Mermaid teaches about water and conservation

Children love mermaids. So what better way to engage their interest and teach them about water than to have a mermaid as the teacher?

Pierce VanValkenburg has been performing and teaching as Mermaid Echo for several years. In fall of 2022, VanValkenburg enrolled in the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences to deepen their knowledge of water and conservation.

Mermaid Echo performs and teaches regularly at Discovery World in Milwaukee. The shows are very popular, often filling to capacity an hour before showtime.

Shannon Atwood, director of public experiences at Discovery World, says she was hooked from the start at VanValkenburg’s dedication and focus on science.

“I liked how dedicated to environmental science VanValkenburg was and how they would want to try out performing for the community. Over time, we kind developed a different way of delivering the performance. It’s a visual spectacle, and it’s really cool to see.”