Past Exhibits in the AGSL
Universal Questions: Mapping the Skies Through Time
Mapping the stars as they rotate through the night sky is an ancient art practiced by people all over the world. The ways people talk about space change over time thanks to scientific discoveries, but humanity continues to be deeply curious about the Universe around us. The maps, charts, globes, books, and posters displayed in this exhibit document the wide variety of questions human beings ask about space. The materials serve as visualizations of the insights we’ve discovered about the Universe and the stories we’ve told about humanity’s place in it. From ancient times and into the future, humans are fascinated with investigating the depths of space….
Prepared by Anna Rohl.
A digital version of the exhibit can be found here.
Journeying the Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad was a network of routes and some safe houses used by enslaved people to escape to freedom in the 19th century. Estimates vary wildly about how many people escaped slavery using the Underground Railroad – anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000. “Journeying the Underground Railroad” showcases the daunting task of those who risked everything to achieve freedom, how slavery in the United States came to be, and how those who escaped lived their lives after slavery. Using maps, atlases, and books that follow the journey from the Southeast to the Northeast, this exhibit shows the routes taken and how difficult these journeys must have been. Prepared by Georgia Brown, Lillian Pachner, and Anna Rohl.
Digital version of Journeying the Underground Railroad can be found here.
Cartographic Depictions of Wind
This exhibit draws from the collections of the American Geographical Society Library to illustrate how the representation of wind on cartographic objects evolved as scientific knowledge of wind expanded.
Prepared by Marcy Bidney.
Mapping Patagonia
Since the first interactions between the native people of South America and European explorers, cartography documents their history. Whether it is European place names in the region or illustrations depicting native people and South American animals, the European perception of the land and its people influence the maps. How do the maps change over time? What changes about the colors or illustrations? Prepared by Georgia Brown and Brendan Dooley.
Digital version of Mapping Patagonia can be found here.
Mapping the National Parks
Since 1872, when President Ulysses S. Grant designated Yellowstone as the nation’s first National Park, the park system has grown to include 423 park sites across the United States. Mapping the National Parks system, by state, federal, and private entities alike, has changed how people think about geology, tourism, land management, and the rights and customs of the parks’ original Indigenous inhabitants. How have the National Parks changed in the past 150 years? Can we see these changes on maps? What’s next for America’s beloved natural landscapes? Prepared by Georgia Brown.
Digital version of Mapping the Grand Canyon can be found here.
“100th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Conference”
November – December 2019
This exhibit highlighted the role of the AGS at the Paris Peace Conference following WWI. Besides providing thousands of maps, atlases, books and nautical charts from the AGSL, which were shipped to France for use by the American delegation, the AGS building and its staff were involved in the work of the so-called “Inquiry” which preceded the actual Conference. Starting in November 1917, a team of geographers, historians, regional experts and cartographers worked in secret at the AGS headquarters building, drawing on the library’s vast resources to produce reports and maps for the American negotiators to use at the Peace Conference. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
A digital exhibit that features some of the same materials can be found here. Prepared by Georgia Brown.
“Lake Tourism”
September 2019 – December 2019
This exhibit highlighted lakes and water features in the United States, using maps, books, and postcards. Prepared by Georgia Brown.
“Northern North America and the Northwest Passage”
April 2019 – September 2019
Maps, atlases, and books from the 16th to the 19th centuries that depict the far northern reaches of the continent and the search for the elusive “Northwest Passage.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Visualizing the Moon”
February 2019 – April 2019
Featuring lunar maps, atlases, books, globes, and photographs, this exhibit is part of UWM’s event series celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing.
“The AGS Library at UW-Milwaukee: Celebrating 40 Years Important and Unusual Acquisitions of the AGS Library since coming to Milwaukee.”
October 2018 – January 2019
This exhibit featured items new to the collection since 1978. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“100 Years After World War I: The Legacy of the American Plan for Peace and the American Geographical Society”
June 2018 – September 2018
Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Early Images of South America”
April 2018 – June 2018
Maps, atlases, and books, primarily from the 18th century but with some earlier and later examples, featuring South America, with a focus on Peru and the Amazon Region. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic. Read more here.
