
Anjana Mudambi

Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Program Director
 Johnston Hall 228

Selected Publications

Mudambi, A. (2019) Racial Satire, Race Talk, and the Model Minority: South Asian Americans Speak Up. Southern Communication Journal , 84(4), 246-256.
Mudambi, A. (2019) South Asian American Discourses: Engaging the Yellow Peril-Model Minority Dialectic. Howard Journal of Communications , 30(3), 284-298.
Mudambi, A. (2015) The Construction of Brownness: Latino/a and South Asian Bloggers’ Responses to SB 1070. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication , 8(1), 44-62.
Mudambi, A. (2013) Another Look at Orientalism: (An)Othering in Slumdog Millionaire. Howard Journal of Communications , 24(3), 275-292.