Building Closure for February 12
Due to the winter weather warning, the Klostche Center and Pavilion will be closed on Wednesday, February 12.
four volleyball players give kudos after a set

Participating in UWM Intramural Sports can be an enriching experience within the diverse spectrum of University Recreation offerings. Our program provides an opportunity for students to engage in friendly competition, foster lasting relationships, and maintain an active lifestyle. Regardless of your background or skill level, Intramural Sports offers an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to join and participate.

Student Driven: At UWM Intramural Sports, our dedicated student employees play a crucial role. These enthusiastic and knowledgeable UWM students manage and officiate all of our sports, ensuring that every game is played fairly and safely, with the goal of enhancing the overall experience for all participants. Many officials begin their officiating careers with us, and our program has developed numerous officials who have gone on to officiate at junior high, high school, and even collegiate levels of sports. We actively seek feedback from our staff and participants to make continuous improvements, ensuring that we remain responsive to the needs and preferences of our students.

Diverse Opportunities: Our program offers a diverse array of options to cater to every level of interest. While soccer, basketball, and volleyball have been our most popular offerings, we continue to diversify our sports and activities to align with the interests of UWM students. Some leagues offer more in-depth commitments with weekly games, while other opportunities include one-day tournaments that provide same-day competition results. We designate some competitions as ‘Co-Rec,’ where men and women compete together, while most competitions are ‘Open,’ with no gender-related parameters required for participation.

Celebration of Achievements: Our league and tournament champions are celebrated with UWM Intramural Champion T-shirts and flags as a lasting memento of their achievements. Our culture of appreciation is frequently highlighted on our UREC social media pages, where we recognize our outstanding teams and participants, student employees who make a significant impact in Intramural Sports, and exemplary sportsmanship across our programming.

Contact Us:
Have questions or concerns? Feel free to reach out to us at

Policies, Procedures, and Additional Information

Registration & Participation Policies


All IM participants are required to register through IMLeagues. Participants may log into IMLeagues through the Intramural Sports webpage, and use their ePantherID credentials to access sports registration.  DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT USE UWM1LOGIN.

To log in to IMLeagues: 

  1. Go to the University Recreation website
  2. Select the Intramural Sports tab, on the upper right side of the navigation toolbar
  3. Select the “Sports” icon
  4. Select whichever sport you are interested in participating in and click register.
  5. You will be directed to UWM’s Fusion portal
  6. Select the box stating “UWM 1Login Service”
  7. Enter your information, using your ePantherID and password

You can join the sport one of three ways:

i. Log in to your account or visit and click on Intramural Sports->Sports tab.

ii. The current sports will be displayed, click on the sport you wish to join. (DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT, LOGIN WITH SCHOOL UWM1LOGIN)

iii. Choose the league you wish to play in (Men’s, Women’s, Co-Rec, etc.)

iv. Choose the division you’d like to play in (Monday 5PM, Tuesday 5PM, etc.)

You can join the sport one of three ways:

Create a team (For team captains)
i. Captains can invite members to their team by clicking the “Invite Members” link on the team page. Any invited members must accept the invitation to be joined to your team.
*If they’ve already registered on IMLeagues: search for their name, and invite them
*If they haven’t yet registered on IMLeagues: scroll down to the “Invite by Email Address” box, and input their email address.

Join a team
i. Use the Create/Join Team Button at top right of every page
ii. Accepting a request from the captain to join his team
iii. Finding the team and captain name on division/league page and requesting to join
iv. Going to the captain’s playercard page, viewing his team, and requesting to join

Join as a Free Agent
i. You can list yourself as a free agent in as many divisions within a league as you’d like. You will be visible to all members of the site and can request to join teams, or post information about yourself so teams can request to add you to their team.

