“Uniting to Resist Attacks on Our Land & Identities: Building on the Queer Indigenous Movement in the Americas”

Monday, October 30, 2:00pm-3:00pm
LGBT Resource Center (WG-89)
“Uniting to Resist Attacks on Our Land & Identities: Building on the Queer Indigenous Movement in the Americas”
A presentation by Gaspar Sánchez
Since 2014 Gaspar Sánchez has served on COPINH’s leadership team as the Sexual Diversity & Rights Equality Coordinator. COPINH is the first Indigenous organization in Latin America to establish LGBTQ issues as a pillar of its work. Sánchez also hosts a radio program, Los Colores de Wiphala, that discusses human rights with an emphasis on the LGBTQ community. He leads community trainings on Indigenous rights, territorial defense, and protecting Mother Nature’s common goods under siege by extractivist projects.
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This event is co-sponsored by: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Studies, Electa Quinney Institute, LGBT Studies, Roberto Hernández Center, and the Center for International Education.