Colloquium: Benjamin Campbell

Holton 180

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Benjamin Campbell (Department of Anthropology, UWM) The Role of the Insula in the Emergence of Human Language Language is a hallmark of the human species and its evolutionary origins have long been the topic of speculation among […]

Colloquium: Iwona Kraska-Szlenk

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Iwona Kraska-Szlenk (University of Warsaw) Have you ever wondered why English speakers refer to parts of a clock as a 'face' and 'hands'? Why does a committee have a 'head'? How do artichokes have 'hearts' and mountains […]

MidPhon 24

UWM is hosting the 24th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference on Oct. 4-5. For more information, see the conference website.

Colloquium: Robert Englebretson

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Robert Englebretson (Rice University) Why Braille is not a Tactile ‘Code’ for Visual Print: Evidence from Sublexical Structure Previous research has overwhelmingly demonstrated that fluent reading (of visual print) relies heavily on the unconscious visual recognition of […]

Colloquium: Samantha Beaver

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Samantha Beaver (founder, Memra Language Services; UWM Linguistics class of 2015) Re-framing Language as a Technology; Re-framing the Linguist as a Tech-expert Memra Language Services is a learning and analytics laboratory that brings sociolinguistic research techniques into […]

Graduate School Open House

The UWM Graduate School is hosting a virtual open house on Thursday, October 28 from 6 to 8pm. This is a great event for prospective students interested in learning more about our Linguistics graduate programs. You can learn more and […]

Colloquium: Joseph Siegel

Merrill 315

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Joseph Siegel (Stockholm University) Development and Variation in Academic Listening and Notetaking Listening in academic contexts entails high-stakes situations in which accurate aural comprehension of gist and detail is crucial for learning. Traditionally conceived as one-way listening […]

Five Minute Talks

Merrill 316

Linguistics Five Minute Talk presentations. Program TBA