Team Name

The Intramural Sports Program reserves the right to change or alter any team name that is deemed to be inappropriate. Guidelines explaining how these names will be rejected are as follows:

  1. May not reference any alcohol or drug use (wasted, hammered, etc.)
  2. Names that may be deemed sexual in nature (innuendos, etc.)
  3. Anything demeaning towards a specific race, creed, religion, sexual preference, or nationality
  4. Any names about leaders on campus or in the community (Dean, Chancellor, President, Mayor)
  5. Words that include profanity
  6. Team names intended to confuse, such as “Team Bye Week” or “No Game Today”
  7. Any abbreviations for unacceptable words (If we have any questions, we will ask)

Team Captain Responsibilities

Team captains are responsible for the following:

  1. Being a liaison between the Intramural Sport Program and their team in all situations and assist the Intramural Sport Staff if and when the need arises
  2. Attending and actively participating in the Mandatory Intramural Sport Captain’s Meeting
  3. Ensure that all team members are eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program
  4. Communicating and ensuring that all team members are aware of all Intramural Policies and Procedures and rules of play for the sport that they are participating in.
  5. Being aware of and communicate with your team members of the team’s schedule of play to avoid forfeitures. Schedules are posted on IMLeagues.

Playoff Format

All teams that adhere to all the Sportsmanship and Default, Forfeit, and Drop Policies, will be eligible for the playoffs.

  1. Playoff seeding will be determined by Winning %, H2H, Differential, Sportsmanship.
  2. Teams must maintain an average sportsmanship rating of 3.0 over the course of the season to be eligible for playoffs. All teams must then average a sportsmanship rating of at least 3.0 to remain in the playoffs.
  3. Intramural Sports considers facility and staff availability to maximize the number of teams put into the bracket.
  4. For leagues that play on multiple different nights, they will be combined to form one large playoff bracket, this often results in teams having to play on different nights than they have during the regular season. Team captain’s will not be penalized for defaulting on a playoff game because it occurs on a different night than they played on during the regular season. Teams are ecouraged to fill the roster with possible subs to account for any time conflicts with scheduled games, especially in the playoffs. Once playoffs begin, new players cannot be added to the roster.

Teams that win either playoff bracket will receive Intramural Championship T-Shirts for all team members that have participated on the roster.


Before participation in an Intramural Sports match or contest is allowed, all participants must do the following:

  1. Be registered on the team roster.
  2. Meet all eligibility requirements as found in the Eligibility Policy.
  3. Provide a valid UWM Identification card to the Intramural Sport Professional Staff, Supervisor, Official and/or Scorekeeper.
  4. Have a signed waiver for that sport on file.

Liability Waivers and Injuries

The participant understands and agrees that the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee does not have medical personnel available at the location of the activity and therefore grants permission to the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee to authorize emergency medical treatment if necessary, and that such action shall be subject to the terms of the waiver agreement and without financial responsibility accruing to the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Each participant in the intramural program participates at his/her own risk and should obtain his/her own health insurance.  The university takes every reasonable effort to provide safe playing conditions, proper supervision and competent officials.

All accidents resulting in injury must be reported to the Intramural Sport Supervisor.  The Intramural Sport Supervisor will contact emergency assistance through our campus police if necessary. All fees incurred as a result of services provided by the ambulance company or hospital is the responsibility of the injured party and not the university.  This also holds true for accidents/injuries occurring at university facilities/fields located off campus.

Team Uniforms and Equipment

Each Intramural Sports has unique player uniform and equipment requirements. Consult the Intramural Sports Rules for your specific sport to learn of the uniform and equipment requirements and restrictions.

The Intramural Sports Program does not provide equipment for warm-up periods or practice. Equipment can be checked out for warm-up and/or practice at the Klotsche Center & Pavilion Equipment Room.

Lost and Found

Any found items left at the facility at the conclusion of an Intramural Sports event will be turned into the Klotsche Center & Pavilion Information Center to be logged as lost and found items.

CoRec League Requirements


5v5 Basketball5 Players4 Players2 females & 2 males3 males & 2 females/ 2 males & 3 females
8v8 Flag Football7 Players5 Players3 females & 2 males/ 2 females & 3 males4 males & 4 females
3v3 Soccer3 players2 Players1 male & 1 female2 males & 1 female/1 male & 2 females
5v5 Soccer5 Players3 players2 males & 1 female/1male & 2 females3 males & 2 females/2 males & 3 females
4v4 Volleyball4 players2 players1 male & 1 female2 males & 2 females
6v6 Volleyball6 players4 players2 males & 2 females3 males & 3 females

*The difference between female/male participating for a team may not be greater than one (1)

Defaults, Forfeits & Drops


A default is recorded when a team is unable to play as scheduled and notifies the Intramural Office prior to the game, as outlined below.

