
We are currently trial testing these exams this academic year (2023-2024):

  • GC24 – 2024 General Chemistry (full year) exam
  • GB25D – 2025 General-Organic-Biochemistry (one semester) condensed exam
  • IA25 – 2025 Instrumental Analysis exam
  • PL24 – 2024 Polymer exam

New editions of ACS Exams have been released in 2023:

  • HS23 – 2023 High School Chemistry Exam for the full year of the standard sophomore-level chemistry course
  • GC23C – 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam for the full year of the standard two-term general chemistry sequence
  • GC23CF-2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam for the first semester of the standard two-term general chemistry sequence
  • GC23CS-2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam for the second semester of the standard two-term general chemistry sequence
  • OR23 – 2023 Organic Chemistry Exam for the full year of the standard two-term organic chemistry sequence
  • IN23 – 2023 Inorganic Chemistry Exam for the senior-level inorganic chemistry course

Choose a category below to view the available exams.

Analytical Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: AN22

Title: 2022 Analytical Chemistry Exam - Designed for use after the sophomore level Analytical Chemistry course.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 110

Stock Code: AN17

Title: 2017 Analytical Chemistry Exam - Designed for use after the sophomore level Analytical Chemistry course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 110

Stock Code: AN13

Title: 2013 Analytical Chemistry Exam - Designed for use after the sophomore level Analytical Chemistry course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 110

Stock Code: AN01

Title: 2001 Analytical Chemistry Exam - Designed for use after the sophomore level Analytical Chemistry course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: IA17

Title: 2017 Instrumental Analysis Exam - Exam designed for upper division instrumental analysis courses.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 110

Stock Code: IA09

Title: 2009 Instrumental Analysis Exam - Exam designed for upper division instrumental analysis courses.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100


Stock Code





Stock Code: BC17

Title: 2017 Biochemistry Exam – Core - Core portion of the 2017 biochemistry exam is designed for 1-semester courses

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 80

Stock Code: BC17

Title: 2017 Biochemistry Exam - The 2017 Biochemistry exam has a 60-item exam designed for use at the end of a 2-semester sequence (designed as a core + advanced exam).

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: BC12

Title: 2012 Biochemistry Exam – Core - Core portion of the 2012 biochemistry exam is designed for 1-semester courses

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 80

Stock Code: BC12

Title: 2012 Biochemistry Exam - The 2012 Biochemistry exam has a 60-item exam designed for use at the end of a 2-semester sequence (designed as a core + advanced exam).

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: BC07

Title: 2007 Biochemistry Exam - The 2007 Biochemistry exam has a 60-item complete exam designed for use at the end of a 2-semester sequence with norms established for 1-semester use as well.-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Chemical Health and Safety

Stock Code





Stock Code: CS19

Title: 2019 Chemical Health and Safety - Laboratory safety exam (second-year level)

Norm: NA

Questions: 60

Time: 60

Stock Code: CS97

Norm: NA

Questions: 75

Time: 60

General Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: GC21

Title: 2021 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: NA

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC19

Title: 2019 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC17

Title: 2017 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC15

Title: 2015 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC13

Title: 2013 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC11

Title: 2011 General Chemistry Exam – Full Year - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry - available in 2 forms. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC21F

Title: 2021 General Chemistry Exam – First Term - Exam for First Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC18F

Title: 2018 General Chemistry Exam – First Term - Exam for First Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC15F

Title: 2015 General Chemistry Exam – First Term - Exam for First Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC09F

Title: 2009 General Chemistry Exam – First Term - Exam for First Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 120

Stock Code: GC05F

Title: 2005 General Chemistry Exam – First Term - Exam for First Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 120

Stock Code: GC22S

Title: 2022 General Chemistry Exam – Second Term - Exam for Second Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: NA

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC17S

Title: 2017 General Chemistry Exam – Second Term - Exam for Second Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC10S

Title: 2010 General Chemistry Exam – Second Term - Exam for Second Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC06S

Title: 2006 General Chemistry Exam – Second Term - Exam for Second Term General Chemistry - available in 2 forms. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 120

Stock Code: GC24SB

Title: 2024 General Chemistry Exam – Second-Term Brief - Exam for Second-Term General Chemistry – shortened to 50 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC24B

Title: 2024 General Chemistry Exam – Brief - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry – shortened to 50 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC18B

Title: 2018 General Chemistry Exam – Brief - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry – shortened to 50 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC14B

Title: 2014 General Chemistry Exam – Brief - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry – shortened to 50 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC10B

Title: 2010 General Chemistry Exam – Brief - Exam for Full Year General Chemistry – shortened to 50 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC23C

Title: 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – Full Year - Full Year SUBSET of the 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: NA

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC23CF

Title: 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – First term subset - First term SUBSET of the 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: NA

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC23CS

Title: 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – Second term subset - Second term SUBSET of the 2023 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: NA

