Benjamin Davis
PhD, Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, (Expected May 2023)
MA, Communication Studies, Northern Illinois University, May 2016
Masters Thesis: Relational Uncertainty Between Frenemies in Forensics
BA, Theatre, North Central College, June 2014
Focus of Graduate Studies
Interpersonal Communication & Group Dynamics – Social Influence, Face, & Politeness
Mixed Methods – Qualitative, Quantitative, & Computational (R)
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall 2017-Present
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
COMM 401 – Family & Marital Relationships
COMM 320 – Nonverbal Communication
COMM 301 – Interpersonal Communication Processes
COMM 105 – Business & Professional Communication
COMM 101 – Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Adjunct Instructor, Fall 2016-Spring 2017
Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
Oral Communication I, a survey of communication and public speaking course
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall 2014-Spring 2016
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Fundamentals of Oral Communication, a public speaking course
Graduate Assistant Forensics Coach, Fall 2014-Spring 2016
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
President, Communication Graduate Student Council (CGSC), UWM (’20-’21)
Vice-President, Communication Graduate Student Council (CGSC), UWM (’19-’20)
Chair, Argumentation & Forensics Interest Group, Central States Communication Association (CSCA; ’19-’20)
PhD Mentor, UWM Department of Communication (’19-’20)
Vice-Chair, Argumentation & Forensics Interest Group, CSCA (’18-’19)
PhD Student Faculty Committee Liaison, CGSC (’17-’18)
Selected Research Presentations & Publications
Davis, B. (2020, November). Compliments at the crossroads: A discursive analysis of compliment interactions between opposing forensics competitors. Competitive paper presented at the 2020 meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN (virtual).
Davis, B. (2020, November). Crossroads in the classroom: Navigating graduate teaching assistant inclusive teaching practices. Chair of panel discussion at the 2020 meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN (virtual).
Godager, E., Coker, M. C., Davis, B., & Pink, K. (2020, November). An assessment of team communication after a leader’s organizational exit. Competitive paper presented at the 2020 meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN (virtual).
*Top Four Student Paper in Organizational Communication Division
Davis, B., & Ruppel, E. (2020, April). Member outcomes in friendship groups: A literature synthesis. Competitive paper scheduled to present at the 2020 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Davis, B. (2020, April). Organizational socialization and identity expectations in forensics: A case study. Paper scheduled to present at the 2020 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Lenox, T. R., Davis, B., & Klecka, H. (2019). Working in groups. In S. Sepulveda & M. Allen (Eds.), Business & professional communication. McGraw Hill Education.
Davis, B. (2019, November). The effect of team efficacy on team performance: A mini-meta-analysis. Poster presented at the 2019 meeting of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Mueller, E., Davis, B., & Kim, S.-Y. (2019, November). Methods for survival: A detective activity comparing frequentist (NHST) and Bayesian approaches. G.I.F.T. presented at the 2019 meeting of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Wieland, M., Burns, A. J., Khanjani, M., Davis, B., Richards, R., & Goble, H. (2019, November). Online communication: Are we thriving, hiding, or simply surviving? Panel discussion at the 2019 meeting of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Davis, B., Mueller, E., Sepulveda, S., Kelpinski, L., Kappers, A., & Kim, S.-Y. (2019, April). Integrating meta-analysis into Bayesian modeling: An argument for adapting quantitative communication research methods. Competitive paper presented at the 2019 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Omaha, NE.
Burns, A., & Davis, B. (2019, April). Validity Quest: Learning the threats to internal validity through play. G.I.F.T. presented at the 2019 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Omaha, NE.
Lenox, T. R., Davis, B., & Klecka, H. (2018). Working in groups. In T. R. Lenox & M. Allen (Eds.), Business & professional communication. Pearson Education, Inc.
Davis, B., Henningsen, M., & Valde, K. (2017, April). Frenemies in forensics. Competitive paper presented at the 2017 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN. *Top Debut Paper in Argumentation & Forensics Interest Group
Davis, B. (2017, April). The globalization of Broadway and the deterritorialization of New York’s theater district. Competitive paper presented at the 2017 meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN. *Top Debut Paper in Performance Studies Interest Group