At the College of Engineering & Applied Science, experiential learning, a critical UWM 2030 initiative, is essential to preparing our students for careers in engineering and computer science. One important pathway for students to accomplish this is through participation in a Senior Design Project, a required course for all undergraduates in our college.

The Senior Design course is an opportunity for students apply what they have learned within their major over their undergraduate years to a project of their choice that demonstrates their knowledge of essential skills and concepts. Teamwork is fundamental to the experience; learning to work effectively in teams is integral to being successful in a career.

Students choose a project that they find interesting or often corporate partners ask a student team to solve a real-world problem.

Each team presents its project to a group of evaluators at the end of the term. Winning teams are recognized at the Order of the Engineer ceremony.

Learn more about the benefits of Senior Design in this 2:23 video.
UWM industrial and manufacturing engineering students create solution that saves company $840,000 per year
Students working with a person at AAA Sales
Easton Dobson (left) and Colin Haagensen flank Steve Coolidge, general manager of AAA Sales & Engineering on the floor of the company’s Oak Creek plant. Dobson, Haagensen and another student, Ryan O’Day, worked on a project that benefited the company and gave the students real-world experience. (UWM Photo/Troye Fox)
UWM senior design project engineering students save Wisconsin steel company $43,000 a year
In Senior Design Projects, students work directly with industry partners such as Ted Fitzpatrick (left), a process metallurgist at Charter Steel. Ben Church (right), is an associate professor of materials science and engineering and a faculty advisor for the students. (Photo Photo by Quintin Faretra-Gundlach)

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Contact: Mark Meier, College of Engineering & Applied Science Office of Research: