I-Corps Team Feature: STEAM Milwaukee

Leah Rosenbaum (left) and Katie Schober (right), Co-Founders of STEAM Milwaukee

This I-Corps Team Feature focuses on Leah Rosenbaum and Katie Schober, the minds behind STEAM Milwaukee. STEAM Milwaukee works to make science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics-based materials accessible to any student that seeks them. Read on to learn more about their team and their experiences with I-Corps. 


Please give us an introduction to yourselves and your project. 

Leah and Katie: “We are Leah Rosenbaum and Katie Schober. Leah is an education researcher at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Katie is a middle school science teacher at St. Joseph Academy. We are putting together a lending library of hands-on STEAM teaching and learning materials – think robotics kits, science sensors, engineering activities, and math games. Our goal is to make hands-on learning experiences available to teachers and students, especially at schools that might not have funds to purchase all those resources.” 

How did the I-Corps program help you to realize/enhance this project? 

L & K: “I-Corps gave us an invaluable structure in which to identify foundational questions in our project and to seek answers to them through research. Most valuably, it helped us formulate other important questions that we will test next!” 

By your estimation, which part of the I-Corps program held the most value? 

L & K: “Connecting to our mentor, Howard Ting, of the Milwaukee Robotics Academy. His passion for education and depth of business expertise have pushed us to think about our project in incredibly helpful new ways.” 

What is your number one takeaway from your time with I-Corps? 

L & K: “Get out of the building (and your own head) and talk to people!” 

What other projects are you currently working on? 

L & K: “Leah is raising a toddler and Katie is preparing to plant seeds for this summer’s garden.” 


Thank you to Leah and Katie for giving us a peek into your project and your experiences with the I-Corps program. We wish you luck with your future progress and projects!