“The AGS Library at UW-M: Celebrating 40 Years in Milwaukee”
January 22 – March 30, 2018
In August 1978, Milwaukee welcomed the American Geographical Society Library (AGSL) to its new home at the UW-Milwaukee Libraries. AGSL exhibits for this special anniversary year highlight the library’s activities and achievements over the last 40 years, beginning with an exhibit devoted to the publications of the AGSL. Read more here.
“Early Mapping of the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Region”
September 20 – November 3, 2017
Rare maps, atlases, and books, primarily from the 18th & 19th centuries, focused on the exploration and mapping of the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and the upper Midwest region. Prepared in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries taking place at the AGSL this September. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Flows of Illusion: Waterways to the Pacific Ocean,”
April 13 – July 28, 2017
Maps, atlases, and books from the AGSL illustrating the search for a possible water passageway across the North American continent from the late 16th to mid-19th centuries. In support of the 2017 Holzheimer Lecture by Chris Lane. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Sampling Treasures: AGSL Materials Used in a World of Ways,”
January 17 – April 7, 2017
From children’s books to PhD dissertations, museum exhibits to postage stamps, scholarly publications to calendars – an exhibit highlighting some of the many different ways materials from the AGSL have been used around the globe. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Treasures of the AGSL,”
September – December 2016
Rare materials were highlighted in conjunction with special events and tours at the AGSL: Open Doors Milwaukee, IMCOS field trip, WLA conference. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Encounters in the New World: Jesuit Cartography in the Americas,”
April 28 – August 26, 2016
In support of Mirela Altic’s 2016 Holzheimer Lecture, maps and books relating to the role Jesuits played in the mapping of North and South America, and their influence on European cartographers’ representations of the New World in the 17th and 18th centuries. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Borders Drawn and Crossed: Women Cartographers/Geographers/Explorers,”
March 15 – April 22, 2016
(Repeat showing of earlier exhibit which had originally been up for only the 3 days of the conference) Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Geological Mapping,”
December 20, 2015 – March 10, 2016
Examples of historical and contemporary maps and atlases from around the world, dealing with geology. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“American Pictorial Maps, 1920-1970,”
April 23 – December 2015
Examples of pictorial maps produced in the US between 1920 and1970, in support of the 2015 Holzheimer Lecture by Stephen Hornsby. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Borders Drawn and Crossed: Women Cartographers/Geographers/Explorers,”
April 19 -21, 2015
Exhibit prepared for a conference of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography, “Gendered Rights to the City,” which was held in the AGSL April 19-20, 2015. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Charting the Seas,”
October 20, 2014 – April 10, 2015
Examples of nautical charts, selected from among the thousands held by the AGSL. Highlights included a 1569 chart of the Mediterranean region, the first sea chart to be engraved and printed on copperplate, and a manuscript chart of the coast of Australia drawn by Capt. James Cook. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“When the Earth Trembles . . .,”
July 28 – October 10, 2014
Maps, books, and atlases, dating from the 17th to the 21st centuries, about earthquakes and volcanoes around the world. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
April 10 – July 18, 2014
An exhibit about Mexico, focusing particularly on the state of Oaxaca where the AGSL’s rare 17th century Mexican document, the Ixtepeji Scroll, is from. Books, maps and atlases, all from the AGSL and dating from the 16th century to the present, were on display. In conjunction with the 2014 Holzheimer Lecture. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Niagara Escarpment: Its Impact on Great Lakes Geology and Geography,”
November 21, 2013 – April 4, 2014
Maps, atlases, books, and photographs from the collections of the AGSL, with rock and fossil samples loaned by the UWM Geosciences Department. In conjunction with the 2013 GeoFocus Lecture. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“In Good Spirits,”
August 7 – November 15, 2013
An exhibit of maps, books, and atlases about wine, beer, and breweries in Wisconsin and around the world. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Andrew Ellicott, Early American Surveyor,”
April 18 – August 2, 2013
