Presentations/Posters/Panels – November 2015
Dhillon, K. (2015, November). Hopes for an inclusive world: Embracing opportunities of inclusion within the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Dhillon, K. (2015, November). Embracing diversity in debate: A discussion of intersectional harassment including ideas for prevention and responses. Panel discussion at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Dhillon, K. (2015, November). Embracing difference and disability: An opportunity for conversation. Panel discussion at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Miller, J. (2015, November). The epideictic dimensions of public controversy: Holland, Michigan’s non-discrimination dispute. Paper presented at the Religious Communication Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Miller, J. (2015, November). Portrayals of sex and romance in male same-sex romantic films. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.
* Josh Miller received the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communication Studies Division’s Top Student Paper Award for this paper.
Miller, J. (2015, November). The comic and tragic framing of a gay Christian prophet. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Burke, T. J., Ruppel, E. K., & Dinsmore, D. (2015, November). Moving away and reaching out: Students’ relational maintenance and psychosocial well-being during the transition to college. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
First-semester college students’ relational maintenance with their parents predicted better psychosocial outcomes.
Ruppel, E. K., Burke, T. J., & Cherney, M. R. (2015, November). Long-distance friends’ patterns of communication technology use: Channel complementarity and multiplexity. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Closeness and sex composition predicted patterns of communication technology use in close long-distance friendships.
Ruppel, E. K., Kim, S., Gross, C., Stoll, A., Peck, B., & Allen, M. (2015, November). Reflecting on connecting: Meta-analysis of differences between mediated and face-to-face self-disclosure. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Except in task-oriented experiments, self-disclosure was higher face-to-face than via computer-mediated communication.
Salek, T. A. (2015, November). Creating a colorblind nation: Privatizing race in President Obama’s neoliberal rhetorical leadership. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Salek, T. A. (2015, November). Flipping off political complacency and cynicism: Satyric satire as a comic corrective in Bill Maher’s 2014 #FlipADistrict campaign. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Salek, T. A. (2015, November). Money doesn’t talk, it swears: Parody, excess and strategic ambiguity in Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.