The Milwaukee Tuition Promise aims to increase the number of Wisconsin residents who graduate with a bachelor’s degree – especially first-generation students and those from low-to-moderate income households. This will improve lives and help meet the state’s workforce needs.

What’s Covered (And What’s Not)

For students starting in Fall 2025, the tuition promise provides up to four years of tuition and segregated fees for students coming from families earning less than $62,000 annually.

The promise covers tuition and segregated fees for the fall and spring semesters. It does not cover summer or UWinteriM classes, and it does not cover differentials or special course fees. It also does not cover housing and food—students are responsible for those costs.

The tuition promise is structured to provide “last dollar” financial aid after federal and state grants; students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Wisconsin residents as determined for tuition purposes.
  • First-time bachelor- or associate-degree seeking student (includes first-time transfer).
    • Must be enrolling at UWM for the first time beginning in Fall 2025.
  • Must file a FAFSA. This must be done by the first day of the first term students enroll and by the first day of the first term of every subsequent aid year. 
  • In the first year, family adjusted gross income (AGI) must be $62,000 or lower. For independent students, it must be $31,000 or lower.
    • Later income changes will not affect eligibility.
  • Eight semesters of eligibility total for bachelor-degree-seeking students. Four semesters of eligibility for associate-degree-seeking and transfer students. A student who transfers after the first year could be eligible for six semesters. The semester count will start in Fall 2025. Because the Flexible Option Program is not based on semesters, Flexible Option Program students are not eligible.
  • Must meet Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) and other Title IV eligibility requirements.
  • Must be enrolled full-time at UWM (12 or more credits per semester).
  • Must be continuously enrolled during fall and spring semesters. No taking a semester off!

Additional Information

Interested in UWM? Fill out the form below for more info.