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC16C

Title: 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – Full Year - Full Year SUBSET of the 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC16CF

Title: 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – First term subset - First term SUBSET of the 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC16CS

Title: 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – Second term subset - Second term SUBSET of the 2016 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC08C

Title: 2008 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam – Full Year, First Term and Second Term - Genera Chemistry Conceptual 2008 Exam - Includes a Full-year exam, a First Term exam and a Second Term exam in one booklet.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC01C

Title: 2001 General Chemistry Exam – Conceptual - Full Year 2001 General Chemistry Conceptual Exam-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: GC17PQF

Title: 2017 General Chemistry Exam – Paired Question, First Term - Paired Question Exam for 1st Term General Chemistry.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC17PQS

Title: 2017 General Chemistry Exam – Paired Question, Second Term - Paired Question Exam for 2nd Term General Chemistry.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC05PQF

Title: 2005 General Chemistry Exam – Paired Questions, First Term - Paired Question Exam for 1st Term General Chemistry.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: GC07PQS

Title: 2007 General Chemistry Exam – Paired Question, Second Term - Paired Question Exam for 2nd Term General Chemistry.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 55

Stock Code: CT09

Title: ACS Chemistry in Context – 2009 - Chemistry in Context Exam - Norms for Core only

Norm: NA

Questions: 48

Time: 75

Stock Code: GC04AF

Title: 2004 First Term General Chemistry (ACS Text) - First Term Exam for the General Chemistry Text from ACS

Norm: NA

Questions: 60

Time: 110


Stock Code





Stock Code: GB18

Title: 2018 General-Organic-Biochemistry Exam - Three test collection for General-Organic-Biochemistry course in one exam booklet.

Norm: NA

Questions: 150

Time: NA

Stock Code: GB18

Title: General Subtest (for GB18) - Comes automatically with every GB exam.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 60

Stock Code: GB18

Title: Organic Subtest (for GB18) - Come automatically with every GB exam.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 60

Stock Code: GB18

Title: Biochemistry subtest (for GB18) - Comes automatically with every GB exam.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 60

Stock Code: GB18D

Title: 2018 General-Organic-Biochemistry Exam – Condensed - General-Organic-Biochemistry exam designed for a one-semester course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB14

Title: 2014 General-Organic-Biochemistry Exam - Three test collection for General-Organic-Biochemistry course in one exam booklet. Available in two forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 180

Time: NA

Stock Code: GB14

Title: General Subtest (for GB14) - Comes automatically with every GB Exam. Available in two forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB14

Title: Organic Subtest (for GB14) - Comes automatically with every GB Exam. Available in two forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB14

Title: Biochemistry Subtest (for GB14) - Comes automatically with every GB Exam. Available in two forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB07

Title: 2007 General-Organic-Biochemistry Exam - Three test collection for General-Organic-Biochemistry course in one exam booklet.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 180

Time: NA

Stock Code: GB07

Title: General Subtest (for GOB07) - Comes automatically with every GOB Exam.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB07

Title: Organic Subtest (for GOB07) - Comes automatically with every GOB Exam.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: GB07

Title: Biochemistry Subtest (for GOB07) - Comes automatically with every GOB Exam.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

High School Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: HS23

Title: 2023 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course.

Norm: NA

Questions: 80

Time: 100

Stock Code: HS19

Title: 2019 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 80

Time: 100

Stock Code: HS16

Title: 2016 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course. Two forms with different question orders are available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 80

Time: 100

Stock Code: HS16C

Title: 2016 High School Chemistry Exam – Conceptual - A new exam for a first-year high school chemistry course with conceptual questions.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 50

Stock Code: HS13

Title: 2013 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course. Two forms with different question orders are available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 80

Time: 80

Stock Code: HS11

Title: 2011 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course. Two forms with different question orders are available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 80

Time: 80

Stock Code: HS09

Title: 2009 High School Chemistry Exam - Traditional exam for a first-year high school chemistry course. Two forms with different question orders are available.-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 80

Time: 80

Stock Code: HS10A

Title: 2010 High School Chemistry Exam – Advanced - Advanced exam for a second-year high school chemistry course (AP Chemistry).

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: HS06A

Title: 2006 High School Chemistry Exam – Advanced - Advanced exam for a second-year high school chemistry course (AP Chemistry).

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: HS04A

Title: 2004 High School Chemistry Exam – Advanced - Advanced exam for a second-year high school chemistry course (AP Chemistry).-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: CC98

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 80

Stock Code: CC91

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 80

Inorganic Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: IN23

Title: 2023 Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for advanced-level Inorganic Course

Norm: NA

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: IN14

Title: 2014 Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for advanced-level Inorganic Course

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: IN09

Title: 2009 Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for advanced-level Inorganic Course

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: IN02

Title: 2002 Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for advanced-level Inorganic Course. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: IN98

Title: 1998 Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for advanced-level Inorganic Course. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: IN22D

Title: 2022 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry Exam - Exam for a foundation-level inorganic course.

