Andrea Giachino, the assistant director of visit programs, helps direct traffic and speaks with families. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Kylee Duessler and her parents start to fill moving carts with belongings to take to her new room. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Elisa and Vanessa Hernandez helped secure new students' belongings with shrink wrap. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Members of the Patel family pause for a photo after unpack their car. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Chancellor Mark Mone came to move-in day to meet some of the new students and their families. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Chancellor Mark Mone chats with a new UWM family. (UWM photo/Elora Hennessey)
Arcetta Clay Jones, director of University Housing, speaks with a new student and her mother. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Chancellor Mark Mone checks in on new students in their Sandburg Residence Hall room. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
Marc Young, executive director of Undergraduate Admissions, reassures a MATC transfer student and her family that all of her credits will transfer over to UWM. As of January, students with associate degrees from several schools including MATC can seamlessly transfer 60 credits using a new, simpler process. (UWM Photo/Elora Hennessey)
A burst of new life and enthusiasm can be felt around the UWM campus this week, as more than 3,900 students began moving in to Sandburg and three other residence halls.
Chancellor Mark Mone and other university officials greeted new and returning students and their families at Sandburg, where more than 2,700 students were scheduled to move in between Monday and Wednesday.
Students in the residence halls this year hail from 38 states and 10 countries.