In conjunction with the 2013 Maps and America Lecture by Chas Langelan on “Andrew Ellicott: Early America’s Preeminent Surveyor,” this exhibit featured maps and articles by Ellicott, as well as early books on surveying and historic maps and books on the city of Washington, DC. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Art in Cartography / Cartography in Art,”
February 12 – April 12, 2013
Exhibit focusing on the decorative elements in maps, both historic and modern, and on artists who use maps in their work. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Looking Northward,”
November 8, 2012 – January 25, 2013
Historical and contemporary maps, atlases, books and photographs dealing with the Arctic. Complementing the 2012 GeoFocus Lecture by Lawson Brigham on “The New Maritime Arctic: Global Connections and Changing Access.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Napoleon in Egypt,”
September 30 – November 2, 2012
Exhibit highlighting the AGSL’s copy of the 19th century “Description de l’Egypte,” in conjunction with a talk on “Napoleon in Egypt: The Beginning of Egyptology” by Bob Brier (talk was jointly sponsored by the Map Society of Wisconsin and the Archaeological Institute of America-Milwaukee Society). Prepared by Jovanka Ristic
“War of 1812,”
August 13 – September 26, 2012
Maps, atlases and books concerning the War of 1812 and its aftermath. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“George Washington’s Vision of America,”
April 24 – July 27, 2012
Examples of maps of America George Washington is known to have owned and consulted throughout his life, as well as other AGSL materials relating to Washington, to complement the 2012 Holzheimer Lecture by Barnet Schechter on “Mapping a Life, Mapping a Nation: George Washington’s Vision of America.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Gerhard Mercator: Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of His Birth,”
February – April 18, 2012
Featuring the AGSL’s very rare Mercator 1538 world map (one of only two extant copies), as well as other maps, atlases and books by and about the creator of the “Mercator projection.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Routes: Pathways of Ideas and Goods,”
October 11, 2011 – January 2012
In conjunction with the annual GeoFocus Lecture, which featured Stewart Gordon speaking on, “Routes: How the Pathways of Ideas and Goods Shaped Our World.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“China Revealed: Maps and Photographs from the American Geographical Society Library,”
June 13 – October 3, 2011
A sampling of maps, atlases, books, photographs, paintings and postcards of China from the AGSL, part of the “Summer of China at UWM Libraries” exhibit. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Cartographic Innovation in the Civil War Era,”
April 5 – June 8, 2011
Examples of early US thematic mapping, especially in relation to the Civil War, in conjunction with the 2011 Holzheimer Maps and America Lecture given by Susan Schulten in April. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Cartography of Comestibles: Mapping What We Eat & Drink,”
February 7 – April 1, 2011
Maps, atlases and books dealing with the production and distribution of various foods and beverages. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Sir Frances Drake: The World Encompassed, 1577-1580,”
November 6, 2010 – January 31, 2011
Organized in support of a lecture, reception and concert by the musical group “Fretwork,” which explored themes of Sir Frances Drake and his circumnavigation of the globe. These events were jointly sponsored by the Map Society of Wisconsin and Early Music Now. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The AGS Transcontinental Excursion of 1912,”
October 7 – November 1, 2010
Examples of photographs, books, maps and other artifacts from the 1912 Excursion, which was the topic of Fritz Nelson’s presentation for the 2010 Wilkommen GeoFocus Lecture. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Literary Maps,”
September 2010
Maps relating to particular authors, and maps of places, both real and imagined, that figure prominently in literary works. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“US Road Maps,”
April – August 2010
In support of the April 2010 Holzheimer Maps and America Lecture on “Making Connections: Road Maps and the Nation,” presented by Jim Akerman of the Newberry Library. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Central Asia,”
March – April 2010
Maps, atlases, books and artifacts relating to Central Asia, organized in conjunction with a lecture held in the AGSL on “Iran’s Mongol Experience” by David Morgan of UW-Madison. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Korea and the Daedong yeojido,”
November 2009 – February 2010
The AGSL’s copy of the rare Korean map, Daedong yeojido (“Territorial Map of the Great East”) was the centerpiece of this exhibit of historic Korean maps and photographs. The exhibit complemented a day-long symposium on this map held in the AGSL on Nov. 20, featuring speakers from the US and Korea. Exhibit prepared by Angie Cope.
