Biological Safety Resources

UWM Biosafety & Biosecurity Guidelines

UWM Biosafety Manual [PDF]
Biological Control Rules for the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences [PDF]

Lab Startup, Move, & Shutdown Checklists

Biosafety Lab Startup Checklist [PDF]
Biosafety Lab Move Checklist [PDF]
Biosafety Lab Shutdown Checklist [PDF]

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOP – Biological Safety Cabinets [.docx]


Poster – Autoclave Guidelines (adapted from UW-Madison) [PDF]

Biohazardous Materials Guidelines

Guidelines – Raw Sewage or Untreated Wastewater [PDF]

Risk Assessment Resources

PIs or their Group Safety Representative should complete a risk assessment form when submitting any protocols involving new biohazardous agents. If no risk assessment is on file for the lab for a protocol, a new one must be created prior to biosafety protocol approval and discussed with the Biosafety Officer.

Biological Risk Assessment Template [.docx]

Web Resources

The following links are intended to help PIs, lab managers, and other lab personnel to determine the needs for their research facility. It is the responsibility of each research group to utilize these resources to complete the Biosafety Protocol for research or teaching.

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 6th Edition

NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules

Select Agents and Toxins, CDC and USDA APHIS

Risk Group Database by ABSA 

Pathogen Safety Data Sheets: Public Health Agency of Canada

WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 4th Edition. World Health Organization

ASM Guidelines for Biosafety in Teaching Laboratories.

American Biological Safety Association International Position Paper on the Use of UV Lights in Biological Safety Cabinets

Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Association, U.S. DOT

U.S. CDC Import Permit Program  

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

American Biological Safety Association (ABSA)

American Society for Microbiology (ASM)

Midwest Area Biosafety Network (MABioN)

Autoclave Safety Video (courtesy of Arizona State University)