Colloquia – Donna Jurdy

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Donna Jurdy, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University Title: SETI: The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence - Perspectives of an Earth Scientist Host: Julie Bowles Abstract:

Student Career Event – Ben Winkelman

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Ben Winkelman, Talos Energy Student Career Event Host: Geosciences Department Abstract:

Colloquia – Brett Denevi

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Brett Denevi, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University Title: Our Goals for Lunar Science and Exploration Host: Julie Bowles Abstract: NASA has recently announced plans to refocus its attention on the Moon as a cornerstone for Solar System science and exploration. However, […]

Colloquia – Edward Evenson

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Edward Evenson, Lehigh University Title: Charles Darwin, Geologist, and the Origin of Darwin’s Boulders, Tierra del Fuego Host: Julie Bowles Abstract:

Colloquia – Julie Elliott

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Julie Elliott, EarthScope Speaker, Purdue University Title: Active Deformation in Alaska and Western Canada Observed with GPS Host: Julie Bowles Abstract:

Colloquia – Ethan Theuerkauf

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Ethan Theuerkauf, Illinois State Geological Survey Title: Rates, processes, and impacts of coastal geologic change along Western Lake Michigan Host: Elmo Rawling/John Isbell Abstract:

Colloquia – Eric Carson

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Eric Carson, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Title: The River That Flows Uphill: Late Cenozoic evolution of the lower Wisconsin River valley, stream piracy, and Quaternary reorganization of North American mid-continent drainage systems Host: Elmo Rawling Abstract:

Colloquia – Ellen Cowen

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

Ellen Cowen, Appalacian State University Title: Alaskan Tidewater Glacier Cycle: Can Sediment Flux overcome Climate Change? Host: John Isbell Abstract:

2nd Annual Up-Goer Five Challenge

Lubar Hall Room N120 3202 N. Maryland Ave., Milwaukee, WI, United States

In the spirit of communicating science in plain words, the Up-Goer Five Challenge dares you to explain your scientific interests using only the 1000 most common words in the English language. It is Inspired by this xkcd comic which describes the Saturn V moon rocket using such limited words.