October – November 2009
In conjunction with the Oct. 28 Wilkommen GeoFocus Lecture by Richard Marston on “Land, Life, and Environmental Change in the Himalayas,” an exhibit of historic and contemporary maps, atlases and books dealing with that region. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Geography of the Heavens,”
September – October 2009
Maps and globes of the moon, planets, and constellations and books concerning astronomy were featured, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the invention of the telescope. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Commodore Perry and Japan,”
April – August 2009
Focusing on maps made by Perry’s crew and other early Western books and maps about Japan, this exhibit accompanied the annual Holzheimer Maps and America Lecture given by John Schroeder. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Getting There: Finding Our Way in the World,”
January – April 2009
An exhibit of maps relating to travel and movement, which complemented the concurrent installation “Daily Navigation” by AGSL artist-in-residence Leah Schreiber. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Suburban Gothic,”
October – December 2008
An exhibit highlighting the theme of suburbs in America, to coincide with the inaugural Willkommen GeoFocus Lecture given by John Rennie Short. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“30th Anniversary of the AGSL at UWM,”
June – October 2008
In conjunction with the AGSL’s anniversary events, this special exhibit highlighted the activities and achievements of the AGSL during its first 30 years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Millionth Map of Latin America,”
May – June 2008
Prepared to complement the 2008 Holzheimer Maps and America Lecture by Alastair Pearson and Michael Heffernan entitled, “Ordering the South: the Mapping of Hispanic America by the American Geographical Society.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping the Commons,”
December 2007 – April 2008
An exhibit prepared in support of the Center for 21st Century Studies symposium, “From Magna Carta to the Sky Trust: the Historical Arc of the Commons,” which was held in the AGSL. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Expanding Horizons, Collapsing Frontiers,”
June – November 2007
An exhibit prepared for the national conference of the World History Association, which was held in Milwaukee and included a session held at the AGSL. Exhibit prepared by Angie Cope.
“History of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey,”
April – May 2007
An exhibit prepared in conjunction with John Cloud’s 2007 Holzheimer “Maps and America” Lecture. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Central America,”
February – March 2007
Historic maps, atlases and books about the region, which served as a backdrop for both an event honoring UWM geography professor emeritus Clinton Edwards and a Map Society of Wisconsin program. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The World in 1956,”
September 2006 – January 2007
An exhibit highlighting world events in 1956, to coincide with the celebration of UWM’s 50th anniversary in 2006. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping the American Landscape,”
March – August 2006
An exhibit showcasing the mapping of America, to complement Joel Morrison’s presentation of the annual Holzheimer “Maps and America” Lecture. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Amazon and South America,”
September 2005 – February 2006
Maps, atlases and books focusing on Latin America, prepared in conjunction with Chancellor Carlos Santiago’s “Academic Adventurers” lecture, held in the AGSL in September. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Irish President’s Visit,”
August 2005
A number of rare maps from the AGSL were selected for inclusion in a special exhibit prepared for the visit of Ireland’s president to the UWM campus. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping of the Civil War,”
April – August 2005
This exhibit of maps, atlases, and books was in support of the 2005 Holzheimer Lecture on maps and mapping of the US Civil War, presented by Earl McElfresh. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“People on the Move,”
March – April 2005
An exhibit focusing on population migration and diasporas, prepared in conjunction with the UWM Center for 21st Century Studies’ conference on “Routing Diasporas,” which was held in the AGSL on April 8-9, 2005. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Travel Photography and the Western Image of Tibet: The Work of Harrison Forman,”
December 2004 – February 2005
This exhibit was guest curated by Beth Carlson, a UWM art history master’s degree student, as part of her thesis requirements. It featured primarily photographs, as well as books, scrapbooks, and a video, all drawn from the AGSL’s Forman collection. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Pen, Paper, Passport: Tales of Travel in the AGSL,”
October – November 2004
An exhibit showcasing examples of travel writing and travel maps, timed to coincide with an international conference on travel writing which was being held in Milwaukee in October. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“American Treasures,”