  1. Defaults must be filed by the team captain by sending an email to the Intramural Sports Office (imsports@uwm.eduno later than 3:00 PM the day of the game during the week and 3:00 PM Friday for games held on Sunday. Default requests will not be taken over the phone or be able to be submitted online via Fusion IM.
  2. The team defaulting will receive a 3 rating for their Team Sportsmanship Rating for that specific game. The opposing team will not receive a rating.
  3. A team is allowed one default in a season. A default will not result in a fine.  Any subsequent attempt to default a game will be treated as a forfeit and all policies governing forfeits will be enforced.


If a team or contestant fails to appear at the appointed place at the scheduled time, the Intramural Sports Supervisor will declare the game or match forfeited. Game time is forfeit time, however, the team or individual(s) who are ready to play may choose to give the opponent 10 minutes to have the minimum number of players properly signed in to begin a game. If the team or individual(s) are still not able to begin the game after the 10 minute extension, a forfeit will be declared. If the 10 minute extension is granted, the game clock will be started and any time that is taken off the game clock will be subtracted from the game. If neither team is ready to play at game time, a double forfeit will be declared.

  1. In the event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team is susceptible to disqualification from the league and the suspension of the Team Captain from Intramural Sports participation.
  2. A Team Captain who is suspended due to forfeit will receive an email notification regarding their suspension and will be responsible for subsequently scheduling an appointment with the Intramural Sports Coordinator in order to be reinstated to participate in Intramural Sports.
  3. Any team or individual(s) that declares a default during the season will have any subsequent attempt to default a game or match ruled as a forfeit and all policies governing forfeits will be enforced.
  4. One forfeit in a single elimination tournament will eliminate a team or individual(s) from further competition.
  5. A team will receive a 2 rating for Team Sportsmanship for a forfeit.  The opposing team will not receive rating.
  6. Results will be posted as follows for games that are forfeited or defaulted in favor of the non-forfeiting team or individual(s):
Basketball12 – 0Badminton2 – 0
Dodgeball4 – 0Racquetball2 – 0
Flag Football12 – 0Pickleball2 – 0
Floor Hockey4 – 0Spikeball2 – 0
Futsal4 – 0
Indoor Soccer4 – 0
Volleyball2 – 0


If a team wishes to cease from further participation in a sport, they have the option to drop from the league.

  1. Drops must be filed by the team captain in person in the Intramural Sports Office or by sending an email to the Intramural Sports email account: Drop requests will not be taken over the phone.
  2. Teams/individuals who drop from their league voluntarily will be suspended from participation in Intramural Sports for the remainder of the semester.
Ejection Policy

Ejection Procedure

A player that is ejected from the game must leave the playing area within 2 minutes of being ejected. Refusal to leave the area will cause that person’s team to forfeit the game. Ejected participants should be given the opportunity to retrieve any personal items, then escorted out of UREC facilities, and suspended from reentry into all UREC facilities for the remainder of the day of their ejection.

The ejected individual will receive an email notification regarding the ejection and will be responsible for subsequently scheduling an appointment with the Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program to review the incident and behavior leading up to the ejection and discuss such repercussions.

The ejected University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Intramural Sports participant will be immediately ineligible for further participation in any intramural sports activity until cleared by the Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program. Any ejected participant will serve a minimum of a one-game suspension and an indefinite suspension will remain intact until the meeting with the Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program has occurred.

In addition to the immediate player suspension, the Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program will determine any additional repercussions. Any unsportsmanlike conduct by players or fans may cause a team to be disqualified from further competition.

Ejected participants and incidents may also be reported and forwarded to the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Police Department and/or Dean of Students Office for further investigation and review. Any punishments imposed by such entities shall be cumulative with those imposed by Intramural Sports.

Appeal Process

A participant may appeal any sanctions decision rendered by Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program to the Associate Director of University Recreation. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the Associate Director of University Recreation within seven business days of the decision made by the Supervisor of Intramural Sports Program. The Associate Director of University Recreation will then make a final decision as to whether the sanctions will be upheld. This decision is not appealable.

* All University Recreation conduct policies are based on the Student Conduct Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures contained within UWS Chapter 17, UWS Chapter 18 & Faculty Document #2033.

Eligibility Policy


Undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee are eligible for participation in the Intramural Sports Program.


