satellite location in the Library East Wing. Appointments can be made by calling (414) 229-4339 or by visiting their website at Online tutoring appointments as well as in-person appointments are available.