March – September 2004
American maps of the 18th and 19th centuries were featured in this exhibit, prepared in support of the 2004 Holzheimer Lecture by David Rumsey on “New Uses for Old Maps.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“St. Petersburg, Russia,”
October 2003 – February 2004
An exhibit celebrating the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, prepared in conjunction with an ACSL “Academic Adventurers” talk on St. Petersburg by Prof. Philip Shashko. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Charting Louisiana,”
April – September 2003
An exhibit in support of the 2003 Holzheimer Lecture presented by Dr. John R. Hebert. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The AGSL at UWM: 25 Years of Holiday Cards, 1978-2003,”
January – April 2003
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the AGSL in Milwaukee, this exhibit featured examples of all the holiday cards prepared by the AGSL over the years, displayed together with the original items from which they were taken. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Urban Mapping,”
September – December 2002
An exhibit of historic and modern city plans and views. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Aviation and Aeronautical Mapping,”
April – August 2002
An exhibit in support of the 2002 Holzheimer Lecture by Ralph Ehrenberg on “American Aeronautical Charting.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping of the Great Lakes,”
November 2001 – March 2002
Materials highlighting the Great Lakes region, to complement both “Academic Adventurers” and Map Society of Wisconsin lectures dealing with Great Lakes themes which were held during that time. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“IMCOS Exhibit,”
October 2001
Special exhibit of AGSL treasures put out for the visit of the International Map Collectors’ Society, which was having its annual meeting in Chicago and Milwaukee. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Treasures of the AGSC,”
May – September 2001
Examples of some of the highlights of the collection, including rare maps, atlases, and books, prepared in conjunction with the 2001 Holzheimer Lecture and AGS Sesquicentennial Symposium held in May 2001. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Island Getaways,”
February – May 2001
Maps, atlases, books, and photographs of various islands that are popular vacation destinations. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Geographic Education,”
October 2000 – January 2001
An exhibit including textbooks, geographical games, puzzles, posters, and other materials relating to the teaching of geography. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping of Washington, D.C.,”
April – September 2000
Prepared in support of the 2000 Holzheimer Lecture, “City of Magnificent Distances: Designing and Mapping the Nation’s Capital,” which was presented by Richard Stephenson in April. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Millennium in Maps,”
January – April 2000
An exhibit showing examples of maps from each century of the first millennium. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Representing Animals,”
September – December 1999
Exhibit in support of a meeting and paper session of the Conference of Administrative Officers of the American Council of Learned Societies, which was held in the AGSL in October. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“U.S. Geological Survey: Its History in Maps,”
April – August 1999
Exhibit prepared for the Holzheimer Lecture presented by Gary North. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Art of Cartography: Maps in the Eighteenth Century,”
March 1999
An exhibit of decorative maps prepared in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, which was held in Milwaukee in March. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Mapping of Wisconsin,”
October 1998 – February 1999
Prepared to coincide with the North American Cartographic Information Society’s annual conference, which was held in Milwaukee in October and included a lecture and reception held at the AGSL. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Spanish-American War,”
September 1998
Exhibit prepared in conjunction with a conference on the centennial of the Spanish-American War, which was organized by Prof. Julio Rodriguez-Luis of the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese and held on campus. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Treasures of the AGS Collection,”
June – August 1998
Exhibit prepared as part of the events celebrating the 20th anniversary of the move of the AGSL to Milwaukee. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Où est Ouisconsin? Mapping Wisconsin’s French Connections,”
March – May 1998
Exhibit of early French mapping of Wisconsin and North America, prepared as part of the “Wisconsin’s French Connections” activities taking place on campus and also in support of the Holzheimer Lecture given by David Buisseret. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Out of This World: Maps of the Stars and Planets,”
November 1997 – February 1998
Prepared in support of a Map Society of Wisconsin lecture by Robert Burnham on celestial mapping. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Summer of Festivals,”
