
Angela Mcgowan

Assistant Professor, State University of New York-Fredonia

Department of Communication
State University of New York- Fredonia

PhD, Communication, The University of Southern Mississippi 2015
MA, Communication, UW-Milwaukee 2008

Dissertation title: “Encouraging Bipartisanship: Polarization and Civility as Rhetorical Tools for Ameliorating the U.S. Senate’s Partisan Environment”

“After graduating with my Rhetorical Leadership Certificate, I used my background in communication to manage a successful Minnesota State Senate campaign. Additionally, my training in rhetorical criticism helps me explain the paradoxical demands placed upon contemporary female politicians, analyze their attempts to synthesize gender expectations, and elucidate how they encourage bipartisanship in the U.S. Senate. UWM encourages students to collaborate and form relationships with their peers and faculty that last beyond graduation.”