Any student that withdraws from the University, for any reason, is immediately ineligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program. The participant’s eligibility is not reinstated until the first day of classes for the subsequent semester in which they are enrolled.


Intramural Sports participants must pay all of their UWM Segregated University Fees in order to participate in the Intramural Sports Program. All participants must present their current University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Identification Card to an on-duty Intramural Sports Supervisor, Official and/or Scorekeeper prior to each game or match.


Alumni members and the spouses of Faculty/Staff of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee are ineligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee faculty/Staff are eligible with a valid membership.


Participants are considered part of a team’s roster once they sign in on the scorecard to participate with that team. Participants may be added to the team roster any time during play of that specific activity.  All added participants must meet all Intramural Sports eligibility policies to be a valid roster addition.  Addition of players is limited to the number of available roster spots. Once a player has played a game for a team, they are not allowed to change teams for the remainder of that season.


No player may participate on more than one team in the same sport/activity with the following exception:

  • A player may participate in both an Open League (no gender restrictions) league and a Co-Rec league in the same sport/activity.

Violation of Article 6 will result in the individual being suspended for the remainder of the season in the sport in which the violation(s) occurred. In addition, the second team in which the player participated with will forfeit all contests in which the ineligible player participated. Policies governing forfeits may be enforced.


Any player using an assumed name will be declared ineligible for the remainder of that sport and will be suspended from any other intramural activity in which s/he is participating indefinitely. If the player is a team member, all games in which s/he played or plays will be forfeited by the team(s).  A forfeit fee will be assessed when applicable. In the event an Intramural Sports professional staff member, supervisor, official, and/or scorekeeper discovers the deception prior to the event or game, the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Identification Card will be confiscated and turned over to the Dean of Students Office for violation of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Student Code of Conduct. Additional forms of identification will be asked for to prove one’s identity in this instance. See Article 10 of the Ejection Policy for further information.


In order to be eligible to receive an award (trophy and/or t-shirt) in an individual sport, a participant must be on the roster and have competed at least one time in that sport throughout the regular season.


Any student receiving financial aid based on athletic ability is ineligible for participation in that Intramural Sport and/or related activities. See Article 12 for related activities.


Any person listed on the Squad List for any athletic team at any NCAA Division I or II collegiate institution is not eligible to participate in that Intramural Sport and/or related activities until THREE CALENDAR YEARS have passed since their last participation in the varsity sport. This stipulation will begin after the current semester in which the participant ends the association with the team. This policy applies to transfer students as well as to University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee athletes.

EXCEPTION: Any player that quits and/or is cut from the Squad List of an athletic team at any NCAA Division I collegiate institution is not eligible to participate in THAT Intramural Sport and/or related activity until ONE CALENDAR YEAR has passed since their last participation in the varsity sport. The start of the sit out period still applies as stated above.

Example: A soccer player exhausts their eligibility from the team during the spring season. The player is ineligible to participate in the same spring semester of Intramural Indoor Soccer Season.  Their clock to sit out would begin in the Fall Semester following that spring semester, and continue on through the next three years. They would then be able to participate in the Fall Semester after those three years have passed.


Professional athletes will be restricted in the same manner as described in Article 10. An athlete is deemed to be professional when s/he signs a contract and receives compensation with any organized professional or semi-professional team.


Candidates for intercollegiate athletic squads (including red-shirted athletes) are not eligible for intramural sports participation in the sports in which they are practicing and related activities as listed below:

Basketball – Basketball

Football – Flag Football 

Soccer – 5v5 Indoor Soccer, 3v3 Soccer, Outdoor Soccer

Tennis – Tennis

Volleyball – 6v6 Indoor Volleyball, 3v3 Volleyball Sand Volleyball


Members of sport clubs are eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program. Current sport club athletes may participate in the same or related intramural sport in which they participate as a sport club member. However, only 50% of the maximum people allowed on the intramural field/court for that sport can be on the intramural roster for each team. This rule applies to any “member” of a student organization of that related sport.  Sport club membership will be determined by the Assistant Director of Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs along with rosters that each club must turn in at a time determined by the Sport Club Leadership Council and the Sport Club Coordinator. “In-season” or “off-season” status has no bearing on being a member of a Sport Club. For sports in which more is allowed under the rule above, the maximum number of sport club members allowed on a roster is capped at three.


