LET’S GEO Mentoring Program concludes for Fall 2021
The Geosciences Department launched a new initiative to help our students gain marketable career-oriented skillsets and to provide clear examples of pathways from a Geosciences degree to a career in geosciences. This initiative –LET’S GEO (Learning Ecosystem for Training Student Geoscientists for Employment Opportunities) – is funded by the National Science Foundation. A key component of this program is a mentor program that connects students with working geoscientists so they may better visualize geoscience career options and gain insight into professional norms and practices. Our first groups of mentors and mentees joined the program in Fall Semester 2021.
Our Geosciences students who participated in the program in Fall 2021 are:
Dakota Bishop
Emily Brzycki
Dylan Childs
Amanda Dahms
Adam Chumley
Stephanie Fones
Leann Grahler
Brittany Grosskopf
Jiyan Hatami
Zachary Henderson
William Hubley
Cheyanne Koran
Natalie McNall
Eduardo Luiz Menozzo Da Rosa
Cullen Meurer
Autumn Routson
Eric Schuemann
Samuel Sellars
Anna Sniadach
Rakiba Sultana
A BIG THANK YOU to all our mentors who donated their time to mentor our students:
Daniel Alessi, University of Alberta
James Amato, Wyoming Geological Survey
Megan Barlow, Wilbur-Ellis
Liz Borucki, Ramboll
Harris Byers, Stantec
Jonathan Caine, USGS
Jim Delwiche, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ashley Dineen, UC-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
Lindsey Henry, BP
Micah Holzbauer, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Snejana Karakis, Ramboll
Chad Martin, GZA Geoenvironmental
Joe Martinez, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Riley Neumann, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ian Orland, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Roger Schulz, Big Rock Exploration
Alli Severson, Minnesota Geological Survey
Esther Stewart, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Matt Trembath, Talon Metals
Andy Wanta, GZA Geoenvironmental
If you would like to participate in future semesters as a mentor or mentee, please contact lead faculty member, Dyanna Czeck (dyanna@uwm.edu) for more information.