Thursday, October 11, 2018
Dr. Lilia Soto, University of Wyoming is the author of Girlhood in the Borderlands: Mexican Teens Caught in the Crossroads of Migration. Dr. Soto will give a talk titled Migration Marks: Time, Waiting, and Desires for Migration.… Continue Reading »
Lyrical Sanctuary Presents Ariana Brown
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
In celebration of Latinx Heritage Month, the Black Mexican American poet, performer, and workshop facilitator Ariana Brown will be our feature. Ariana’s work speaks about Blackness in a Mexican American context, mental health, spirituality, womanhood, and healing.… Continue Reading »
Tortilla Making Workshop
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Join LACUSL Advisor, Alida and learn to make your own corn tortillas. Cook them on the comal and have a bite!… Continue Reading »
Oráculo Jade Mesoamerican Card Readings
Thursday, September 27 & Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Receive a 5-card Oráculo Jade reading based on Mesoamerican Cosmology that will provide insight on your past, present, and future. Readings are one-on-one and last 15 minutes.… Continue Reading »
Full Moon Ceremony w/ the Strawberry Moon Women Singers
Monday, September 24, 2018
Join Wisconsin-based Indigenous women’s hand drum group, Strawberry Moon Women Singers (SMWS), for a Full Moon Ceremony honoring Grandmother Metztli (Moon). Sacred songs and teachings of the Mexica or Macehual tradition will be shared. SMWS sing songs in Spanish, Nahuatl, English, and Anishinaabemowin.… Continue Reading »
Latinx: Why the X? A Workshop
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
A workshop contextualizing the use of the terms “Hispanic,” “Latina/o,” to present-day “Latinx,” exploring how “Latinx” crafts space beyond the gender binary towards greater inclusivity. Tools for classroom, workspace, and social applications will be shared. All students, staff, faculty, and community members invited.… Continue Reading »
Latinx Heritage Month @ UWM
September 15-October 15, 2018
Latinx Heritage Month at UWM is coordinated by a team of campus stakeholders offering a variety of programs that recognize and celebrate the history, culture and contributions of people of Latinx, Afro-Latinx, Chicanx, Latin American, Caribbean, Spanish and Indigenous descent in the United States.… Continue Reading »