
On-Line Training

 X-Ray Radiation Safety Training 

  • This training presentation provides proper safety procedures if you have an x-ray unit in your laboratory.

Open-Source Radioactive Material User Refresher Training

  • This training presentation provides continuing education to Radiation Workers, Lab Workers and Authorized Users who work with open-source Radioactive Materials.
    • The license issued to UWM by the State of Wisconsin require all users of radioactive material and individuals who work in laboratories where radioactive material is used to complete initial and on-going radiation safety training. The goal is to provide each individual with information needed to work safely with or around radioactive materials. Annual refresher training is required everyone currently working in laboratories where radioactive materials are used. This training, in conjunction with the associated quiz, will serve as refresher training for the year. Your quiz will be submitted to the Radiation Safety Office upon completion.

Open-Source Radioactive Material User Refresher Training – TRITIUM ONLY USERS

Radiation Safety Manuals

Radiation Safety for Laboratory Workers .pdf format, Adobe Acrobat Required(PDF format for printing)

  • This training manual is for Radiation Workers who actively work with radioactive materials or radiation producing machines.
  • This training manual is also for Laboratory Workers who work in radionuclide laboratories but will NOT handle or work with radioactive materials.

Guide to the Safe Use of Radionuclides at the University of Wisconsin .pdf format, Adobe Acrobat Required(PDF format for printing)

  • This training manual is for Authorized Users whose written application for authorization to possess and use radioactive materials has been approved by the Department of Health Services.

UWM Radiation Producing Machines Safety Manual

  • This training manual is for users of radiation producing equipment at UWM.

Radiation Safety Resources