Alexandra Parr Balaram
Ph.D., Communication, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (expected May 2025)
M.A., Communication, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Graduate Certificate, Rhetorical Leadership & Ethics
B.A., Communication Studies, Kansas State University
B.A., Modern Languages: Spanish, Kansas State University
Minor Certificate, Leadership Studies
Research Interests
I am a critical rhetoric scholar specializing in rhetorics of mobility and race. In connection with mobility, my research often explores rhetorics of space and place, time and memory, and agency. More specifically, I use and invest in the practice of racial rhetorical criticism to study how the topics listed above are racialized and co-constituted with race. My current body of research focuses on the rhetorical construction of racialized mobility, especially in its re-construction as resistive practice.
Courses Taught (instructor of record)
COMMUN 402: Gender and Communication
COMMUN 335: Critical Analysis of Communication
COMMUN 103: Public Speaking
Recent Publications
Balaram, Alexandra Parr. “Rhetorical Altermobilities: A Framework for the Study of Discourse, Mobility, and Resistance.” Southern Communication Journal, 88 no. 4 (2023): 366-378.
Balaram, Alexandra Parr. “Lewis, Tiffany. Uprising: How Women Used the US West to Win the Right to Vote.” Women’s Studies in Communication 46, no. 3 (2023): 339-341.