Panel to offer discussion on the Middle East conflict

Recent violent and deadly events in Israel and Palestine have reignited long-standing tensions on college campuses and in communities across the United States and beyond. Many of our students and employees are directly impacted because they have family and friends in the region. A panel discussion on Tuesday, Nov. 21, from 5-6:30 p.m. will explore the context for the fast-moving events in Israel and Gaza and provide an opportunity for civil and respectful discourse around this deeply divisive conflict. The discussion will be held in Engelmann Hall, Room 105.

Panelists will include Othman Atta, executive director of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee; Rabbi Josh Herman, executive director of Hillel Milwaukee; Shale Horowitz, UWM professor of political science; and Caroline Seymour-Jorn, UWM professor of global studies and director of international studies.

This discussion will help support students and colleagues as they navigate how to engage in conversations that acknowledge the human aspects of a deeply contentious crisis.  It is sponsored by the UWM Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the UWM Institute on World Affairs and the UWM Master of Sustainable Peacebuilding program.

Please RSVP for the discussion at this webpage.

For questions, please contact Chia Vang at

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