Presentations – May 2015

Evelyn Ang, Lecturer, participated in the UW-System’s Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID) Annual Spring Conference as part of her responsibilities as 2013-2014 Wisconsin Teaching Fellow. The conference was held at the Heidel House on the shores of Green Lake. Conference details at

Fonner, K. L. (2015, May). The power of control: Evaluating job autonomy, teleworking frequency, and work-home boundary strength in relation to employee well-being. Paper presented at the European Association of Organizational and Work Psychology Congress, Oslo, Norway.

Fonner, K. L., Blight, M., Fetherston, M., & Lambertz, M. (2015, May). How inclusive are work-life policies and practices from the perspective of single/childless employees? Paper presented at the European Association of Organizational and Work Psychology Congress, Oslo, Norway.

ter Hoeven, C. L., van Zoonen, W., & Fonner, K. L. (2015, May). The practical paradox of technology: The influence of communication technology use on employee well-being. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Fonner, K. L., Blight, M., Fetherston, M., & Lambertz, M. (2015, May). Supervisory, coworker, and job design support for work-life balance: The impact on employees’ organizational identification and turnover intentions. Poster presented at the European Association of Organizational and Work Psychology Congress, Oslo, Norway.

Priddis, D. (2015, April). Social exchange theory versus investment model: An application in grandparent and college grandchild relationships. Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association (CSCA) Conference, Madison, WI. Top Student Paper – Communication Theory Interest Group.

Nicolini, K., Priddis, D., Myerchoin, A., Phelps, R., Johnson, M., & Liu, E. (2015, April). Forging connections: The power of intergenerational mentoring. Panel presented at the Central States Communication Association (CSCA) Conference, Madison, WI.

Omachinski, K., Priddis, D., Nicolini, K., Weismann, K., & Myerchoin, A. Converging student groups: Integrating non-traditional students in the classroom and in the campus community. Panel presented at the Central States Communication Association (CSCA) Conference, Madison, WI.

Rafferty, K. A., & Sullivan, S. L. (2015, April). “You know the medicine, I know my kid”: Taking on the parent advocate role while managing a child’s chronic health condition. Paper presented at the DC-area Health Communication Conference (DCHC), Fairfax, VA.

Timmerman, C. E. & Kim, S. (2015, April). Dynamic communication richness: Refining the work relationship predictors and richness outcomes of channel expansion theory. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Central States Communication Association, Madison, WI.