Norm: NA

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: IN16D

Title: 2016 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry Exam - A new exam for a foundational-level inorganic course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Organic Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: OR24B

Title: 2024 Organic Chemistry Exam – Brief - Exam for Full Year Organic Chemistry – shortened to 45 items in 55 minutes.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 45

Time: 55

Stock Code: OR23

Title: 2023 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry - available in one form

Norm: NA

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR20

Title: 2020 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry - available in one form

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR18

Title: 2018 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry - available in two forms

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR17

Title: 2017 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry - available in two forms

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR16

Title: 2016 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR12

Title: 2012 Organic Chemistry Exam - Exam for two-semester Organic Chemistry-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR21F

Title: 2021 Organic Chemistry – First Term Exam - Exam for first term of two term organic chemistry sequence - available in one form.

Norm: NA

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR17F

Title: 2017 Organic Chemistry – First Term Exam - Exam for first term of two term organic chemistry sequence - available in two forms.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR14F

Title: 2014 Organic Chemistry – First Term Exam - Exam for first term of two term organic chemistry sequence.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Stock Code: OR10F

Title: 2010 Organic Chemistry – First Term Exam - Exam for first term of two term organic chemistry sequence.-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 70

Time: 110

Physical Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: PH21M

Title: 2021 Physical Chemistry Modular Exam - Modular sections of Thermodynamics, Quantum, Kinetics, Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics that allow more customized groupings of topics for a Physical Chemistry test.

Norm: NA

Questions: 110

Time: NA

Stock Code: PH21C

Title: 2021 Physical Chemistry Comprehensive - Comprehensive exam covering three main topics in Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Kinetics/Dynamics.

Norm: NA

Questions: 55

Time: 110

Stock Code: PH21T

Title: 2021 Physical Chemistry Exam – Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH21Q

Title: 2021 Physical Chemistry Exam – Quantum Mechanics - Physical Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics.

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH14M

Title: 2014 Physical Chemistry Modular Exam - Modular sections of Thermodynamics, Quantum, Kinetics, Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics that allow more customized groupings of topics for a Physical Chemistry test.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 120

Time: NA

Stock Code: PH14C

Title: 2014 Physical Chemistry Comprehensive - Comprehensive exam covering three main topics in Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Kinetics/Dynamics

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: PH13T

Title: 2013 Physical Chemistry Exam – Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH13Q

Title: 2013 Physical Chemistry Exam – Quantum Mechanics - Physical Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH06CS

Title: 2006 Physical Chemistry Exam – Combined Semester Exam - Variable Coverage Combined Semester Exam for Physical Chemistry

Norm: NA

Questions: 120

Time: NA

Stock Code: PH06C

Title: 2006 Physical Chemistry Exam – Comprehensive - Comprehensive exam covering three main topics in Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Kinetics/Dynamics

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: PH06T

Title: 2006 Physical Chemistry Exam – Thermodynamics - Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH06Q

Title: 2006 Physical Chemistry Exam – Quantum - Physical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH06D

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 50

Time: 100

Stock Code: PH01C

Title: 2001 Physical Chemistry Exam – Comprehensive - Comprehensive exam covering three main topics in Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Kinetics/Dynamics. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 110

Stock Code: PH00Q

Title: 2000 Physical Chemistry Exam – Quantum - Physical Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 90

Stock Code: PH01D

Title: 2001 Physical Chemistry – Dynamics - Dynamics and Kinetics portion of the PChem curriculum. No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 90

Polymer Chemistry

Stock Code





Stock Code: PL90

Norm: NA

Questions: 50

Time: 75

Special Series including Senior-level Exams (DUCK)

Stock Code





Stock Code: DE22

Title: 2022 Dual Enrollment General Chemistry - These exams are designed for students taking a dual enrollment course.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 40

Time: 50

Stock Code: DUCK18

Title: 2018 Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemistry Knowledge Exam - Exam designed for the end of an undergraduate curriculum.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: DUCK13

Title: 2013 Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemistry Knowledge Exam - Exam designed for the end of an undergraduate curriculum.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Stock Code: DUCK08

Title: 2008 Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemistry Knowledge Exam - Diagnostic exam for end of undergraduate curriculum-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 120

Undergraduate Placement

Stock Code





Stock Code: CD06

Title: 2006 California Chemistry Diagnostic Test - 2006 California Diagnostic

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 44

Time: 45

Stock Code: TP18

Title: 2018 Toledo Placement Exam - Toledo Placement Exam in three parts.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: TP09

Title: 2009 Toledo Placement Exam - Toledo Placement Exam in three parts

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55

Stock Code: TP98

Title: 1998 Toledo Placement Exam - Placement exam with three parts-No longer active. A limited number of tests available.

Norm: View PDF

Questions: 60

Time: 55