Colloquium: Eleanor Chodroff

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Eleanor Chodroff (Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University) Uniformity in phonetic realization within natural classes The phonetic realization of a given speech sound varies substantially across languages and across talkers within a language. While many factors contribute to this […]

Colloquium: Christopher Weedall

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Christopher Weedall (visiting scholar, Australian National University) Serial verb constructions in Sajolang (Miji)ː Towards grammaticalization Adjacent verbs in Sajolang (Sino-Tibetan, NE India), which has SOV order, commonly occur where a deeper analysis of the surface structure indicates […]

Colloquium: Peter van Elswyk

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Peter van Elswyk (Department of Philosophy, UWM) The semantics and pragmatics of hedging We often don’t come right out and say it—we hedge. When we do, we use a qualified declarative like Bob retired, I think or […]

Colloquium: Sarah Bakst

Holton 180

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Sarah Bakst (Postdoctoral Researcher, Waisman Center, UW-Madison) Target practice: self-monitoring in L1 and L2 speech production (with Caroline A. Niziolek) We listen to ourselves while speaking to ensure that we say what we intended to say and […]

Colloquium: Timo B. Roettger

Holton 180

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Timo B. Roettger (Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University) Does the tune shape phonology? Human speech has multiple information channels that can simultaneously signal different levels of meaning. One such channel consists of consonants and vowels […]

Colloquium: Benjamin Campbell

Holton 180

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Benjamin Campbell (Department of Anthropology, UWM) The Role of the Insula in the Emergence of Human Language Language is a hallmark of the human species and its evolutionary origins have long been the topic of speculation among […]

Colloquium: Iwona Kraska-Szlenk

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Iwona Kraska-Szlenk (University of Warsaw) Have you ever wondered why English speakers refer to parts of a clock as a 'face' and 'hands'? Why does a committee have a 'head'? How do artichokes have 'hearts' and mountains […]

MidPhon 24

UWM is hosting the 24th Annual Mid-Continental Phonetics and Phonology Conference on Oct. 4-5. For more information, see the conference website.

Colloquium: Robert Englebretson

Holton 190

Linguistics Department Colloquium: Robert Englebretson (Rice University) Why Braille is not a Tactile ‘Code’ for Visual Print: Evidence from Sublexical Structure Previous research has overwhelmingly demonstrated that fluent reading (of visual print) relies heavily on the unconscious visual recognition of […]