ChemManager+ is a platform for managing chemicals that integrates with ShopUW+ and supports research, instructional, safety, and risk staff in their work. It is part of a multifaceted University of Wisconsin System project to update, standardize, and improve procurement processes.
In Fall 2022, UW-Milwaukee deployed ChemManager+ to departments that order chemicals or maintain chemical inventories. ChemManager+ software is provided at no cost to all teaching and research labs that need it.
Project Team:
- Zack Steuerwald, Campus Lead, Environmental Health and Safety Director
- Jennifer Herriges, Laboratory Safety Coordinator
- PJ Egan, Environmental Health and Safety Specialist III
- ShopUW+ (starting point to access ChemManager+)
- Container Data Loader Template for Legacy Container Upload (Download a local copy so you do not lose data)
- Adding Inventory to ChemManager+ (for adding small quantities of containers ordered from suppliers outside ChemManager+)
- Request Barcode Labels (also available from Department Manager)
- Adding Sublocations Tipsheet (use to add small quantities of sublocations to your locations)
- Location Data Loader Template Use this template to load large quantities of sublocations for your locations. (Download a local copy so you do not lose data)
- Tipsheets and Videos
- ChemManager+ Getting Started
- ChemManager+ Data Loader and Legacy Container Upload
What resources is the project providing to help manage this change? We’ll provide all labs and lab staff with the support they need to reduce the burden of change as much as possible. All we ask is that you adjust your current processes and commit to adopting ChemManager+ to manage your ordering, inventory, and disposal. How much will this cost me? ChemManager+ is funded centrally by campus. The project will provide each lab with the barcode labels and training resources to barcode and upload your existing inventory. University Safety and Assurances (US&A) will provide barcode and barcode flag labels for new and current inventory. Department managers or other designated individuals have been provided initial barcode label stock. You can request more barcode labels from US&A at: Each department or lab will be responsible for shared or their own scanners. Cost varies. Why do we need to use new barcode labels? Barcodes must be unique to each container at each UW institution. Manufacturer barcodes are not unique to each container. Thus, the project had to devise a means to uniquely barcode all containers on each campus. UW-Milwaukee barcodes will begin with “MIL” and have a green bar above to distinguish the barcode from others. Barcode flag labels can be used to attach barcodes to smaller or unique containers. University Safety and Assurances (US&A) will provide barcode and barcode flag labels for new and current inventory. Department managers or other designated individuals have been provided initial barcode label stock. You can request more barcode labels or flag labels from US&A at: What types of scanners do you recommend? There are two barcode scanners that we have tested, are known to work, and are currently available from ShopUW+. Since no devices are centrally supported by IT, you may choose to purchase others. Talk to your local IT support if you have questions or concerns. The two we recommend are: Tethered: Unitech MS836. Vendor: CDW Government. Catalog #: 6265946; Manufacturer Part #: MS836-SUCB00-SG What containers shall be entered into the inventory? Materials in manufacturer’s original containers shall be entered into ChemManager+ to manage your inventory. Materials in secondary containers (i.e., squirt bottles, reservoirs) and other containers (i.e., flasks, beakers) that are not manufacturer’s containers do not need to be inventoried. Can I take the opportunity to dispose of unwanted chemicals as part of this project? Yes. It’s encouraged!! As you are going through your inventory and placing barcodes on the containers, each item should be evaluated and determined if it is needed or if should be disposed of. Contact regarding unwanted chemicals. Is the disposal process changing? When you wish to dispose of a chemical container, you will need to record this action in ChemManager+ to remove the container from inventory. The Dispose of a Container in ChemManager+ tipsheet provides instructions on how to do this. All other physical disposal operations remain the same. If you have questions about the physical disposal of chemicals, you can find more information at How do I purchase barcode labels? You do not need to. University Safety & Assurances will be providing each lab with the labels they need for new inventory. You can request more barcode labels at: Where can I find training and support resources? This ChemManager+ webpage. Scroll to top. I need help or have questions. Who do I talk to? It depends on your question. What is the reconciliation process and how do I perform it? In inventory terms, reconciliation means checking that you have the chemical containers you think you have in any given location. This syncs your actual inventory with the inventory ChemManager+ thinks you have. Keeping your inventory up to date and accurate is important for compliance reporting, and the safety of the UW-Milwaukee community. We recommend doing an inventory reconciliation at least once per year. Do I have to take training before I use ChemManager+? Like any new system, ChemManager+ may take some time to get used to. There are certain operations and terms that are not immediately intuitive. From our experience with the pilot lab users, investing time in the training materials early on will be paid back in time and energy saved later on. The Tipsheets and Videos will help guide you through using ChemManager+. Additional guidance is available at ChemManager+ Getting Started. Can I transfer my Quartzy or spreadsheet inventory to ChemManager+? Yes. If you have inventory saved in Quartzy, a spreadsheet, or another system, we can work with you to transfer the inventory data into ChemManager+. ChemManager+ is free for labs to use and is approved and supported as UW-Milwaukee’s chemical inventory management and purchasing solution. Each chemical container must have a unique barcode. You must be able to barcode your current inventory. We will provide the barcode labels and help you understand the process. Why is there sometimes a difference in the price displayed between ShopUW+ and ChemManager+ for the same chemical? The prices displayed in ChemManager+ are based on live data – this is the price you will pay. Shipping may be additional. In ShopUW+, the information displayed may be less current depending on the vendor. Some vendors update pricing periodically. You will pay the live price regardless of which platform you use to place your order. When will I get access to ChemManager+? At deployment, faculty, staff and students identified as needing access to ChemManager+ were loaded into the system. Those that were loaded into the system need to set up their user profile. Follow the ChemManager+ tipsheets to Access ChemManager+ and Setup User Profile in ChemManager+ (Tipsheet / Video). If unable to access ChemManager+ and setup your user profile, contact to request access. Browser Settings/Requirements ChemManager+ operates within your browser, and cookies are necessary for proper functionality. Chrome is the preferred browser. If you encounter issues, particularly a log in screen appears while navigating, we recommend clearing your browser cache and cookies. See this UWM KB page for assistance, and contact the ChemManager+ team if you have further questions. I can't log in, or keep getting logged out of ChemManager+. When accessing ChemManager+ via ShopUW+, your NetID is used to authenticate. If you encounter a screen asking for a user id and password, as shown below, you will need to cancel the punchout (red button in upper right-hand corner) and re-enter through ShopUW+. This issue likely occurs because of browser settings. Chrome is the recommended browser, and it must be configured to allow cookies. If this issue occurs we recommend clearing your browser cache and cookies. See this UWM KB page for assistance, and contact the ChemManager+ team if you have further questions.
Wireless: Adesso NuScan 4100B. Vendor: Staples Advantage. Catalog #: IM14D4295. Manufacturer Part #: NUSCAN 4100B