Encourage student participation in the UW Student Health Survey

From March 2-15, UWM will participate in the Universities of Wisconsin Student Health Survey, known as the National College Health Assessment — and faculty and staff can help encourage UWM students to participate.

The results of the confidential and voluntary survey will be used to support UWM students’ success by improving quality health and well-being programs and services. High levels of student engagement in the survey are critical to meaningful results. Please put a UW Student Health Survey flyer on your Canvas course, or in your office or reception area March 2-15. Find survey flyers and more information at the Student Health and Wellness Center NCHA Student Health Survey page.

You might also consider having a representative from the Student Health and Wellness Center give a brief announcement about the survey to your class, team or student group. Please email Danielle Anderson at ande3246@uwm.edu to arrange a time for a short visit.

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