The Intramural Sports Office does not check the eligibility of participants in the Intramural Sports Program until a question of eligibility is raised. Any accusation of player eligibility will be thoroughly investigated. Team Captains are responsible for checking the eligibility of their own players and should regularly check that of their opponents.


No student may be denied admission to, participation in or the benefits of or discriminated against in any service, program, course, or facility of the UW system or its institutions or centers because of the student’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status or parental status.

Team Competition

Any team found to have ineligible player(s) during or after competition will forfeit the contest. All points won in games or events in which an ineligible player was used will be forfeited.

All ineligible players may not play with the team on which they were found to be ineligible. The ineligible player may also be barred from participation in IM activities for the remainder of the semester.

Elimination Tournament: The results of the last game only shall be reversed when an ineligible person(s) was used.

Any awards won by ineligible teams must be returned.

Protest Procedures


Allowable protests include: player eligibility, rule interpretation, and rule application. Official’s decisions or judgment may not be protested beyond the limits imposed by the rules of the game or event (i.e., prior to the next pitch, prior to the next serve, prior to the ball becoming live following the call in question, etc.) Decisions regarding disciplinary actions may not be protested.


All eligibility protests must be brought to the attention of the on-site Intramural Sports Supervisor before the game ends. An additional identification check will occur to verify the player in question’s identity. The player in question will be asked the validity of the accusation that is being made.  Dependent on the answers provided, the protesting team may play the entire game under protest. The team then has until NOON the following business day after the game to file a written protest to the Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs Coordinator with a $15.00 protest fee. If the protest is invalid, the protest fee will be charged to the individual who filed the protest. The fee will be not be charged if the protest is upheld. If the protest is valid, the protesting team will be awarded a win.

Eligibility protests can be made only by the opponent(s) and only during the game or match in which they are playing the team and/or player in question.


Team captains/managers must declare their protest to the game official(s) and/or the Intramural Sports Program Manager prior to the next pitch, serve, play, etc. following the call in question. The Intramural Sports Program Manager and/or official(s) must then notify the opposing team captain/manager that the game is under protest. The game official(s) will contact the Intramural Sports Program Manager for a ruling on-site. If, after the Intramural Sports Program Manager has given his/her ruling, the captain/manager still wants to protest the call, the manager must tell the Intramural Sports Program Manager that the team is playing the remainder of the game under protest.  All pertinent information will be recorded and the game will resume.  The team then has until NOON the day following the game to file a written protest to the Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs Coordinator with a $15.00 protest fee. If the protest is invalid, the protest fee will be charged to the individual who filed the protest. The fee will be not be charged if the protest is upheld. If the protest is valid, the protesting team will be awarded a win.


Written protests should be submitted on the Intramural Sports Protest Form and should include the following information:

  1. Name, address and phone number of person filing the protest.
  2. Specific information concerning the incident (i.e., eligibility restriction violated, names of players involved, rule misapplied, etc.).

The protesting party must inform the Intramural Sports Program Manager on-site that the protest is requested. The protest will be filed and the rest of the game will be played under protest. Upon receiving the protest from the Intramural Sports Program staff, the information contained in the protest will be clarified and time will be taken for contacting other involved personnel (i.e., officials, Program Managers, and members of the opposing team or the individual in violation). When the intramural staff has done their due diligence, an administrative decision will be made as to whether or not the protest is upheld or denied.

If the protest is upheld…

  1. The game is re-played from point of interruption with the rule misapplication/misinterpretation corrected and all eligible players on the team’s roster may participate in the game.
  2. The result of the game will be in favor of the protesting team if it was regarding player eligibility. The ineligible player will be suspended from participation in the Intramural Sports Program until all reinstatement procedures are met. The protested team will have their game forfeited and all forfeiture policies will be enforced accordingly.


If the person filing the protest is still not satisfied with the decision reached, an appeal may be filed with the Director of University Recreation. An appeal must be submitted to the Director of University Recreation within seven business days of the decision made by the Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs Coordinator. The Director of University Recreation will then make a decision as to whether or not the protest will be upheld.

