Frequently Asked Questions

Education, Empowerment, Advocacy: UWM Women's Resource CenterFrequently Asked Questions

Download our FAQs page.

Is the WRC a safe space on campus? Is everyone welcome in the WRC? 

The WRC aims to create a safe and welcoming space for all students where everyone is welcome and accepted! We value cultural competence and compassion involving everything we do. We WRC promote the well-being of students and seek to help students address social problems and recognize their individual and collective power. 

Can men use the WRC? What about nonbinary people who don’t identify as women?

Although our office has the word “women” in its name, we welcome and strive to be inclusive of people of all identities and experiences! Men and nonbinary folks are more than welcome to access our space and resources, as well as attend our events. We believe that it is important that we all work together to end gender violence and gender inequity.  

Can I study in the WRC? 

Of course – we love visitors! We have a TV, couches, tables and chairs in our office. In addition to plenty of study space, we also have free coffee and tea. Students can also access to our lending library to check out books for research projects or for personal reading! 

How can I work at the WRC? 

We couldn’t do the work we do without students! The WRC hires student employees. When we are hiring, we post our positions on Handshake and share all information in our newsletter and on our website and social media. 

We also offer internships through the WGS Department and also welcome interested students from other majors to participate. We do not have graduate assistantships at this time.

How can I get involved with the WRC? 

There are lots of ways to get involved with the WRC! You can visit our space and hang out, you can connect with us on Instagram, or you can attend our events for free!

Are the staff members of the WRC mandatory reporters? Can I make a report of sexual assault here? 

The WRC believes and supports all survivors of sexual violence. While it can be scary to make a report, we want all survivors to know all of their options and make the choice that is best for them. It is important to know that all WRC staff are mandatory reporters. This means that if a student discloses sexual assault to a WRC staff member, then we are required to make a formal report. We can assist you if you would like to move forward with the reporting process, or we can connect you to the Confidential Victim Advocate ( to talk in a confidential setting and learn more about your options. 

Does the WRC have a counselor?  

The WRC does not have a trained or licensed counselor in our office. We work closely with SHAW Counseling and are happy to connect you with mental health services. 

Can get birth control at the WRC? 

The WRC is not a health clinic. While we have safer sex supplies, we do not offer birth control at the WRC. We can help refer students to on-campus and community resources based on their health and wellness needs.