Colloquium: Paolo Santorio

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: Paolo Santorio, University of Leeds "Alternatives and Truthmakers in Conditional Semantics" Abstract: Most contemporary theories of conditionals in semantics are descendants of Stanaker/Lewis/Kratzer's comparative closeness analysis. I start by revisiting a classical problem for this analysis: conditionals with […]

Colloquium: Sonia Barnes

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: Sonia Barnes, Marquette University Interactional stance, sociolinguistic style and the use of contact features in Asturian Spanish This study investigates the relation between the use of Asturian third person ye, interactional stance and sociolinguistic style in Asturian Spanish. […]

Colloquium: David Pesetsky

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: David Pesetsky, MIT Islands in the modern world The existence of islands, syntactic domains that block long-distance A-bar movement, remains one of the outstanding unsolved puzzles of syntactic theory.  It is by now well-established that apparent long-distance movement […]

Colloquium: Garry Davis

Holton 190

Beating the Odds: The shift of the post-vocalic voiceless singletons and geminates in pre-Old High German The marked outputs of the suite of changes known as the High German Consonant Shift are often attributed to the strong aspiration of the […]

Colloquium: Claire Halpert

Holton 190

Linguistics colloquium: Claire Halpert, University of Minnesota "Raising Hell" In this talk, I investigate cross-linguistic patterns that arise in raising-to-subject constructions.  Current theories of raising-to-subject are built around the English pattern shown below, where (1) and (2) are grammatical but (3) is not: […]