Sportsmanship, Team & Player Conduct Policy


Modern team sport activities find their origin in the basic human need for play. Winning and losing are mere outcomes of this spirit of play. Abusive language, poor attitude, and manipulation of the rules to further winning are NOT just “part of the game”. What IS “part of the game” is the simple satisfaction of playing and the interdependence of teamwork, improving fitness, and enhancing friendships. Without your opponent, you have no game, no contest, and absolutely no fun. You are indebted to your opponent as they are indebted to you. In a fundamental way then, competing against an opponent is based on cooperation. Upholding high standards of integrity and fair play acknowledges this idea of cooperative competition. An intentional violation of the rules, no matter how small, is cheating and a direct offense against these principles.

The goal of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Intramural Sports Program is to promote lifetime skills through the venue of sports that offer meaning beyond that of a win or a loss, the memory of which quickly fades. All players are expected to play within the context of the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Intramural Sports Program’s spirit of competition.


Our Sportsmanship scale runs from 5.0 to 0.0 in integrals of .5. Teams must maintain an average sportsmanship rating of 3.0 over the course of the season to be eligible for playoffs. All teams must then attain a sportsmanship rating of 3.0 each game to remain in the playoffs.

“5.0” Sportsmanship Rating – Outstanding 

They cooperate fully with the opposing team and officials. The team speaks and asks questions in a respectful manner. 

“4.0” Sportsmanship Rating – Good 

Players display minor sportsmanship issues, but no penalties result from it and players are still respectful. 

“3.0” Sportsmanship Rating – Satisfactory 

Players consistently violate the same rules and the captain does not help to alleviate problems.  

“2.0” Sportsmanship Rating – Poor 

Team exhibited multiple negative actions on the court that involved in game actions from officials or staff. This includes personal, profane, or public acts. 

“1.0” Sportsmanship – Unacceptable  

Multiple ejections and/or sportsmanship penalties, lack of respect for the game, blatant disregard for policies, and teams are completely uncooperative.  

“0.0” Sportsmanship – Abhorrent 

A team will receive a 0.0 if the game is ended early due to it being unsafe. A captain and their team are suspended from play until the captain meets with an Intramural Sports Coordinator. 


Intramural Sports Staff reserves the right to adjust all ratings after conferring with on-site staff and participants within one week of the completion of the game. Team captains will be notified of any changes.


In order for a team to be eligible for post-season play, their Sportsmanship Team Rating must equal an average of 3.0 points or above at the conclusion of regular-season play.


Teams that win by FORFEIT or DEFAULT will not receive a rating for that specific game.
Teams losing by FORFEIT will receive a 2 rating for that specific game.
Teams losing by DEFAULT will receive a 3 rating of that specific game.


The sportsmanship rating a team receives may not be appealed.

Jewelry, Attire, & Safety


University Recreation ensures the presence of First Aid/CPR/AED trained staff during all operating hours, following American Red Cross guidelines, including concussion training.

Participants found bleeding or with blood on their jersey/person will be temporarily removed from the contest until bleeding is under control. Before re-entering the game, bleeding must be stopped, cleaned, and any cuts or lacerations covered.

Jewelry Policy

The use of jewelry or hard hair control devices is prohibited during Intramural Sports activities. This includes, but is not limited to, necklaces, earrings, facial piercings, non-skin-tight bracelets, and watches. Participants may opt to tape over non-removable jewelry items at their own risk; however, UREC does not supply tape. The safety of jewelry may vary based on the specific sport or activity.

Intramural Sports Program staff reserves the right to remove a participant from play if they consider the jewelry unsafe for themselves or others. If participants have concerns about the safety of their jewelry, they should seek pre-approval from IM Sports by contacting

Attire Policy

All participants are required to wear appropriate attire during Intramural Sports activities. This includes shirts/jerseys, shorts/pants, and non-marking shoes that cover the entire foot. Flip-flops, sandals, combat boots, five-fingered shoes (Vibrams), and any form of metal cleats are strictly prohibited. Knee braces are allowed with approved protective covers (neoprene protective covers).

Items such as hard casts, splints, hard-knotted apparel, hard-brimmed hats, or any other equipment deemed harmful to others are strictly prohibited. Eyeglasses must be shatter-resistant, and each player is responsible for their glasses’ safety. The IM Sports supervisor on-site has discretion in determining the potential risk of any unlisted items.

Religious headwear is permitted, and medical alert bracelets are allowed if they are either skin-tight or taped down with the medical information visible.