Erin Ruppel
Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director
Johnston Hall 229
PhD, Communication, University of Arizona
MA, Communication, University of Arizona
BA, Communication, University of the Pacific
Research and Teaching Interests
Communication technologies, interpersonal communication, health communication, small group communication
Courses Taught
Commun 301 – Interpersonal Communication
Commun 313 – Human Communication and Technology
Commun 323 – Communication in Groups and Teams
Commun 805 – Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication (Technologies in Interpersonal Relationships)
Commun 813 – Seminar in Mediated Communication
Commun 823 – Seminar in Group Communication
Selected Publications
Ruppel, E. K. (2019) Putting (human) communication at the center of technology studies. Human Communication and Technology , 1(1), 9–12.
Ruppel, E. K., Burke, T. J., Cherney, M. R., & Dinsmore, D. (2018) Social compensation and enhancement processes via mediated communication in the transition to college. Human Communication Research , 44, 58-79.
Ruppel, E. K. (2018) Preference for and perceived competence of communication technology affordances in face-threatening scenarios. Communication Reports , 31, 53-64.
Ruppel, E. K., Burke, T. J., & Cherney, M. R. (2017) Channel complementarity and multiplexity in friendship: Associations with closeness and sex composition. New Media & Society .
Blight, M. B., Ruppel, E. K., & Schoenbauer, K. V. (2017) Sense of community on Twitter and Instagram: Exploring the roles of motives and parasocial relationships. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking , 20, 314-319.
Ruppel, E. K., Gross, C. , Stoll, A. , Peck, B. , Allen, M. R., & Kim, S. (2017) Reflecting on connecting: Meta-analysis of differences between mediated and face-to-face self-disclosure. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication , 22, 18-34.
Ruppel, E. K., Blight, M. , Cherney, M. , & Fylling, S. (2016) An exploratory investigation of communication technologies as a means to alleviate communicative difficulties and depression in older adults. Journal of Aging and Health , 28, 600-620.
Ruppel, E. K. (2016) Scanning health information sources: Applying and extending the comprehensive model of information seeking. Journal of Health Communication , 21, 208-216.
Rains, S. A., & Ruppel, E. K. (2016) Channel complementarity theory in the health information-seeking process: Further investigating the implications of source characteristic complementarity. Communication Research , 43, 232-252.
Ruppel, E. K., & McKinley, C. J. (2015) Social support and social anxiety in use and perceptions of online mental health resources: Exploring social compensation and enhancement. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking , 18, 462-467.
Ruppel, E. K. (2015) Use of communication technologies in romantic relationships: Self-disclosure and the role of relationship development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships , 35, 667-686.
Ruppel, E. K., & Burke, T. J. (2015) Complementary channel use and the role of social competence. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication , 20, 37-51.
Ruppel, E. K. (2015) The affordance utilization model: The role of affordances as relationships develop. Marriage & Family Review .
Bonito, J. A., Ruppel, E. K., Saul, J. E., & Leischow, S. J. (2012) Assessing the preconditions for communication influence on decision making: The North American Quitline Consortium. Health Communication , 28(3), 248–259.
Ruppel, E. K., & Rains, S. A. (2012) Information sources and the health information-seeking process: An application and extension of channel complementarity theory. Communication Monographs , 79, 385–405.
Leischow, S. J., Provan, K. , Beagles, J. E., Bonito, J. A., Ruppel, E. K., Moor, G. , & Saul, J. E. (2012) Mapping tobacco quitlines in North America: Signaling pathways to improve treatment. American Journal of Public Health , 102(11), 2122–2128.
Bonito, J. A., Ruppel, E. K., & Keyton, J. (2012) Reliability estimates for multilevel designs in group research. Small Group Research , 43, 443–467.
Ruppel, E. K., & Curran, M. A. (2012) Relational sacrifices in romantic relationships: Satisfaction and the moderating role of attachment. Journal of Social & Personal Relationships , 29, 508-529.
Bonito, J. A. (2011) An application of the socio-egocentric model to information-sharing discussions: In search of group-level communication influences. Ruppel, E. K. (Ed). Communication Research , 38, 356-375.
Bonito, J. A., Ruppel, E. K., DeCamp, M. H., & Garreaud de Mainvilliers, I. (2011) Evaluating participation in small groups: Stimulated recall, self-ratings, and their effects on task-relevant judgments. Communication Methods & Measures , 5(1), 28–47.