June – October 1997
Highlighting items representing the various ethnic groups holding summer festivals in Milwaukee. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“How the West Was Mapped,”
April – May 1997
Exhibit prepared in conjunction with the Holzheimer Lecture delivered by Norman Thrower of UCLA. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Milwaukee’s Sesquicentennial,”
December 1996 – March 1997
Part of the library-wide commemoration of this event. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Globe Symposium: The Sphere of the Cartographer,”
October – November 1996
Prepared as part of the unique exhibition and symposium held in the AGSL in October. Globes for the exhibit were drawn from Chicago’s Newberry Library and Adler Planetarium, the Library of Congress, UW-Madison, Milwaukee Public Museum, and private collectors, including Arthur Holzheimer, the event’s sponsor. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“The Great Lakes,”
June – September 1996
Prepared for the annual conference of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, hosted by UWM’s Center for Great Lakes Studies in June. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“American Place Names,”
April – June 1996
Exhibit in support of the Holzheimer Lecture “What’s In a Name?” given by Alice Rechlin in April. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Ethnic Costumes of the World,”
November 1995 – April 1996
Exhibit to highlight Geography Awareness Week in November, whose theme for the year was “Geography: Passport to the World.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Early French Mapping of North America,”
September – November 1995
Prepared for the benefit of attendees of an international conference on French literature, sponsored by SATOR, the Société d’Analyse de la Topique Romanesque. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Historic Books and Maps of Ireland,”
July – September 1995
Exhibit to coincide with Irish Fest and Irish School, a summer program sponsored by and held at UWM. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Jones Island,”
May – June 1995
Early maps of Milwaukee and maps, book, and photos of Jones Island, to accompany a lecture by John Gurda on the history of Jones Island. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Natural Hazards,”
April 1995
Prepared to accompany the Holzheimer Lecture on “Cartographies of Danger” by Mark Monmonier. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Treasures of the AGSC,”
August 1994 – March 1995
Rare items from the map, book, atlas, and photo collections were exhibited in conjunction with a tour by a group from URISA (Urban & Regional Information Systems Association), which was holding its national convention in Milwaukee in August. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Botanical Images,”
June – July 1994
Botanical illustrations from books in the AGSL, and maps and atlases dealing with plant geography. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Russian America,”
April – May 1994
In support of Alexei Postnikov’s Holzheimer Lecture on “The Mapping of Russian America.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“World’s Fairs,”
February – March 1994
Prepared in conjunction with a talk on “World’s Fairs as Model Cities and Cultural Artifacts” given at the AGSL by Thomas Schlereth (U. of Notre Dame). Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“County Atlases,”
January 1994
Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Treasures of the AGS Collection,”
June 1993
Over 80 participants in the International Conference on the History of Cartography, being held at the Newberry Library in Chicago, visited the AGSL for a luncheon, program, and tour, featuring this special exhibition. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Historic Maps of North America,”
April – May 1993
In support of the Holzheimer Lecture delivered by Alan Henrickson on “Maps and American Foreign Policy.” Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Ornithological Exhibit,”
February 10 – March 15, 1993
Images of birds from 1600 through 1900, including two elephant-size Audubon prints. Prepared by Sharon Hill.
“Maps and the Columbian Encounter,”
October 7 – November 18, 1992
Exhibition of rare and historic maps, atlases, and books from the AGSL, UWM Library’s Special Collections, the Newberry Library, and the collection of Arthur Holzheimer. Prepared by Christopher Baruth, Mark Warhus, Sharon Hill, and Jovanka Ristic.
“Maps of the Holy Land,”
December 9, 1986 – January 16, 1987; December 9, 1987 – January 15, 1988; December 1988 – January 1989
Prepared by Christopher Baruth and Jovanka Ristic.
August 1986
Over 100 maps and books dealing with African demography and history, in conjunction with a National Science Foundation-sponsored seminar on the demographics of Africa, held in the AGSL. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.
“Maps of the Holy Land,”
December 10, 1985 – January 15, 1986
Prepared by Christopher Baruth.
“China, Through the Eyes of an American Airman During World War II,”
September 1985
Photographs and watercolors of China by Bert Krawczyk, along with maps of China from the WWII period. Prepared by Jovanka Ristic.