
Hanyong Park

Associate Professor
 Johnston Hall 123

Personal website


PhD, Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington
MA, Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington
BA, English and French, Ajou University, Korea

Research Interests

Phonetics, speech perception and spoken word recognition, second language learning

Teaching Areas

Phonetics, general linguistics, second language acquisition

Selected Publications

Albuarabi, Saja, and Park, Hanyong. Production and perception of consonant clusters in nonword by Southern Iraqi and Najdi speakersPerspectives on Arabic Linguistics 34. .
Han, Jeong-Im, Park, Hanyong, and Lababidi, Zafer. “Orthography effects on L2 phonetic categorization and lexical encoding” Korean Journal of Linguistics45.3 (2020): 703-724.
Aldholmi, Yahya, and Park, Hanyong. Interactions between temporal acoustics and indexical information in speech rate perceptionJohn Benjamins Publishing Company: Philadelphia/Amsterdam: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 31. 2019: 235-261
Park, Hanyong, and de Jong, Kenneth. “Perceptual category mapping between English and Korean obstruents in non-CV positions: Prosodic location effects in second language identification skills” Journal of Phonetics62. (2017): 12-33.
Lababidi, Zafer, and Park, Hanyong. Perceptual Mapping between Arabic and English ConsonantsPhiladelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 29. 2017: 89-126
Lababidi, Zafer, and Park, Hanyong. L1-English tense-lax vowel system influence on L2-Arabic short and long vowel learningEd. Haddad, Youssef A., and Potsdam, Eric. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 28. 2016: 63-88